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Everything posted by Mmiller2001

  1. Yeah. 😭. I really wanted it. It looks so good with those plants. Your tank is looking really nice.
  2. Fantastic tanks @anewbie. Well done, love that 10 gallon.
  3. Low on nutrients and low CO2. My action would be to increase both of those.
  4. I have a current USA. Great light, best dawn to dusk ramp I've run across. Will do low light plants just fine. No true reds though, limiting programming but over all I really liked the light. I just don't use it anymore. Casts a bit of yellow same as all lights that use white diodes.
  5. Yeah, that will damage them. I do 10ml H202 to 1 gallon of water for 10 minutes. Or spot dose 15ml per 10 gallons of water.
  6. How long did you leave it on there? Was it diluted?
  7. Hmm, interesting. Pretty cool actually. I will look into doing that. Thank you.
  8. Per @Minanora recommendation,.placed some rocks around to sink a few pieces. I cleaned the moss wall, installed better support and tried to attach some wood to it. This was a fail. I'm not sure how I will get the overhang look without specific wood pieces. Anyways, did a few more plant attaching, seeing lots of Trident melt and diatoms have started.
  9. No, it's definitely not needed and can harm both plants and fish.
  10. Okay, one of these should be used to complete the seal. I would take very soapy water and slather it all over the connections at the tank and around the regulator and look for any leaks. If non are showing, exchange the regulator.
  11. You are under filtered for this kind of stocking level. Add in that you don't have the tank full. Probably about 23 or 24 (maybe) gallons in there after substrate, plants and fish. This is ammonia related. Also, the intakes on the filter look blocked, further reducing tank turn over. The majority of plants like soft water and lower Karbonate hardness. They may be struggling a bit as well from nonoptimal parameters
  12. It depends on your goals honestly. What's the alkalinity of the tank?
  13. Okay, ty. My above response would be my approach.
  14. Can you show me the whole tank? If not, I would discontinue root tabs and dose EG at a quarter of what you are dosing now. The tank is too new to be dosing so much. I would drop your nitrates down to around 10. The 10ppm Nitrates needs to come from your dosing. I'd also drop the light duration down to around 7 hours with a bit less intensity.
  15. What size tank and which filters? And can you post a whole tank shot.
  16. Staghorn is caused by excess ammonia. You are probably under filtered. If you see particles in your water, that's an easy determiner.
  17. I'm beginning to think that the Trident is attached to a wall and is running across in a line and the lower positioned Trident creates a forward arch look.
  18. You will lose some head pressure as it passes through the reactor. I recommend building your own. https://youtu.be/H6mhqi5d43s
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