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Found 5 results

  1. When a water conditioner says it "detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate," does that mean A) Bacteria can no longer use the ammonia and nitrite to maintain the cycle? B) The plants can't use the nitrate? C) Those substances won't show up on my test kits? D) The ammonia will only be "detoxified" briefly? (My cheap water conditioner is running low, so I'm seeing if there's a better option to buy.)
  2. I got a deal on a scaleblaster 75 on clearance. They are said to remove scale and hard water deposits and I do believe they can. My questions are 1. Is anyone on the forum keeping and filling tanks with one in use on your tap water. 2. Since it alters the adhesive properties of things in the water I worry that it will hinder beneficial bacteria inhabiting biofilms. The tanks it would be used are auto water change on hard city tap with chloramines. I use mattenfilters and sponge filters on all of them. My main complaint is airstone clogging and scale on my glass lids. I do think the scaleblaster can help with this but at what cost? Thanks for your time. -s1
  3. So since the TexasSnowmageddon, my city is dosing ammonia it seems. I'm regularly getting 1ppm from the tap. I've set up a 32gal can with aerators and some Fluval Ammonia Remover to see if that could possibly drop the ppm prior to water changes. Has any one else tried this method? Will the ammonia burn off just from aeration? I could always not deal with this and use Prime during the waterchange to nullify the ammonia as my 72g planted tank can eat off 1ppm NH3/4 in about 24hrs. Anyone got any ideas to prep water and remove ammonia?
  4. Of course there are probably cycling threads, however, I have a specific question(s). I have been cycling an old (sanitized and cleaned) 20 gallon since about February 1st, so about 5 weeks. So far, I have a sponge filter, heater, sand substrate, a few rocks and some live plants from my well established 37gal. As far as water goes, I have only treated the water with conditioner / dechlorinator. I entertained the idea of quick start, but hadn't gotten around to adding it yet. The goal for this tank is fresh water community, with an emphasis on the snails that have recently hatched from my in house clutch. Ideally, I want to get fish to add and quarantine in that tank this week. Then after they q, add my snail babies. 🙂 Question: What else should I do to or for the water? Should I add the quick start? Add water from their existing home, my 37gal tank? I've also read about the fish food start and the fish in, do you recommend or have a different suggestion? How does water conditioner and quick start intereact: ok to add / have both? Thanks so much!
  5. so, as a true newbie here, I seem to have soo many questions! here's the latest. I just bought Aquarium Solutions water conditioner (from here). but when I read the label, I see it says to not use with any permanganate - based or chlorite-based products. I have looked at most of my stuff here, but can't for the life of me figure out what I might be looking for in a "based" type product. Can anyone help? I have Fritz zyme 7, and Seachem stability here, which I think should be ok, but what do I need to watch out for? how about using it with the med trio? thanks all!
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