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Everything posted by jasper5150

  1. Pulled out a couple handfuls of floating plants today. Making it hard to feed these guys. Also moved the light to the front of the tank. Able to see the fish better and gives the micro sword more direct light. Hope that helps it grow a bit more. Will need to move the adults to the big tank soon so I can let the fry grow out.
  2. Did a good sized water change and filter squeeze today. Also added more Easy root tabs. Noticed the Val is sending out shoots, yay! Water is a bit cloudy due to the filter maintenance. Hopefully that clears up quickly. The bladder snails are laying eggs all over the place! At least they are not those miniature snails that hang out on the glass all the time. These guys are fast! The ramshorn snails are starting to multiply as well. Don’t mind either of these guys at all. Helping keep the algae situation under control.
  3. Did a sponge squeeze and cleaned off the Ziss air stones in each sponge. Algae builds up on them and reduces the flow. Also did some trimming of plants and rearranged the hard scape. Gives the tank a new look and seems to open it up quite a bit. Not sure if I want to go for stems or Val in front of the filter.
  4. Did a small water change, cleaned up the glass and sucked off the substrate today. Plants loved the new water. Pulled out some water lettuce and made a corral for the remainder. Wanted to keep it off the rotala. Want that to grow so I can trim it up and add it elsewhere. some of the fry are starting to show their male and female colors. Going to need to find some new homes soon. added a couple ramshorn snails close to two weeks ago. They are getting huge! Probably see more soon. Bladder snails are still laying eggs everywhere they can. All good. They will keep it nice and tidy. purchased a new lid. The previous one was missing the plastic at the back creating a gap.
  5. I kind of like the pattern on this shrimp
  6. I have the Eco Complete in my 20 gallon. The grain size is much larger, crushed volcanic rock. Gives lots of area for BB but a little rough for Cory’s. Mulm is less visible since it can go between the grains. Planting is a bit more difficult. Here is the tank with the Eco Complete Here is a look at the Activ-Flora in my other tank. Finer grain size allows for easier planting. Mulm and detritus sits on top. Easier to clean but looks dirty quickly
  7. Definitely recommend a lid. Reduces evaporation and stops jumpers. I’m using Activ-Flora black substrate in my new tank. Easy to plant and mulm stays on top. Easy to clean
  8. In the last couple months, the small group of Endlers turned into a growing civilization! Moved over half to the new, larger tank and left some in this tank while the new tank settled in. Went through a nasty algae bloom, turned the water green for over a month. Just stayed diligent with water changes to pull excess nutrients out. Eventually, it cleared itself right up! Don’t have the room in the new tank so will need to look at ways to reduce the population
  9. Has been quite a while since an update for this tank. It’s been just doing it’s thing while I was getting the new tank all set up and going. Did the occasional filter squeeze and top off of water. Trimmed back some of the Amazon sword that’s taking up a third of the tank. The Java moss tree is just growing out of control. No idea of the population of cherry shrimp hiding out in there. I have been thinking of changing it up a bit. Would like to remove the pile of rocks and plants on the left side. Open it up a bit more. Give more space for the fish to roam. added a Sera treat to the glass. The Endlers enjoyed it but the Amano shrimp was wanting to take it for itself!
  10. Oooh! Those would look great among the green
  11. Those were on my mind as well. I do like them since they don’t get too big. How many do you think would be good for this tank?
  12. I had to look up what that is. Cichlids on the small side. I would love to see how this goes! Starting to see hair algae. Thinking of getting a few Amano shrimp to help. Any other recommendations?
  13. Since my 10 gallon garage tank exploded with offspring, the better half agreed to purchase another tank to house the ever expanding population of the Endlers. Did some searching and found this 25 or 29 gallon tank on the Marketplace. She agreed to have it reside on her dresser so I needed to make sure it was of a good size but not overpowering for the amazing strength of Ikea furniture. Since I have been collecting funds from the population explosion of cherry shrimp from the 20 gallon, this gave me the opportunity to do a shopping spree at the Co-op. I purchased a light, air pump, sponge and accessories, heater and substrate. I spent so much I was able to get a free frozen food item! Yay!? I did do an order for plants from the Co-op as well along with some Easy Green a couple weeks later. Prior to that, purchased some plants from a local shop close by. Here is what I have so far: Cryptocoryne Tropica 1 Cryptocoryne Lutea 1 Cryptocoryne Lucens 3 Cryptocoryne Wendtii Red 1 Water Sprite 1 Java Fern 2 Anubias Nana "petite" 2 Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus 1 Vallisneria 2 Micro sword 2 Rotala species 2 dwarf water lettuce and I don't know what it is 1 Also went with 3 bags of Activ-Flora planted aquarium substrate available at Aquarium CO-OP in store. Wish it was for delivery, but I would expect exorbitant delivery charges for it! Here is the progression from start to now in pictures: This is right after planting And this is a week later.... Two weeks after planting... three weeks after planting... 1 month after planting... I'll try and keep this one going.
  14. @knee I found the design online and used my 3D printer to make it. It has spots behind the chart to hold the bottles of testing stuff
  15. Here are the results of the water test with each testing tools. Pretty much spot on! Only thing of concern is the Kh is high, 180-200 ppm. I’ll do a water change and then test it the next day. Added a couple squirts of Easy Green and topped off the water with a gallon the day before this.
  16. These were the readings from a couple weeks ago. We have well water which has a lot of minerals so that helps. Periodically, I will drop in a Wonder Shell to help with molting and water quality. Lots of surface area for bio film and they go after the food I put in for the other fish. Water is at 76 degrees. I’ll do another water test today and post the results. Just purchased Test strips so I’ll have to compare to the API master test kit. Stay tuned!
  17. That’s weird. Did you contact them?
  18. Well, going to hold off on the cherry shrimp. Had the opportunity to get a few endlers. They are now in this tank running through the Med Trio quarantine. Hoping they work out because I would love to have them in the 20 gallon. Also a couple shrimp stowaways. The ratio of male to female is off. Way more males than females. Hope that doesn’t cause an issue.
  19. Mine isn’t clicking but making a whining noise when the element turns on
  20. Have been busy getting this tank all set up to be a dedicated red cherry shrimp breeding tank. Purchased some live java moss, the clump in the tank was very much not alive, micro sword, hornwort and some stem plants. Sand substrate was added. No matter how much you rinse this stuff, it leaves the water cloudy. Had some rocks I purchased last year but haven't used. Glued the java moss to some. Also added 5 ramshorn snails. I think these guys are cool. I know they will breed and multiply but as long as I keep the excess food levels low, they should maintain a proper population. Last addition was a finer sponge filter to remove those suspended particles the course filter can not catch. Best part being it is the same size inside diameter as the ACO sponges and the center core of the plastic piece snaps right to the ACO one! Now I can have the best of both worlds in the same space. Put the finer sponge material on the top so I can just remove it easier to clean since it will need to be done more often. The rescue shrimp is doing good. Has molted since being put in here. I did add a Wonder Shell but it had molted before adding this. There are two smaller shrimp in this as well. They were found when doing a sponge squeeze from the 20 gallon. I haven't seen them but with all the new hiding spots, hoping they are still going strong. Tested the water after doing the set up. Ended up with a 0/0/0. Gh and Kh were a little lower than the other tank along with the Ph. Will check it again in a couple days.
  21. @Theplatymaster I’m thankful to have them! Have tried several times to start a colony and this time around was a breakthrough.
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