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  1. Haha thank you! I keep the red LEDs turned up and it makes the orange crayfish pop on camera
  2. This is pretty common with a lot of aquarium snails, especially nerites. It’s usually caused by the snail being kept in water that has too low of a PH level. Lack of calcium in their diet can also cause this. I actually have several nerites that have spots like this on their shell. They were like that when I bought them from my lfs. I have rather hard tap water with a neutral PH and they’ve thrived. The shell won’t really heal but as long as your PH is pretty neutral, they’ll be fine! Give your nerite a nice calcium rich snack like a wonder shell occasionally and they’ll be really happy.
  3. I’m in the process of converting my Fluval mega flex over to a high tech aquascape. I will be running CO2 and I feel like the stock fluval aquasky 2.0 is insufficient for dwarf hairgrass / other more demanding carpeting plants. I’ve been looking for an excuse to buy the co-op light before it sells out and I’d rather give them my money than a big box store. Has anyone had success with fitting the co-op light inside of the stock 32.5 gal fluval flex lid? (Dwarf crayfish pic for attention🦞)
  4. @CoryWithAKatana Those are red root floaters. They’re really cool but they can be tough to keep red. I’ve heard if they don’t have a ton of light or are in water with like more than 20ppm Nitrates, they tend to turn green. Mine are only red because they already looked like that from my lfs and I’ve only had them for about a week or so. I dont have very high lighting so I’m anticipating they’ll start to fade eventually. Great point about kind of playing god as a fish keeper! I really like that mindset, it definitely gives some good motivation for staying on top of maintenance and keeping my fish happy!
  5. @CoryWithAKatana Those are red root floaters. They’re really cool but they can be tough to keep red. I’ve heard if they don’t have a ton of light or are in water with like more than 20ppm Nitrates, they tend to turn green. Mine are only red because they already looked like that from my lfs and I’ve only had them for about a week or so. I dont have very high lighting so I’m anticipating they’ll start to fade eventually. Great point about kind of playing god as a fish keeper! I really like that mindset, it definitely gives some good motivation for staying on top of maintenance and keeping my fish happy!
  6. I know Cory has touched on this in some of his videos and I’ve always been able to relate. I love keeping fish and I’ve always had at least one tank since I was in fifth grade (I’m now 26 so I’ve had them for a majority of my life lol.) Every 12-18 months or so, I seem to go through this slump where I’m less interested in my fish and I even find myself looking at some of my larger tanks and considering downsizing. After a while, I always snap out of this and usually resume my normal routine of regularly perusing facebook marketplace for deals on used tanks and consuming countless hours of aquarium youtube content. Typically the death of a fish I’m particularly fond of can trigger this. Other triggers have been losing a battle with stag horn algae, lack of success with a particular plant/fish, or just getting tired of an aquascape or a type of fish. One interesting thing I’ve found is external stressors, especially ones from my work or my personal life tend to snap me right out of the burnout funk and make me realize just how awesome and therapeutic this hobby is. Three months ago, work was fine and my interest in my tanks was lower. Fast forward a few months and I’m as plugged into my tanks as I can be. September is a very busy time of the year for my job and I’m nearing the most stressful time of my professional life. When I come home from work, I probably spend at least an hour or two watching my tank every day. I’m dosing easy green and easy potassium pretty regularly and my tank looks better than it has in at least a year. I look forward to getting through my day so that I can come home and enjoy my tank after work. I share all this to ask, what are your experiences with burnout in this hobby? What seems to trigger it for you and what pulls you back into your tanks? Bonus: here are some pics of my favorite tank at the moment. I’m thinking about referring to at as the Anubias Reef.
  7. Sorry! It’s been quite I while since I was back on here and missed this! I believe this is the first video in a pretty long series that documents the entire build. Definitely worth a watch whenever you have time and are bored.
  8. Sounds good! I like your idea, I’ll definitely start up a journal thread on here when I get around to building it! I will certainly give it my best shot. I’ve never built anything quite like it before but there was an excellent thread of videos on YouTube that showed the entire building process for the pond in the picture.
  9. I’m in the process of saving up for supplies to build a large above ground outdoor pond. I’m thinking of dimensions in the ball park of 6ft x 3ft x 4.5ft -this comes out to a little over 600 gallons worth of volume. About 1.5ft of depth would be below ground, the remaining 3ft would be above ground. I’ve looked at several different styles and designs and my favorite is this one: I especially like the viewing window and I think it opens the door to being able to enjoy some fish that are nonconventional pond specimens. I’m a huge fan of Cherry Shrimp and I know Cory has had luck overwintering them. I am located just a little south of Baltimore MD in agricultural zone 7B. Do you think I would be able to get a huge colony of Neocaridina established in a setup like this and keep them outside all year? I would probably keep the stocking to just the shrimp and LOTS of pond plants.
  10. I recently had to tear down my 75 gal for a move. After staring at an empty tank for a week, I finally made up my mind on how I want my hardscape to look. Decided I wanted to go heavy on the hard scape.
  11. Hi, I was curious to hear from everyone what their experiences are with using a universal rocks 3d background. I recently bought one for my new 75 gal set up. How would you prepare the background before installation? I think Cory has mentioned using dawn dish soap on it? Any help would be great!
  12. Hi, I have a 36 gallon tank and I’m looking to establish a breeding group of bolivian rams. I currently have two of what I believe to be males, as I’ve had them for about 7 months and have not observed any breeding. Occasionally they will flare their fins at one another but other than that, they remain mostly peaceful. My two questions were 1. Do the two rams pictured here look to be males? and 2. Should I just purchase a small group of all females, if possible?
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