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Everything posted by KentFishFanUK

  1. Thanks @Cory! I was being dumb and looking on the YouTube channel on the app, not the website, oops! As long as it doesn't clash with the football on Sunday I plan to watch live and become a member to chat (well depending on what happens tonight!). Will be my birthday so I'm off work and the membership will be my birthday present to myself!
  2. I'm sure I heard it mentioned that you can get a text alert or something for the live stream but can't figure out how to set it up, did I dream it or am I missing something? Maybe it's because I'm on mobile phone rather than desktop? Or is it members only?
  3. @SarahO Lucky Betta! Are you planning on putting anything else in with your cories?
  4. @SarahO The brown film could just be diatom algae which is common for new tanks and should stop happening after a while (something to do with them running out of silicates?). The brown water is just tannins like other people said. Some people like this look (I do!) and do it intentionally as it replicates the natural environment of some fish so it's definitely not harmful but once your tank is cycled water changes will remove it. Ammonia at 1.0 ppm isn't that high for a fishless cycle, in fact most people recommend dosing around 2 or 3 ppm, but I doubt it matters that much as long as it's not ridiculously high. I would advise just to let it run its course and keep testing and not to clean anything. As the ammonia starts to drop and you see nitrites instead keep topping up the ammonia just a little, the nitrites will build up for a while but eventually they will start to drop and you will see the nitrates increase instead. In my recent experience it took ages for the nitrites to start processing into nitrates but then when they did it all went very quickly. Most people will say once your tank can process 2 ppm of ammonia fully into nitrites and then into nitrates all within 24 hours it's ready for fish. Personally I think that's a bit of an arbitrary number and depends on how many fish you plan on adding etc, if you are sensible and add fish gradually I doubt a singly guppy for instance is going to produce enough waste to get anywhere near 2 ppm ammonia in 24 hours. Just make sure there is no ammonia or nitrites left in the water when you add your first fish and it will be fine. (You can do water changes after to remove the nitrates but make sure the tank itself has dealt with the ammonia and nitrites). What fish are you planning to keep??
  5. What fish magazines (if any) does everyone read? Digital or print. From what I can see there is mostly Tropical Fish Hobbyist, Amazonas and Practical Fishkeeping. Which is the best? Thinking of subscribing to one (my sister is asking about gift ideas for me). On a related note, is there a way to gift someone Aquarium Co-op membership? If not there should be! Also Aquarium Co-op or @Cory should totally produce their own aquarist magazine (yeah right, like they haven't got enough going on already right! Haha)
  6. Yes I believe a 24"x12"x12" tank is quite common here which I think is 15 gallons? 20 longs are difficult to find however (at least in my limited experience). Thanks!
  7. @Odd Duck so new question, regarding your minimum recommended group size (6 right?) what would you say is a good minimum tank size? Like the smallest you could go that's still big enough to let the males have their own territories or whatever they need to avoid too much aggression/stress. Obviously assuming heavily decorated and planted.
  8. @Tyler LaZerte Thank you for that take, I know deep down we did it for him and it was for the best but it's hard not to also feel guilty about it like we abandoned him or something 😢. So I appreciate that you see it that way, thank you for the kind words!
  9. Oh fortunately Oscar is still alive we just don't have him any more - he needed more attention than we could give due to work and family commitments, we were expecting our first (human) baby and had other things going on so we made the difficult decision to give him up - he was adopted by a great couple (colleagues of mine) who are real animal lovers and adore him, so I still get updates at least! He is doing well so feel like it was the right decision for him at the time even though we miss him. He will be 6 now and just as soppy as ever. Romeo sounds just like him, playing fetch, following you everywhere, greeting us excitedly at the door etc! Let us know when you decide on your centre piece! I like your stocking so far, I have panda cories as well and they are so sweet.
  10. @Tyler LaZerte oh awesome, like minds then! Like I said I haven't kept them yet so no idea about how they would do with your shrimp but I suspect you have reason to be worried. Though personally I would prefer the peacocks to the shrimp haha I guess I'm not much of an invertebrates guy. Aw awesome Romeo looks gorgeous! I used to have a ragdoll named Oscar, I miss him! They are great cats (who act like dogs, Oscar did anyway!)
  11. What about a peacock gudgeon (or pair?)? I haven't kept them yet but they are on my 'to keep' list for one day as they are gorgeous and I think would work in your tank. Though I think they would need a cave to hide on to feel secure. Beautiful scape by the way! Edit: by the way, is your profile pic a ragdoll cat?
  12. Thanks for the info! It's very helpful and also very interesting, I hope you keep us updated with the progress! Though I admit I feel kind of sad that it sounds like my plan of 1-3 of them in a 7.5 Gallon isn't a good idea 😢.
  13. Wait, 'if' you can get your nitrates down? Don't plants love nitrates? And won't they help you get them down?
  14. Loving the replies and getting to know everyone from all over. Unfortunately I have run out of likes to give (why is there a limit?) and as I'm still at work and my boss has me doing stuff *sigh* I can't reply to everyone right now. But keep replying and I'll get round to messaging everyone sooner or later! Nice to meet all you nerms! Chat soon hopefully
  15. Awesome to be so close! Do you visit the store much? I'd love to visit and meet Cory and the team one day. I hope they branch out and open a franchise or at very least an online store in the UK.
  16. Hi neighbour! I haven't found any very local clubs either but there are some around apparently, can't remember where I found them but it wasn't Facebook. Most of them were themed to a particular type of fish though, vaguely remember a Killifish club and I think a pleco club.
  17. Well say hi to mum for me! Yorkshire is supposed to be lovely but I've never been. I pretty much feel the same way as her about the US/Canada, unfortunately it's a big place and so far away! Not sure where to even start. One day! It's a dream of mine to do a big 6+ month tour in a motorhome or something, visiting friends I've made along the way and attending conventions and living it up.
  18. Hi from UK! Low tech DIY 'world'?? Like in one big tank or a collection? Nice that you rescue them, where do you rescue them from?
  19. Mild winters is nice, ever thought about keeping a tub/patio pond or anything? You'd be able to keep it all year round I'd guess.
  20. That's pretty hot! I like the heat but not so much the humidity. Does it make it difficult keeping the tanks cool? Do winters get cold or stay mild? Nice nano tank options!
  21. Thanks then that's what I will go with! Is it easy to sex them when young? Otherwise might have to get 5 or something then keep 1 male and 2 females when they are big enough to sex and return the others.
  22. Hi from Kent UK! (Well technically hi from France because I'm at work but I live in Kent).
  23. Sounds like an interesting place to live then! I'd love to see more of the US including Texas one day. 45/60 mins isn't too bad but then I'm probably spoiled with at least two LFSs and a big chain all under 20 mins drive, a bunch more within 60 minutes. Is it very rural where you live then? I bet it's hot there right? What time is it there? 4.15 pm here. What fish do you keep? Edited to say: wow awesome pic!
  24. So far just male Endlers and Panda Cories, adding neon tetras hopefully this week. Planning to add a reticulated hillstream loach eventually. I've also got four 7.5 gallon tanks and a 15 gallon tank waiting to be set up when I get my new shed plus an 8ish gallon BIORB tank coming when I next see my sister (all second hand and mostly free). Planning on having clown killies, possibly pea puffers, possibly scarlet badis and maybe multi's all in species only tanks.
  25. Short and red if possible (or any colour other than green, it's sort of in the middle in front of lots of green so something that will stand out but stay smallish. Would love cryptocoryne wendtii 'pink flamingo' but can't find any locally.
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