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Everything posted by Aquatictimes

  1. Lumpsucker I think they are so neat but I wouldn't ever want to care for it. Someone else would have to.
  2. I ordered six 1 inch panda garra's to be shipped 2 days. All arrived well and were taken in when arrived. All were alive and the heat pack was still warm. My quarantine tank had been up and running warmed to 77 degrees and filtered with a sponge filter. Parameters all looked good both before and even after the pandas were added. I acclimated to the water temperature before adding them. All 6 died overnight. I am racking my brain, PH shock? The only thing I did not do that I probably should have was acclimated by adding water a little bit at a time. I was in a rush and I skipped this step. I know it was somehow my fault just trying to wrap my head around if there was any other thing that they may have passed from or I should be aware of next time. That was an expensive order to lose but I'm more upset that this is only the second time I have ever had fish shipped to me and BOTH shipments passed, one DOA and now this next day. I really don't ever want to mail fish again. Any thoughts on how I can do this better? I usually get my fish from our LFS and all those seem to do just fine in quarantine and adding them to my ten different tanks. Any constructive criticism or advice would help. I feel like I only come here when something goes wrong, which isn't often but no one around me understands fish. Forgot to add a picture of paramaters
  3. Flat and yes pictures of fish in the water don’t come out great. I’ll try to get some better ones
  4. I plan on taking updated paramaters tonight so I don't want to post old ones until then, sorry I don't have them on hand. I brought my pond inside for the winter to keep it from getting too cold. Then with the concrete flooring I ended up doing just that and for about a weeks time my fancy gold fish were between 59-62 degrees. I think that is what started all this. Now my Calico has white non fluffy spots on his tail only. I haven't seen him have it anywhere else. I don't think it is ick. Yes I am sure he is male. I am thinking columnaris but wanted a second opinion. The other two fancy goldfish in the tank including my black telescope moor seem to be unaffected. I think the cold drop brought it on. I have since put two heaters in and kept them at 70 degrees as well as treating them with Aquarium Salt level two treatment. I keep kicking myself as I thought simply because they were indoors they would be more at room temperature. I of course should have considered the cold floor would make the water temperature drop. Any helpful suggestions or experiences would be welcome. This is one of 9 of my tanks so I am trying to identify and treat without it spreading. Thanks.
  5. @ColuThank You! With that advice a few follow up questions. Keep on the melafix and prima fix and add ich X in addtion or stop the API meds and only do Ich X? In addition, Salt? No Salt? If so for how long?
  6. @lefty oI would agree...the more research I have been doing the more I am thinking not Ich. Fungal bacteria? Costia? Praying not Columnarius...should I repost asking for identification?
  7. Hey all, A little over two and a half years of fish keeping and this is my first time experiencing ICH. I knew the day would come and I have Ich X on hand. I believe the cause has to do with the temperature and algae in our pond due to Ida and such that have come through. It is a small 90 gallon outdoor pond and though it gets weekly water changes I think the heat plus the algae caused a stressful environment for my Black Moore. I first found what looked like fungas starting on his tail. Pictures included. I started PrimaFix and MelaFix as a percaution (I know some are not thrilled with those meds but it has worked in the past and a great place to start when you are still diagnosing) And overnight it has gone to his back and sides. I am looking at a 20% water change tonight adding salt and Ich X. I just want to verify, seeing that it is my first time, that this is indeed ich. My thoughts are to treat the whole pond due to it probably being everywhere. We had a really great run with not having any issues with the fish getting anything due to water cleanliness all summer and me learning how to better care for my fish over the years. I should have known it wouldn't last forever... Couple of questions: Temps are going to get a little lower this week Low 58 at night-65. I was already thinking of switching them back over to their indoor pond. Should I quarantine them then get the indoor pond ready for when their quarantine is over or just treat the pond and leave them out a little longer going into the fall? Have you used Salt in addition to Ich X and what would be the ratio you would suggest for a 90 gallon? Any other suggestions or secrets of the trade that you may do that I am not mentioning please let me know. THANKS!!!
  8. Learning about different fish every day. Talk about a nano fish. The Peadocyprus Fish is the smallest vertebrate in the world. Anyone have them in their tanks? Are they even sold for aquarist?
  9. I have some health issues as well, I was just gonna be in the hobby for as long as my body let me but this gives me hope!! Thank you!! We should start a thread for fish keepers with disabilities and suggestions on how to adapt!! PS I'm a MTS fish keeper as well.
  10. I love the stickers too. My most recent was the Corydora which is my favorite.
  11. Hi! Welcome! Emerald Corydoras very nice!
  12. I have Pothos in my Goldfish tank but i always make sure to let the roots heal before putting them in. I also suggest an empty hang on back filter or breeder box where water can pass through to help keep the roots safe and out of nibbling water pigs mouths. Hope this helps.
