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Up North

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Everything posted by Up North

  1. @Pepere thanks for the info on running sand. I think I will give that a try, I prefer sand to gravel. Is pool filter coarse enough?
  2. I am thinking of using an UGF in a 20 long and have a few questions on them. 1. How's deep should the gravel be? 2. Air stone vs powered 3. Recommendations on brand This will be a low stocked thank Thanks
  3. My CPDs already started breeding. After doing a 50% water change I noticed 4 tiny fry in my aquarium. Don't want to think about how many ended up in the house plants from the water change. I got them just over a month ago from aquahuna and they came in so small I never imagined they would be of maturity to breed. I wish I hade the time to tend to the fry, I will just have to let nature do its thing.
  4. 5 Kuhli loach and possibly 4 peacock gudgeons. Tank was an impulse buy at petco 50% off sale. Just waiting on cycling and plants to establish
  5. I started with 3 bronze and they quickly turned to 15. Few days of frozen foods and a water change and they breed like crazy. Never collected eggs or changed food for the fry just let nature do its thing
  6. I just recently setup a 29 gallon and I'm debating between rummynose and Silvertipped tetra. Any suggestions? Thanks
  7. I use organic soil and mix in a bunch of worm castings then a layer of oak leaves and top with 2" of sand.
  8. @Cinnebuns you need to realize the conversation on management and elimination is the same conversation. A single assassin snail or single puffer will not eliminate a heavy snail population but it will help manage. It eliminate snails you typically need several approaches. If you are looking to manage the population pick one approach and don't hit it hard
  9. You can hide the post but not delete it. Or leave it, the post may not have gotten the response you were after but it is still a good resource for others.
  10. @TheSwissAquarist very small, never seen one larder than ¼" with very thin shell. If I find one I will post a pic but I'm sure they are all puffer food by now
  11. Get pea puffers, they wiped my snails in no time. I had a tank that was out of control with snails and within a week they ate them all. Not sure the type of snail, small with a flat shell.
  12. I'm a fan of two smaller filters instead of one large. You will get better circulation than from one filter.
  13. How big is your rainbow? I am interested in what are the smallest fish people feel comfortable keeping their rainbows with. My son has one in his aquarium and it's territorial but not aggressive, it just wants to protect its cave. I have always wondered if you could use a rainbow to help keep small tetras in a tight school without the worry of any losses.
  14. That's great to know. I live in Minnesota so having option of picking up from ups and saving a day being in a cold truck is very comforting.
  15. Thinking about setting up a native aquarium and looking for a good source. Has anyone order fish from jonahsaquarium.com?
  16. @Pepere petsmart sells them and go on sale from time to time. Black Friday is the best time to buy, I think $600 with stand. They only sell them with a stand
  17. You got me interested in those fish. That Bluemask darter is beautiful!
  18. Or you get two 75 gallon tanks for the price of the 125 and keep more varieties of fish
  19. They definitely do ship them small, good thing one of my favorite parts of keeping fish is watching them grow. I will do an update after about a month so people will have a better idea of size after quarantine pierod. I know size is a concern when adding to an aquarium with full grown fish.
  20. @Xr4tiCrewThey are tiny. Not sure how well the picture will show size but I will say they make my neon tetras look huge. Some have some orange/ red on the fins. I have all 10 in a 5 gallon aquarium, once they grow I will more some to another tank but at their current size I feel good about having 10 in a 5 gallon.
  21. My CPDs got delivered today!!! I never thought buying fish online and having them delivered to Minnesota in the winter would be an option but Aqua Huna made it happen. I contacted them and they said they will watch the weather and ship when they have a good window. All my celestial pear danios, cherry shrimp and pea puffers arrived alive and looking healthy. Great first experience with aqua huna.
  22. I painted a couple tanks with the same paint that I used for the walls of the room the aquarium is in. Gives it a look of no background but hids the cords and filter. Anyone know why when I add a picture it always puts it sideways?
  23. I think Home Depot is going to have a spike in pvc sales this weekend
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