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Everything posted by Mmiller2001

  1. Front loading is only a different delivery method, all the fertilizers are the same. Okay, stop Easy Iron all together and do .5ml Seachem Iron 1 day after your water change. Or dose .25ml twice a week. That's .2ppm Fe a week pluse any you might get from Easy Green. See what all that does over the next 3 weeks.
  2. Yes, this could be a part of the problem. My knowledge is weaker here. But I would try dosing the ferrous state of iron. I know Easy Iron has some but I don't know how much or percentage. You could try powder or Seachem Iron.
  3. I'm not sure why this stuff isn't more popular. Great price point. I will only use this going forward. Landen Aqua Soil Substrate for Natural Planted Aquarium, Plant or Shrimp Stratum, Clay Gravel and Stable Porous Substrate for Freshwater Aquarium, Black Color https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07TQRSS61/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_19WKC0Z95QCX8M4X24WM?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
  4. It's the single most important tank to have in your setup. It will keep potential diseases away from your display tank. Look up Med Trio on CooPs web site. It's a game changer.
  5. Thank you all. I will add lids once they go in.
  6. Are these guys jumpers? I don't keep lids on their future home. Thanks for any insight.
  7. drop# x 17.9=ppm I also calculated for a 4 gallon change, adjust accordingly for 3 gallons. I must have miss read.
  8. It's always better to report GH and KH in degrees. So your GH is 5dGH and KH is 4dKH; which is is different from your previous testing. Which is good! We won't need to adjust the GH to increase it. I believe the API tests over any test strip (if that's what you used previously). Hang on to the CaSo4 and MgSo4, it lasts forever and you might try fish that like high GH in the future, or if your source water ever changes you will have it ready to use if need be! As I stated earlier, I think you just need to dose more easy green. I dose my non CO2 tanks to 30ppm K, and I would like to see yours a bit higher. Shoot for 20 to 25ppm K, you will just pump more Easy Green. Unfortunately, all in one ferts lock you in to their ratio, so you will just have to see what happens by increasing the dose as a whole. If you change 4 gallons and add 4 gallons, dose a bit less than 3ml of Easy Green. That's 18ppmNo3, 1ppmPO4, 12ppmK and .2ppmFe(proxy). Watch the new growth and see if it improves(3 weeks or so). If it looks the same, go to 4ml. That's 24ppmNO3, 1.3ppmPO4, 16.1ppmK and .3ppmFe(proxy). So on, so forth. Last question. What is your pH? the iron in EG is EDTA and a pH over 6.8 will lock out iron. The Easy Iron seems to be a mix of Ferrous, EDTA and DTPA. But I don't know in what percent each is.
  9. It's just a supplement and not a comprehensive fertilizer. You will need a larger source of NPK.
  10. Let me know the GH and KH per the new test kit. And I need to know the exact amount of gallons you will remove and replace when you do your water change. Also. What did your potassium test?
  11. Using squirts as a dosing amount dose not help us help you. Can you please convert that to ppm and in per week totals. NO3 ?ppm PO4 ?ppm K. ?ppm Fe ?ppm and other Micros. Also, what is your GH and KH? We are here to help, but you have to put in a little bit of effort to provide us the information we need.
  12. Dosing would be how much of each nutrient are you putting in the tank. Those numbers are usually reported in ppm and per week. I'm not sure about the other, but here's Easy Green's information.
  13. I thought Eco Complete was going to be great. Boy was I wrong. It was hands down the worst substrate I've ever used and I would never recommend it to anyone. Check out Landen Soil if you want an active soil. It has a shorter ammonia spike, easy to plant in and heavy enough to be gravel vacuumed. I really like it so far. It also lasts longer than ADA as well. If I was going back to an inert substrate, I would be looking at that peace river gravel stuff. Will Eco Complete grow plants, sure. But it has broken more stems than is acceptable. It won't hold plants well either. I can't stand it.
  14. I would learn what you are dosing before changing anything. Your tank is pretty new and I wouldn't do anything drastic, change wise, for at least 6 months. The best thing you could do is keep up large water changes, gravel vacuuming and learning about water parameters. I would also double/ triple the plant load in the tank. Diatoms are pretty normal in such new tanks.
  15. https://aquariumscience.org/index.php/10-2-4-epistylis/
  16. If you have treated for ich properly, and it's hasn't been eradicated, it's probably not ich. I would look into treating for Epistylis.
  17. That's kind of high. Normally 35, but inflation.
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