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Everything posted by Root

  1. It looks like rhabdocoela flatworms or another harmless detritus worm. I have had them for many months off and on in one of my dirted tanks. They go away when I house a pregnant fish in the tank and come back when I rehome the mom and fry. In my experience they are harmless and good for the ecosystem. Looks like a nice healthy tank to me.
  2. I think so! It makes sense that it would be grown that way especially since it is prone to algae. Wow this looks beautiful. Do you have it attached to anything or is it just taking to the glass naturally? I have always been intrigued by the moss backgrounds.
  3. Yeah I would appreciate that if you get a chance. Thank you
  4. I purchased a crypt from my local fish store that was infested with planaria. Didn’t see it until I got home. I put it in a nano cube with a betta and snails and never saw the planaria again. I have heard planaria is bad for inverts and I have heard that they aren’t. Cory has mentioned that he has them and breeds shrimp just fine. I’m on the fence about them. Will they eat a shrimp? Probably if the circumstances allowed, but so do my fish.
  5. I introduced some Christmas Moss last year and it died off over the months (so I thought) and now it is growing in various areas throughout the tank. The Christmas Moss is spreading on a good bit of the driftwood nicely, but there is this one spot right under the light and filter output that is super leggy. It has reached about 4 inches. Is this normal behavior?
  6. I was initially thinking how it was nice to see a snail dedicated tank, but then I saw the puffer lol. I would like to try out a banana plant one day. The picture of yours is nice.
  7. Yes and no lol. The one in the top picture was taken from a pier, but sadly the locals feed him which makes him more of a danger. The rest around here have their ponds and stay lazy. Lol
  8. That would be an alligator That would be an alligator 🐊
  9. Here are some pics I’ve taken around me here in Mississippi.
  10. What is the state of the other fish in the aquarium? Everyone doing ok? Swimming around and eating? Is it just this guppy?
  11. Beautiful tank! Love the crypts and Anubias stashed in the rocks. I have noticed my endlers and platies have similar behavior when there isn’t much oxygen/water flow, but that is just my experience. This was especially the case when I let my tank get over ran with water lettuce. It has been reported that they can be raised with low to no filtration/flow, but I wonder if that that might have something to do with it. 🤔
  12. How is the hobby going for you? Overall it is going well. Where I am at we don’t have fish meetups or swaps, but I have a couple of friends who have gotten into the hobby recently and we have been trading fish and plants. It has been fun. How do you feel about the hobby? The last couple of months I was going through the motions. I was maintaining the tanks, watering changing, and so forth, but it was feeling robotic. I changed a couple things up in my main display and I have been really excited about it here lately. Guess it was a change of scenery lol. How are your tanks doing? About 6 months ago, I applied too much glue to a couple of Anubias Hostafolia. They stayed the same size and the only growth I noticed was them rebuilding the roots that I messed up. The other day I came home from work and sat at the aquarium to unpack my mind. I noticed two leaves starting to form! I must say I am pretty pumped up because I thought I had killed them. The fish and invertebrates are happy and breeding too.
  13. It really depends. This is one of those things where you will have to do research and confirm that the source you’re wanting these fish from is reputable. There are some awesome online fish stores that go above and beyond and some really bad ones that don’t. When I purchase fish online, I typically look at reviews from within the website. Once I do that, I Google them to see if there are reviews anywhere else. I might even look at forums to see if they are mentioned there as well. You also have to keep in mind that shipping in general can be the hardest obstacle. If the online fish store does well, the shipping service might not, or bad or extreme weather could have a negative effect. There are many risks, but at the end of the day, make sure they love their fish as much as you do. Try to make sure there’s a dead on arrival policy or that they are willing to make it up somehow if everything is up to their policy.
  14. Definitely a good question and something I have wondered about. Once it is introduced, I don’t know if it is something the shrimp pass on to one another or if it just stays in the tank and and attacks that way. From what I have heard you almost have to nuke the tank to get rid of that stuff. I had a friend that fought that stuff for months. Please keep us updated.
  15. This is very insightful. Does this also apply for regular albino BNP? I have two in my tank that I have been waiting to show bristles.
  16. Just a couple of questions: Is it possible to send pictures? Are they solid gold? I ask because my local fish store sells both Chinese algae eaters and otocinclus together, and when the Chinese algae eaters are young, they are very similar to otocinclus. Golden CAE are very popular in the pet trade. In my experience, I have seen what is referred to as a golden otocinclus, but they are more brown and tan.
  17. Thank you both! After googling it and listening to a recording of its croak, I have a lot around here, apparently. I hear them all the time and just thought they were tree frogs. Hopefully, they are about to lay eggs in the pond. I'd love to see them around more often.
  18. Hello, all! I was doing some after-storm maintenance on my pond when I noticed two of these guys jumping out of the vegetation. I have a good bit of different amphibians that frequent the pond, but I have never seen one like this. Do any of you guys in the southern states know what type of frog this is?
  19. I have an an outdoor pond that is filled with dirt and capped with leaf matter. Anytime I get my hands in it and stir it up the smell can be brutal. Here’s a post from another thread that may shine light on what you’re experiencing.
  20. Nice! How long have you had the aloe in the HOB? I had no idea it could grow with its roots submerged in water.
  21. If you were to categorize Aquarium Coops light intensity according to the percentage setting, what would it be? I'm just trying to get some ideas so I can explain it to someone. Like what percentage would you consider to be “low”? I know the mileage can vary, but I wanted to see how close I am to the right track. Thank you for your input.
  22. Hello all! I am looking for some plant recommendations for a spot I call Pleco’s Peak in the aquarium 😂. This spot is under a big piece of driftwood, a tall Anubias Barteri, and some Hastifolia. Because of that, it doesn’t get much artificial light, but my window does shine a small, random spot of about 2 hours of western sun toward that exact spot in the evening. I am looking to plant something small to medium, perhaps a creeping type, in between the rock pile and the Pleco cave. Any thoughts? Sorry about the glare!
  23. So true. I can remember watching my mystery snail eat the very last bit of duckweed in my aquarium. I was so shocked and it has been months and none has popped back up.
  24. No need to start over just let it run and cycle and it will eventually be a nice seasoned tank.
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