  13. Hiya, I'm gonna introduce myself and my story but if you just wanna look at pretty pictures of my tanks and keep scrolling you are more then welcome too as well. 🙂 I'm @Aquatictimes I have been a fish hobbiest for almost 2 years now. It all started with a small European 90 gallon pond I bought on facebook marketplace for my back deck. From there came my three pet Goldfish: Luna, Toothless and Cloudjumper. Yes HTTYD Themed for those that recognize. Luna I always imagined was the white dragons name even though they never said in the movies. When fall came we quickly realized that the pond wasn't deep enough to keep out all winter (hardly 2') thus began the Multiple Tank Syndrome. I got one for them and it worked well. So, then I got another for plants to quarantine before going in the main take for the Goldfish to destroy. (Yes I had a whole tank to quarantine plants...did I mention I was new to the hobby and overly cautious?) After that it was just downhill until I ended up here with 7 tanks. I have a 3 gallon for my one and only nerite snail, 3-5 gallons (mostly because people gave them to me and I said SURE! Again, they started with only plants and quickly added fish or invertebrates.) 1-10 gallon for my beloved Corydoras. I have a problem with Catfish, I want them all. 2-20 gallons and a 40 gallon for the Goldfish but only over the winter months before they go back out for to the pond for spring, summer and fall. Last year we renovated a part of our basement for my obsession, I mean hobby. Now I have my own fish room. We even added a muck sink for easy water changes and a supply cabinet where I house all my collected aquarium co op stickers on the door. I have learned a lot but I have a lot to learn. So here I am! Aquatic Living Creatures I've kept: Fancy Goldfish including a Telescope Moor, Trapdoor snails, Ghost shrimp, Amano Shrimp, Pea Puffer, Mystery Snails, Otocinclus Catfish, Corydora Sterbai, Endlers, Nerite Snail, Ramshorn Snail I have an unstocked 20 gallon at the moment...What should I look into having next?
  14. I leave it in my car for days when I stop at our LFS and take it in for any cold items. Mostly for frozen fish food. Love the reuse idea!
  15. @Brandy This made me laugh!! Yeah I'm leaning towards trying this like you and @H.K.Lutermansuggested. I'll make the blackout time longer. I'll start with that. Stop Fertilizers, which I was already doing, and watch it to see if it balances. Now, I did at H2O2 last night to try and kill some of the algae so that the plants weren't suffocating. Should I stop that or continue that for the rest of the week?
  16. @Jungle Fan First of all, Thank you for your kindness!! Secondly, you have a really good eye. Yes it was Fluval Plant & Shrimp Stratum when it got low and I added new plants about a year ago I did add some Aqueon Substrate (which I would never use again) but other then that the substrate has remained the same for a year. My question is how long is substrate good, doesn't the plant use up the nutrients naturally after a while? Would a year be sufficient to use those fertilizers in the substrate up? I've never entertained the idea of Co2 mostly because Cory said it's really not needed. I also worry that it would add yet another element I would need to balance with the tank (and also I would need to research as I have absolutely no clue about Co2 injections.) But thank you for the information about Co2 at night! That is good info to have. Thank you for the dialouge!
  17. @H.K.LutermanI do have a blackout period starting at 12 midnight going until 6am. Should I make the blackout more from 9pm to 6am? Would that help?
  18. Hey all, I have been a fish hobbiest for going on two years now. I have learned a lot, but I have a lot to learn. My 10 gallon was once a beautiful planted tank with gorgeous color and life. I have since built my fish room, moved the tank and got a Finnex 24/7 light and now the tank is sad and covered in Fuzz Algae. As stated in the description of the light I have it set up with "The 24/7 feature starts with a cool lit Dawn, transitions in to a warm sunrise morning, followed by an intense color blazing high noon, scaling down to a red sun drowned Sunset and finishes with a Starry night Blue moonlight." Since making these changes I have seen an increase and excess of Fuzz algae. I have been struggling with it for months now. Clearly the tank is not balanced. Yes I know this. And I'm embarrassed to post these photos. My question is, is the technically low lighting (16.8 watts over a 10 gallon tank) fixture causing the algae alone by being on all day? I had started to play with easy green thinking it needed fertilizer but it felt to me like when I put it in the algae got worse. So, far I have taken out the second sponge filter, I thought maybe the water was too oxygenated and needed more CO2. Now I feel like that was a dumb move and that's not gonna give me much more Co2. No I don't have Co2 running in this tank. This is one of my 7 tanks and the one I struggle with the most. Any helpful information is appreciated. It's taken a lot to for me to suck it up and ask for help. The Paramaters: 10 gallon-9 gallon with substrate tank set up almost 2 years ago, Corydoras (are my main featured fish in this tank), ghost shrimp (put in to help with the algae) and a few male Endlers to keep separate from my females for the moment. PH: 7.0, Nitrates: 5ppm, Ammonia-.25 (comes out of my tap this amount, I'm on a well near farms with run off), Nitrite: 0, Temp: 75.6, The last picture with the purple background shows the 10 gallon in its glory days.
  19. Please Note: I do not have fish with this disease. This is merely research. I have been trying to research Gas Bubble Disease in captive Freshwater fish. What is the likelihood as a hobbiest that this would happen in your aquarium without running high pressure oxygen? Could this be caused by simple sponge filters? If you have have for example: a 40 gallon fish tank and you have two 40 gallon size sponge filters constantly running could this cause enough excess oxygen to cause Gas Bubble Disease? Is it not just about the sponge filters would it also be about water temperature and excess waste? Thanks for helping me better understand this disease. (No, you're not helping me cheat on a homework assignment I haven't been in school for years. This is just what I do. I try to better understand things.)
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