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Everything posted by Mmiller2001

  1. 25ppm is very safe. I like to direct flow to push the CO2 around everywhere. Mine goes from back to front. I use a spray bar that creates good surface agitation. It hits the glass and is directed down through the tank.
  2. It's not nutrient related. Your CO2 is too low. Also, excess organics and overly strong direct flow cause it. 9 times out of 10, it's CO2. I would bump light period to 8 hours with 30 minute ramp up and down, increase CO2 and keep up all fertilizer components. Clean filter and all dead low flow areas. Improve co2 distribution around the tank as well
  3. It is, but I'm thinking of sticking to the more natural setup with wood. But time will tell. Takes 4 months to get it. Made to order.
  4. I'm tired of canister cleaning. Tired of hoses and tubing. So this tank solved all my problems. 1 tank to rule them all. I'm selling everything but the QT tank. My only issue is whether I keep the Chihiros 120, or sell it and buy another 90 to light the tank. The tank is 70 inches long. I think keeping the 120 is the way to go. It's a shallow reef tank and I wouldn't mind darker sides for Anubias type plants.
  5. Innovative Marine SR 120 😆. It's seriously ridiculous and it's going to be awesome. Found a place that sells Slate rocks for almost nothing too.
  6. Yeah, we will see what she does. My source has been rock solid so there's that.
  7. Each week I'm seeing positive signs and I think I can finally relax a bit. These plants should be good and ready when the new tank arrives. Can't wait. Ordered a few plants I've always wanted to try and hopefully they survive the cold journey. E. Aflame, H. Pinnitifida and a C. Pink Flamingo. Light remains 11 hours with an additional 4.5 hours of 1% blue moon effect. I'll shove them in somewhere.
  8. I use this Dow Corning 111 O-Ring Valve Silicone Lubricant & Sealant Scuba 2oz 57g https://a.co/d/3nmNESW
  9. Leafzone is not a complete fertilizer which explains some of the losses. Also, mosses struggle in warmer waters. I wouldn't completely start over unless you really want to. I would remove the moss, trim everything and replant while continuing EG. I don't like Eco Complete, and I also swapped it out, so I can't blame you there
  10. Emersed grown plants putting off submerged forms. Remove and grow them out.
  11. Take an accurate KH and an accurate pH after the CO2 has been on a few hours and report back please.
  12. My recommendation is to not use root tabs. Water column nutrients are all that's needed.
  13. Bubbles per second is meaningless. If your drop checker isn't changing, then your CO2 is low.
  14. I think everything looks okay. That yellow cast is from the light for sure.
  15. Try not to focus in on which color, just understand that too much light is an algae trigger. I run my light for 11 hours and 1% blue for an additional 4.5 hours. I drop overall light intensity to compensate, and this tank has very little light demanding plants.
  16. That GH is pretty high, could be that. I would try fresh bulbs and see.
  17. Plant stress can cause weird things to happen. This occurs in terrestrial plants too. I've seen female plants push out stamen to reproduce during high stress.
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