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Everything posted by Mmiller2001

  1. It's extremely difficult to trust all hobbyist level testing kit. The only way to trust them is to calibrate them against know solution samples. When working with CO2, I do recommend dropping extra dollars on a decent pH probe. Not the cheap ones unfortunately. The only one I trust is American Marine.
  2. It's hard to work with and had I known then what I know now, I would have never swapped to it. Damages plants when planting all the time and just overall frustrating.
  3. I would do a section at a time. It's going to be a mess and you will loose your cycle. I'd also encourage you to rethink Eco Complete.
  4. Your looking for a 1 to 1.5 pH drop from a degassed sample. Set some tank water out for 12 to 24 hours and then pH it. That's your degassed starting point. Also keep in mind that seiryu stone raises KH and your numbers will fluctuate because of the stone. I would check KH at the time of testing and compare the KH and pH against a co2 chart. https://barrreport.com/articles/co2-ph-kh-table.41/
  5. Try the claw looking section down towards the front. Give a few angles a try. Maybe even going under that nice wood it's leaning on.
  6. Not much, I would just have that stick placed more to the flow the tank already draws my eyes. I would move the forward right plant more middleish to create that front to back draw. Continue growing the plants to create that depth you already have going. I'm drawn to these channels already. Some Val or tall sag in the back right could be nice too.
  7. This isn't the best picture, but you can see how it adds a bit of depth to the tank.
  8. I think there's too much foreground happening that stops your eyes from wondering around. Try to create some depth and move some plants back with the larger plants furthest away.
  9. Constantly decaying matter is an ammonia source. With no fish, the plants will love it, but so does algae.
  10. You could do a moss wall. https://barrreport.com/articles/how-to-build-an-easily-removable-moss-wall.44/
  11. It would be all nutrients as metabolism is fueled by light. More light, more nutrient uptake.
  12. I will add, and maybe not all batches, but Eco Complete is still raising my KH over the week. Very frustrating. There's something in it and have read similar complaints.
  13. It actually has a.lower cec value and not enough to notice. You simply aren't dosing enough or your test kit needs calibration.
  14. That's how much you are currently dosing. Assuming 1 squirt of Easy Green.
  15. Your flourish dose is only .02ppm Fe, I can't remember what easy green doses. You'll just need to add the easy green amount for your total. Found it, .034ppm. So about.05ppm Fe.
  16. https://rotalabutterfly.com/nutrient-calculator.php I would look here for dosing information. https://www.2hraquarist.com/blogs/beginners-planted-tank-101/how-much-to-dose?_pos=2&_sid=e9a763897&_ss=r You can also clone your favorite liquid fertilizer bottles. https://www.2hraquarist.com/blogs/fertilize-planted-tank/mixing-dry-aquarium-fertilisers?_pos=1&_sid=ec276c53a&_ss=r This also explains how to use the calculator.
  17. The calculator used will tell you how many teaspoons to use to reach a certain ppm. You can also create your own liquid fertilizer from dry fertilizer.
  18. Iron can be taken up completely as fast as 30 minutes. Hence a zero ppm test. Trust your dosing target and stick with it. In my CO2 tanks, I dose between .4 and .5ppm weekly.
  19. What's the reason for the 4dKH? When nitrification begins, that pH will drop.
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