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Posts posted by CalmedByFish

  1. 2 hours ago, Brandy said:

     I am fortunate in that I can let my fry get to the half grown stage and they are still gulp--gone if I put them with the acaras. This lets me cull on lack of color, but does make it a more deliberate decision, which some people might be uncomfortable with.

    If that was the only way I could keep my breeding fish, I can imagine doing it. 

    This will take the convo to a whole new level, but: I would intentionally net out and cull fish with genetic problems before they had a chance to breed... while all of my children have special needs. Animals and humans are 100% different in value. I have come to have no qualms about my opposite stances between animals and humans, but I do think about it. I mean... how could you not in my position, right? 

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  2. I have a male endler with a very flat belly, like he's loosing weight. He's eating well, so I'm guessing an intestinal parasite. 

    I think it'd be proactive to treat all my endlers, but that includes gravid females, and an African Dwarf Frog.

    So, anybody seen the effects of ParaCleanse on pregnant livebearers and/or on frogs?


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  3. I've been thinking about this a lot lately, so I'm glad somebody brought up the topic.

    Almost a decade ago, I let my guppies breed to the point that I couldn't keep up with their water quality. Over time, I had hundreds get sick and die younger than they should've. I was even trying to keep boys and girls separate. It would've been more humane to cull, but I didn't understand that at the time.

    A few years ago, I had the same problem after buying a single molly that was forever having fry. With my life being too difficult to handle them, I did my research to find a species of fish that I would definitely enjoy, definitely eat fry, and live a fairly long time. I bought 1 angelfish to put in with the mollies, and that solved it. 

    Now, I draw the line at "gulp, gone." If a fish will vanish in a non-gruesome gulp, that's fine. But I don't want a fish to be torn up, or relentlessly chased around, being terrified. I'm okay with a fry obliviously swimming and then *gulp* it's gone. 

    • Like 7
  4. 2 hours ago, Chlo said:

    A few days ago I got a yellow mystery snail who I named Mr. Eggy (lol) to clean the algae, but unfortunately Blueberry was nipping him, so I moved him to my 20 gallon.

    Something I just recently discovered is that ramshorn snails *tear* through algae. Their antennae aren't as worm-like as a mystery snail's (I think), so it might be worth considering.

  5. 3 hours ago, Sandra the fish rookie said:

    She spent most of her time last evening and this morning with the peppered corydora's. They are very calm fish and I am wondering if she felt safe with them. 

    Super interesting. Did you notice whether the boys could still recognize her among the cory crowd?

  6. On 5/7/2021 at 2:01 PM, Kirsten said:

     even more so than stickers, I'd love fridge and car magnets.

    I would definitely put magnets on the fridge. I enjoy getting the stickers, but I just collect them because I don't have anything to (permanently) put them on. I think magnets would cost a lot more to make than stickers, but it'd be cool if that was something like a 10th order treat. It's a mild bummer that I can't actually use the stickers.

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  7. The livebearer idea has potential. With endlers, you have to make sure the adults won't fit in its mouth though. I think guppies would be too small to reliably eat the fry. Swordtails might be big enough to chomp the adults. I'd consider platies first and mollies second - just because platies are smaller. 

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Sandra the fish rookie said:

    @lefty o & @CalmedByFishfor some reason they are still really after her. I have to wonder if they are hoping more babies will be arriving. Do they just want to eat them? or is it they want "in the vault" now that she is not giving birth?

    They have all been together for a bit over 2 weeks.. and only last night and this morning do I see them really going after her... chasing her no stop.. I am hoping she will go back into her hiding spot soon.. poor girl 

    I think you said it would be hard to catch fish out of this main tank. Could you maybe let the girls stay, and try to catch the boys out? Even if you could only catch 1 to get it away from her, that's better than 0! All the boys you can possibly catch could just live in your quarantine tank for now... or even permanently, but that could be decided later.

    If they're super hard to catch, one idea is to put the net in the water, then use your other hand to put the boys' favorite food right in front of the net.

    • Like 1
  9. 9 minutes ago, Sandra the fish rookie said:

    @lefty o and @Hobbit I added they ladies into the 20G! Lights are out, and my blinds in my office are closed (lets hope I don't fall asleep on my desk)...

    Fingers crossed everything goes well. There is a lot of excitement in there right now. The albino cory's buzzing around guppies everywhere, babies everywhere.. good grief.. this will take me out of rookie-hood quick! 

    Do I need to do anything else to help with stress? or am I just being an over concerned fish keeper? 


    Sounds good. My only other suggestion would be to feed them now so they're a bit less likely to nom-nom on each other.  

    Super cool about having babies on Mother's Day too! 

    • Like 1
  10. I recently bought fish online twice, and the two experiences were drastically different. For the sake of you and your potential fish, I want to give you a heads-up. I do know we don't talk about companies by name on this forum. That's fair. I'll call the companies A and B.

    On March 4, I received 3 male/female pairs of endlers from Company A. It's a company I'd rarely heard of, and had a website full of typos. But with each pair of fish, they added an extra fry, and all the fish were healthy. I paid for 6 and got 9. Came with a heat pack. Great experience. 

    On May 5, I received 10 male endlers from Company B. It's a company that's very frequently talked about, spoken highly of, and often recommended. But they neglected to add a necessary heat pack. Of the 10 endlers I received, 7 were rotting, 1 died soon after, and 2 were weak but have recovered. Awful experience. I assumed that like ACO, Company B would try to make it right. Instead, they wouldn't acknowledge my telling them that the fish had needed a heat pack, and just claimed that they expect fish to "arrive stressed." Stressed and rotting are different. I was eager to be a repeat customer, but certainly won't be.

    Lesson: Do your own research, and try to find reviews from customers who had a variety of experiences with the company you're looking at. And when you do decide on a company to try, let your first order be small. Only risk the lives of a few animals until you've seen with your own eyes that the company will treat them (and you) ethically.

    • Like 5
  11. On 5/5/2021 at 9:12 AM, H.K.Luterman said:

    Hey, so should I get rid of my little catfish even though I sized it to be little? I don't want to step on toes. 

    Your new signature looks really nice. I like the change. 

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  12. 1 hour ago, TheChosenOne said:

    I do. Not a true quarantine i guess but I never just instantly put something in my tank. 

    How do you sorta-quarantine? Just put the plants in a see-through container of water and look for moving things? 

    Also, super gross story! Do you know what that wormy thing was?

  13. I know it must've been asked a thousand times, but I'm not easily finding the answer by searching. 

    I have 6 plant species in the mail from ACO, and just realized I don't remember if I should quarantine! I don't care about snails, but might plants bring anything that would harm fish?

  14. 6 minutes ago, H.K.Luterman said:

    Iiiiinteresting. Do you have a link to where Cory talks about putting bio rings inside a sponge filter? How does one do such a thing? I'd love to do something like that with crushed coral, since I don't use HOBs and finding a good spot to hide the little baggy and get proper flow through it is a challenge. 🙂 

    Just tried to find it for you, but I watched several ACO filtration-related vids yesterday, so I don't remember. My best guess is that it was the vid I'm linking below. 

    Regardless, the idea was that you take off the tube that's above the sponge, and plop the rings into the part of the tube that's inside the sponge... uh, I think. 


    • Thanks 1
  15. 9 hours ago, Todd C. said:

    I am worried about is the transport time if I buy fish in Minneapolis.

    Glad you've got some supplies and fish close-ish. Regarding transport time, maybe look into those tiny green air pumps ACO sells. The product page says they can run in a car, though I didn't look into how.

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