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Posts posted by Alesha

  1. 1 minute ago, Daniel said:

    ... unlike guppies, their numbers will not get out of hand. Mostly the eggs and fry get eaten pretty quickly.

    Ok. Good to know! So, they will just drop them when they are ready? Nothing I need to do to help? I researched...saw mops and java moss mentioned. I've got tons of java moss in multiple places. 

    Thanks, Daniel.

  2. I have no desire to breed the white clouds we just added to our community tank. However, I have some females who are so full of eggs that I am feeling sympathetic. 



    Is there something I can do to get them to drop/scatter their eggs? Will they keep holding onto them if conditions are not right for their survival? I know guppies can do that. (Although they certainly don't hold onto anything in my tanks - babies everywhere all. the. time.) Should I be concerned?




  3. I don't know why, but my java fern grows right up the glass on the back wall of my tank. Maybe you could give that a try without spending anything on the mat. 


    I didn't do anything to get it started, except that the log or rock that I'd attached the moss to was near the wall. It just volunteered. 😆  And the wood that you see in the pic is NOT attached to the moss. I've moved the things it was attached to, but it keeps growing. 


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  4. I will say that blue light is not particularly calming to the human species involved with Aquaria Life. 😉 From studies I've heard of, it's best to avoid all blue light (tv, phone, computer, aquarium light, etc.) for 2 hours or so before going to bed. Amber and red lights are preferable for night lights, too. We use a salt lamp in our bathroom as a night light. It's a lovely, calming amber color. 

  5. Yes, you can do that. I leave plants in rockwool for my quarantine tank. That way, I get the benefit of plants in the tank, but I can still keep it bare bottom.

    I do feel that they sometimes grow a little slower, but it depends on which plant, too. My moneywort grew fast at first, then showed waaaay down; but the water wisteria grow at a steady pace, & when the roots started growing our of the pot, it just kept growing.



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  6. Just now, Daniel


    46 minutes ago, test.tin said:

    I love how oddly specific those smells are, gave me a good chuckle

    The honey tasting people are very serious. Here is a tasting/smell guide for different honeys I have been working on (based on the honey sensory workshop).


    I thinking of doing one of these for fish tank smells, sort of a fish tank sensory workshop. Any suggestions for different smells are welcomed.  I'll take @dpgriffin's girlfriend's 'pond' as a bigger category that could have sub categories.

    And I just finished draining a 10 gallon aquarium and I would say there are notes of 'moldy chlorophyll' with a slight after taste of 'old leather' (I did end of ingesting some tank water during the siphoning process).

    That chart is just lovely, @Daniel ... almost like an art color wheel. And it makes me think of my paints in my pallet box. If you need a gift for an arty friend, it would be beautiful in a frame.

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  7. I suspect the reason we do a water change and give them 7 days of rest after a quarantine dose is that it can be hard on them. I don't think I'd move them elsewhere. Just keep an eye on them after the WC and for the next few days. 

    I did lose a few White Clouds during my 2nd dosing the last quarantine I went through. But I was grateful in a way that whatever they were sick with would not be carried to my larger tanks and fish population. 

    Let us know how they do! 🙂 

  8. Yes, the medication will play allllll kinds of havoc with your water parameters. You have to just monitor it and make sure the ammonia and/or nitrites don't get out of hand. When I did the med trio in a small 5-gallon, I didn't have any trouble. Just did the water change after 7 days and all was well. However, when I treated my 55-gallon with a different med (Levamisole), after the 2nd dose, the water cycle completely collapsed. I had to go through lots of cloudy days and mannnnny water changes to get it back to normal.

    So...keep an eye on your parameters. Do small water changes if necessary. Don't feed the fish for at least 3 days, if not longer, so they don't foul the water even further. It will all be worth it when you come out of the treatment with healthy, robust, beautiful fish to add to your tanks. 🙂 

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  9. New fish arrived today. The Honey Gourami and the Sparkling Gourami made the trip from Washington State to Florida with no problem at all. Unfortunately, the Cherry Barbs were not as successful. Only one arrived alive. He's in the QT with the Honeys. We're hoping like crazy that he makes it!





    The Sparklers are in their own tank but will be quarantined as well. There is a weird film on that tank as it's cycling, so apologies for the dark pics. 






    To say we're excited is an understatement. So thrilled with our purchases! And Aqua Huna had refunded our money as well as part of the shipping costs within an hour of my emailing them about the Cherry Barbs. Impeccable customer service!

    I'll be updating with better pics as I get them and stories too, I'm sure. 😁 


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