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Posts posted by CalmedByFish

  1. If you're only using sponge filters, is there some clever way to temporarily attach things like carbon or Seachem resin to them? At least after using meds, people must have some way to get the last bits of med out of the water.

    I saw on one of Cory's videos that you can stick some bio rings into the middle of a sponge filter, so it got me wondering if there's a way to use chemical filtration on them.

    I'm thinking a resin bag or a carbon-infused filter pad could be zip-tied to the sponge for semi-helpful use. But maybe you have better ideas? 

  2. 5 hours ago, Daniel said:

    I took the center brace out of 125 gallon tank once, and after that the front panel would flex out about 1 inch when full with water... it never actually broke.

    This blows my mind. Would the glass have done that if it were thicker? Did it not, in some way, pull on the seams at the corners? How long did it last that way? 

    Did the whole thing take place in an alternate universe with different laws of physics?! 🤣

  3. Given his feisty personality, I wonder if he would like an actual toy. I know some bigger fish like to chase ping pong balls. Maybe there's something that'd be of interest to him. If not a toy, maybe a fast-moving snail that he could watch but not hurt. 

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  4. @KirstenThanks for the hydration reminder! I grabbed my water as soon as I saw it. I chugged last night and this morning, but then totally forgot to continue. Mine didn't feel like a shot. It felt like a Barbie doll punched my arm. Weird.

    Off topic, but you'll probably be interested. I ordered 10 male "assorted" endlers to get some genetic diversity. They're currently in the mail. Of the endlers I ordered a couple months ago, only 1 male and 3 females are still alive, and the females don't look pregnant. So I thought I better take action to establish a colony before I end up with zero. 

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  5. I recently saw a post (though I'm not sure on what site) where someone had purchased a tank of similar dimensions. It was marketed as being for multiple bettas, and may have come with dividers that the poster simply took out. I don't know about companies, but I can at least offer the idea of searching betta tanks to find similar dimensions. 

    I wonder if it'd be worth having a tank custom-made. It may - or may not - be better customer service if you're just dealing with an individual or 2 instead of a bigger company. 

  6. 4 hours ago, noctiluca1101 said:

    As I'm sure it has been for lots of folks, the last year has been extremely challenging mentally and emotionally, and getting back into the aquarium hobby has been much-needed therapy.

    For. Real. I've actually had about 5-6 extremely challenging years, and got back into aquariums a few months ago in an effort to save my sanity. It's a great help.

    Welcome to the forum! 

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  7. Welcome! Sounds like you have a lot of thriving happening. 

    The shrimp are the only critters without a name? They must be so offended! 😂 Needs some Star Wars equivalent of "the Borg" or "silly peasants."

    • Haha 1
  8. My angel likes to hide on the same side of the tank that the HOB is on. The water from the "waterfall" beats down pretty hard, keeping the water in the area moving. I've been giving him a hidey-hole of fake plants, but prefer real.

    What are some 12-20 inch plants that can live in constant quick flow, and don't need high light

    Bonus points if ACO sells them. 🙂 

  9. No experience with mysteries, but after I started giving my Malaysian trumpet snails crustacean food, the new growth of their shells looked very different from the pre-food growth. So regardless of whether there's currently a problem, I can tell you that food specifically for critters with shells is really good for them. 

  10. I think it was just last week that a filter zapped me. It was a small filter, so didn't carry much punch, but I learned a lesson. Although I won't get rid of high-watt items I already have, I'll by multiple of smaller power from now on. That way if something is releasing current into the water, it will be limited on how much. (If I understand right.) 


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