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Everything posted by PattysAquatics

  1. I could try the diy water bottle trap again. Maybe fast the tank for a day or two then put it in? I was surprised I didn’t get one snail when I tried it the first time
  2. I thought of that but I have nerite snails , rabbit snails and rams horns I like and assume they would eat them too
  3. So I have a crap ton of Malaysian trumpet snails in my tank and want to cut the population down in my tank and wondering if anyone has any tips or ideas. I know less feeding works some and have tried the cucumber trap ( my pleco eats it and never get a snail on it )and tried a diy water bottle trap and didn’t get one in there. Don’t really want to spend an hour picking them out one by one so any ideas would be awesome.
  4. So I have a diy spray bar and my suction cups to hold it up both decided to not work anymore so I temporarily have it up with a zip tie. I’m looking at my hardware store for some kind of hook to use that would hang over the back of the tank. My question is is there any type of plastic I should steer clear of? I don’t want to get something and have it kill all my fish. I found this hook for over a door but for the material it just says plastic. Anyone know or use something for there spray bars that would work?
  5. I personally treat the tank with the correct amount of fritz complete then fill it up with tap water on all my tanks and have had no issues
  6. Ok so I received pea puffers I ordered online today and they are tiny. I have 3 in a 29 gallon I was planning on added them to after quarantine but these new puffers are not even half their size. I’m guessing it would be smart to grow them out in quarantine but will bigger peas kill or eat smaller ones? I think I know the answer but thought I would double check
  7. Hey all I’m curious on people’s process for acclimating fish you bought online. Now when I get fish from my LFS I just float the bag then plop and drop but I ordered pea puffers from across the country and don’t know if ph or anything is different from my water so would it be smart to drip acclimate them ? Or does it not matter?
  8. Wasn’t planning on putting the puffers with the betta. I have only 3 puffers now and hopefully get another 10 soon if my lfs can get any in. My backup plan if I can’t get any puffers soon was to move the 3 in the 10 gallon and move the betta to the 29
  9. So the deal is I heavily planted my 29 gallon with making it a pea puffer tank but my lfs only had 3 puffers left. And is currently ordering more but not getting them in. I just don’t know if there is a point I shouldn’t add more to the tank if they get bigger so my back up plan was to possibly put them in my 10 gallon that houses my betta and possibly putting the betta in the 29 but I also have a 20 available just trying to get some suggestions in case I move the puffers
  10. Curious what a male betta can be housed with? I have one in a 10 gallon but might need to move my pea puffers in there and could put my betta in my 29 but want to stock it with fish that will get along with the betta. Need suggestions
  11. My substrate which is black blasting sand isn’t the deepest maybe 2 inches and I put 8 of them in. I didn’t vacuum ( I typically don’t because there is much there) but I added more sand a couple days later. I do have a colony of Malaysian trumpet snails that could have unearthed some
  12. Hey all, I have a 75 gallon heavily planted tank with community fish and I do water changes typically every 3-4 weeks my nitrates typically always stay around 10-20 ppm but last week I put in some API root tabs for some of my plants and tested my water today with the CoOps test strips and API test kit and my nitrates are through the roof. Like 100ppm. Nothing has changed except the root tabs, is it possible the root tabs caused the jump in my nitrates?
  13. Looking for some suggestions for stocking a 29 gallon tank. I have shrimp and guppies, swordtails, pea puffers and a community tank so looking for something different. Don’t really want cichlids except for maybe the dwarf varieties and prefer planted tanks.
  14. Do goldfish eat snails? Particularly rams horns? I’m trying to breed them in all my tanks for my pea puffers and wasn’t sure if my goldfish will eat them.
  15. I recently got some pea puffers and have tried feeding them frozen brine shrimp and frozen blood worms. They go up to it but don’t seem to eat it. I put snails in and they obviously eat those. Any tricks or suggestions to get them to eat it? I was thinking stop feeding snails for a few days and just offer frozen food but not sure
  16. I just got some pea puffers. My question is will they eat any size snail? I have some big rams horns I wanted to put in that tank if they wouldn’t eat it so it can have baby snails available for them to eat.
  17. Hey all just got some swordtails and not very familiar with them and forgot to look what type this is. Anyone know off hand?
  18. I purchased a helmeted goby this weekend but can’t find any info about it online. I was curious if anyone on here has any knowledge of this goby? I will attach a pic.
  19. So I have a heavily planted 75 gallon community tank. I haven’t done a water change in a month. I check the water parameters weekly with the Aquarium CoOp test strips ( which I love by the way) and am staying in the 10-20 ppm range for nitrates. I dose easy green weekly. My question is there a point I should do a water change even if the parameters are good? I used to have this tank stocked with bigger cichlids and had to do weekly water changes to keep the nitrates under control so this is new to me.
  20. So I was cleaning out my cannister filter ( I do it about every 3 months) and found 6 cherry shrimp living inside of it. And a bunch of Malaysian trumpet snails unfortunately. I switched this tank over from cichlids to community fish and realized I need to clean it more often. Anyway anyone else find anything interesting in there filters when cleaning them?
  21. So I was worried about the paint smell so went back and bought more pvc fittings and made a new spray bar and didn’t paint it and installed it this morning. Not a huge fan of white with my black background but oh well. Then I went and checked the previous painted spray bar I had sitting out in the sun outside for the last 3 days and guess what? It doesn’t smell like paint anymore 🤦🏻‍♂️. Unfortunately it fell down yesterday with some wind and chipped some paint so I won’t be installing it but maybe I will make another and spray paint it and let it wait till it’s good. Moral of the story I have absolutely no patience 🤣
  22. It’s Krylon Fusion paint. On can it’s says dries in 20 minutes and safe to handle in an hour but doubt that was written for aquarium use.
  23. I spray painted my pvc for a spray bar 2 days ago and is completely dry but still smells like paint. Is it safe to put in my aquarium that way? Kinda wanted to get another opinion before I did
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