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Posts posted by CalmedByFish

  1. @Hobbit Between you posting and me seeing it, I actually emailed an acrylic company to ask if they can do a "bullet-proof 20 gallon," briefly mentioning my daughter's head-butting thing. She is definitely interested in the fish. She sometimes pauses to watch the 55 gallon (from the other side of the couch), and she likes the big tank at the children's hospital.

    If the acrylic people can make a goat-proof tank for me, I could keep it where she and I BOTH can easily see it. I could make a point of the contents being easy for her to notice and process what she's seeing. I'm certain it'd be good for me, and almost certain it'd be good for her. I really hope this company can make something. Fingers crossed. 

    And hey, thanks for the acknowledgment that it makes life super complicated. It really does. 

    • Like 1

    14 hours ago, tolstoy21 said:

    He currently likes to spin like as mad man in my office chair about a foot away from the front of my 125. Now talk about anxiety!

    Too relatable. I have a kid with special needs, which happens to involve daily compulsive head-slamming into *anything.* Has to wear a custom helmet and other gear. Think of an angry billy goat. So my 55 has always been completely blocked off by a wall of couch and recliner, and the smaller tanks are in a room with a door I can lock. 

    13 hours ago, Hobbit said:

     he knocked a pair of skis into a several hundred gallon saltwater tank. Totally smashed it and sent water pouring through the floor onto the guests downstairs.

    Maybe it’s stories like that that give me a bit of perspective when it comes to tank disasters.

    That. Is. Epic. 

    • Like 2
  3. 5 hours ago, Hobbit said:

    But I’m also on anxiety meds, so that probably helps. 😄


    It may not surprise you to hear that I'm on 'em too. 😅

    5 hours ago, Schwack said:

     If a tank pops, for whatever reason, replacing underlayment and carpet is so much easier, and cheaper, than replacing finished hardwood.

    I'd totally do this if I could! The biggest tank has to be on the nicest hardwood floor, unfortunately.

    4 hours ago, H.K.Luterman said:

    I have been known to get up in the middle of the night just because I thought I heard water running onto the floor; so far it's just been my mind playing tricks on me.


    @tolstoy21 Makes me smile that someone going by "tolstoy" is a good writer. Several things you wrote are calming. Thanks.

    @Streetwise That video! Jeepers! No wonder you wanted the leak detection. (And thanks for changing the thread title. It gets to the point much better.)

    • Like 2
  4. 19 minutes ago, Littlefish said:

    Get an acrylic tank?

    Researched that quite a bit. I couldn't find an easily purchased brand that was well-known to not split without warning signs. My thinking was that at least with glass and silicone, you can usually see it coming. 

    19 minutes ago, Streetwise said:

    If monitoring would help you relax, there are leak detection kits, both standalone and as part of a larger system. I have the Neptune Systems Apex with their Leak Detection Module and a couple of sensors.

    In your experience, are the kits sensitive and reliable? 

  5. Am I the only person forever anxious that a tank will leak? 

    Many days, I look at the silicone and glass more than I look at the fish. As my username says, fish calm me. But the actual glass boxes drive me nuts! While I absolutely don't want to have a leak I could've prevented, I also don't want to be more anxious than is appropriate for the threat level. 

    I guess I'm wanting to know if this diligence is warranted. Got any fact-based thoughts on the matter?

  6. 3 hours ago, MJV Aquatics said:

    You might use a bacteria in a bottle product, or substrate/filter media from a healthy established tank.

    I scanned the whole thread looking for this suggestion! Yes - you can just buy bacteria in a bottle. Why wait for what feels like forever for bacteria to grow when you can just pour some in and keep it fed?

    (If you already have an established tank you can use to "seed" the new one, that's great. But if you don't? Bottle.)

  7. Welcome! 

    Opal seems like the perfect name - and I also thought he was a flower at first!

    It sounds like you actually have more experience than I do. But given your preferences for fish, I'll mention the idea of albino cories, pygmy cories, and endlers. (I switched from guppies to endlers.)

  8. 6 hours ago, HanaHoo808 said:

    What breeds have you done??  

    I don't even remember whether they were something more specific than mutt guppies. I just thought of them by color, but it was fun to cross colors and see what came out. 

    That was back when I didn't know there were any water parameters to test besides temp and pH. It's a wonder any survived. Toward the end, I even had to use clove oil on some just out of mercy - not knowing it was MY fault that they were in such bad shape. 

    My knowledge, access to info, and restraint are all far better now. I've recently bought a few endlers (ie bulletproof alternative to guppies), and am eagerly awaiting their first babies. 

    Anyhow, my best wishes for your guppy project! The colors are so fun - they're like a swimming paint palette.  

  9. Yesterday I discovered a type of plant I didn't know I had, and today I discovered a type of snail I didn't know I had. So exciting! (I assume they both rode in on new plants I recently bought.)

    It's not exactly something I "got done today," but it's 2 cool things that happened! 😃

    • Like 4
  10. 40 minutes ago, H.K.Luterman said:

    Would a 40 breeder house one well? I know they get pretty big vertically. I'm guessing since you have one in with livebearers they'll be ok in harder water?

    40 gallons is about the smallest an adult angel would be happy in long-term. I don't know how tall a 40 breeder is. I remember measuring the height of my adult angel, and deciding 12" would have to be the minimum height, even short-term.

    My angel's water is GH 11, and KH 3. Seems fine - but that's anecdotal. He also seemed fine when the nitrates were above 60 for a long time (I didn't know better.) So take my GH and KH with a grain of salt. 

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