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Everything posted by SkarahW

  1. That's what I was thinking. Double bonus: good stuff and from a tank they're already living in. Awesome, thank you.
  2. Of course there are probably cycling threads, however, I have a specific question(s). I have been cycling an old (sanitized and cleaned) 20 gallon since about February 1st, so about 5 weeks. So far, I have a sponge filter, heater, sand substrate, a few rocks and some live plants from my well established 37gal. As far as water goes, I have only treated the water with conditioner / dechlorinator. I entertained the idea of quick start, but hadn't gotten around to adding it yet. The goal for this tank is fresh water community, with an emphasis on the snails that have recently hatched from my in house clutch. Ideally, I want to get fish to add and quarantine in that tank this week. Then after they q, add my snail babies. 🙂 Question: What else should I do to or for the water? Should I add the quick start? Add water from their existing home, my 37gal tank? I've also read about the fish food start and the fish in, do you recommend or have a different suggestion? How does water conditioner and quick start intereact: ok to add / have both? Thanks so much!
  3. So sorry for your loss. It takes a fellow fish nerd to appreciate the love and effort that goes into fish keeping. To any other human, without a love of fish or the hobby, they seem to be just decor or "just a fish", but they are so much more than that. It's great to have a forum like this as an outlet and community. Last year, I lost one of my favorite Corys, an albino named Ponyo. He was the partner to my Green Cory, Sosuke. It broke my heart. So I know exactly what you're going through. Hopefully, your heart heals soon and maybe lessen the blow with a new buddy.
  4. I have had my all-male fancy assorted Guppies for over a year now and they seem to be doing quite well in my community tank with standard parameters. Nothing special, my hardness is a steady 7 and the temp is always 76 - high 77. They are pretty to look at and easy care IMO. One thing I learned through trial and error - be sure to your fish numbers balance the hierarchy. I have noticed they can get a little peckish with new guppies, odd numbers and new fish, but once the order is sorted out they live cohesively. I am also building up a 20gal and looking to find a new group of fish to add. Also, wanna hear what others suggest offered and others' guppy stats. *following*
  5. ... takes a turn around the tank then lands at a nice spot by the filter. Asks the aquarist for an aglea - neat and makes themself at home." In all seriousness though, here's the situation. My golf ball-sized golden mystery snail, Asuma, was about a quarter of the size she is now when I got her has now laid a sizeable clutch of eggs. It has been almost 4 months since I purchased my mystery snail from my LFS. I was excited and baffled to find a clutch at the waterline of my 37gal community tank. Keeping in mind Asuma is a solo snail in that tank. So, I frantically started researching; how did this happen, how do they reproduce, etc. I read that mystery snails can hold onto a fertile clutch for months before deciding to lay them and that they could have become fertilelzed in the LFS before I brought her home. We decided to let the clutch run its course. I didn't want to risk injuring or loosing the babies, so I decided to leave them be. It wasn't until too late that I saw that you could remove clutches. Now, were at week 3 after discovering the clutch and I have confirmed 7 babies of varying sizes; the smallest the size of quinoa & the biggest a pea. My plan is to move the babies to a 20 gal I started cycling at the time of discovery. Once they're old enough to be seen and safely removed they will be transported to that tank. Couple questions and suggestions needed: a) How long until the clutch will be done having hatchlings? b) Since I am building this renewed tank around the snails, suggestions on substrate, enviornment and decor and tank mates please? c) Shells: Are they squishy or pretty hardened after hatching? d) Will "mom" eat them? Will their tank mates eat them? (they are with 6 guppies, 6 corys, and a hillstream loach) I welcome any advice or constructive critique. I am new to snails and learning as I go. I am super stoked on these babies though. Baby and Asuma ("mom") Baby Quinoa Sized Feb 26th-ish One of the bigger babies, today, approx. pea sized
  6. What filtration are you using?
  7. I’m so sorry to hear this. But it’s an important subject to touch on. Decor needs to be functional and safe. Thanks for sharing.
  8. Greetings Fellow Fish Enthusiasts, I am Skarah from California. Throughout my childhood I had the minimal goldfish tanks and the bettas. However, as a young adult I only ever kept a Betta or two. How the obsession began: I was forced into full-fledged aquarist mode in December of 2018. I work at a place that hosts clients and events as well as normal dining. I was working as a bartender for a holiday party for a local company. They had a gift exchange and as what I am guessing was a gag gift, one employee brought a bag full of goldfish and rosy-red minnows. After the party had concluded, the bag was left there on the table with dirty cups and trash. There was no way I was going to leave those fish to die. So, that night I adopted a bag of 11 fish and promptly put together a tank from Walmart to just get them out of that bag. Unfortunately, that following year often fish were used for decor for parties hosted by clients on many occasions. So, I have inherited multiple fish over my career there. However, that negligence led to the spark that lit my love of fish keeping for me. Thus, the hobby was born. I currently have three established freshwater tanks. My pride and joy - a 37gal community with Corydoras, Guppies, a Hillstream Loach and a Mystery Snail. One 5gal Nano with Rainbowfish, and a 10-gallon divided Betta habitat with two males. I am working on cycling my starter 20 gallon and turning into a snail keeping tank. I was recently surprised to learn that my solo Mystery snail was impregnated in the store and laid a clutch of babies above my 37gal waterline. I have been visiting this website and Aquarium CoOp's videos for advice and education on my "newly" acquired hobby. I've had a new fish question, curiosity or problem occur almost monthly that needs researching or solving. So, I am excited to be here to learn and share. I am open to constructive advice delivered in a polite way. Everyone has their own way with the hobby and it's great to have a place to learn from each other, respectfully. Thanks for reading. -Skarah & her fishies
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