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Everything posted by Colu

  1. Looking at were the white patch is it's more likely to be caused by an injury could have jumped hit something I would monitor if you notice it develop a fuzzy appearance or Redding to the area i would quarantine and treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons and do a course of kanaplex @macdaddy36
  2. If you can get both that would be the best option if you can only get one I would get kanaplex
  3. Colu

    Sudden tank crash

    With mast die off in a short space of time it's more likely your new angelfish introduced a fast acting bacteria such as columnaris that can kill in 24hr without your fish showing symptoms your new fish could be imumme to and that's why it's not affecting your New fish I would keep treating with erythromycin and get holed of kanaplex it's a more broad spectrum antibiotic treatment I would follow up with a course of that if your still losing fish and add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 10 gallons that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes
  4. Colu

    Sudden tank crash

    A little more information would be helpful what's your ammonia level did you quarantine before adding the new fish any lose of colour rapid breathing have you recently do a water change before the deaths if so did you add a dechlorinator any possible of contamination with house cleaning products @Smrgle
  5. One full course of kanaplex 6 days dosing every 48hr one scoop treats 5 gallons so you would need 18 scoops of kanaplex to do a full course of treatment if I remember rightly one pack treats 200 gallons metroplex you add to food for 3 week one 5 gram container would be enough you don't need use garlic guard you will need seachems focus it binds the medication to the food
  6. As you have some live plants I would only add 1 table spoon for 5 gallons of aquarium salt and remember to only put back in what you take out so if you do a 5 gallon water change put 1 table spoon of aquarium salt back in if you want to do a fishless cycle I would add quick growing plants such as vallisneri hornwort and some floating plants dwarf water lettuce or amazonian frogbit you can get dr tims ammonium chloride that will help feed your benefial bacterial helping to cycle your tank before adding fish you will first see ammonia then nitrite when they go to zero and you see a small amount of nitrate after 24hr of adding Dr Tim's then your ready to add your first fish only add a couple of fish a week to start feed once every other day gradually add more fish till your fully stock over the course of a month test every other day or daily during first couple of weeks after adding your first fish if you see any ammonia or nitrite do a 50% water change and add a double dose of seachems prime to help detoxify any ammonia or nitrite I would also recommend getting a KH and GH test kit @jodip
  7. Yes keep using the catappa leaves and salt and monitor if you can source kanaplex or metroplex that what i would follow up with I no that will be very difficult to get holed of in Canada
  8. Looks like damage to the eye I would treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for a week then give an update
  9. Have you got a side on view of the eye and what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature
  10. Colu


    Sorry to hear that I have used nitrofurazone based medication multiple times with plants in my tank only thing have noticed is reduced growth for a couple of weeks after treatment
  11. Possible epistylis they can attach to glass and form colony's
  12. It's basically looking for visable signs of red worms on your shrimp camallanus worms depending on the species can survive between 4-8 weeks without a host I would recommend a minimum of 1 month quarantine
  13. If the spots are raised I would add aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons while treating with kanaplex possible epistylis I can say for sure as am struggling to see the spots in the picture
  14. You are monitoring to see if there are any signs of camallanus worms they don't spread between the shrimp only infect fish if the shrimp is eaten the chance of a shrimp having camallanus worms is small here's a disease chart with some common diseases to look out for why I would always recommend quarantining new shrimp if your adding them to an existing colony
  15. I was going to say Florida flag fish @Fish Folk
  16. If the spots are raised it won't be ich if you can get a better picture it Will help with a diagnosis
  17. Shrimp can be carry of camallanus worms as part of the second stage of there life cycle levamisole flubendazole and fenbendazole will treat camallanus worms are harmful to shrimp praziquantel safe to treat shrimp isn't effective at treating camallanus worms you best option would be to quarantine and monitor for a minimum of 4 weeks @LDZ
  18. With the sunken belly it looks like wasting disease I would treat all the fish with levamisole active ingredient in expel p once a week for 4 weeks @Sharon22
  19. can't see the spots in your picture are the spots raised or flat @Whitecloud09
  20. I would keep treating with maracyn2 and ick X that's not a parasite on the fins I don't think it's lymphocytosis it can be caused by damage to the fins causing a thicken of the tissue or a growth on the fins or cyst update after 7 days of maracyn2 and ick X will go from there @cmo1922
  21. Looking at the pictures the Spots look raised the most effective treatment for epistylis is a combination of ick X to treat the tank and treat with maracyn2 in food feeding amount twice a day for 7 days
  22. It's not looking good with the pineconing of the scales that can be caused by organ failure parasitic infections internal bacterial usually when you get pineconing even with treatment most of the time it doesn't have a good out come treatment i would usually recommend is a combination of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons kanaplex and metroplex as you don't have access to these medication it's a difficult one to treat if you think he's suffering I would humanely euthanize him with clove oil
  23. You can keep them keep chemical media some can be recharged you can keep sponge and bio media in your filter during treatment it's odd that you got a huge ammonia spike maybe it was because the chemical media was removed I don't use chemical media other than active carbon to remove medication after treatment when I have used levamisole I have never had an ammonia spike
  24. Give it 5 days of epsom salt if your seeing no improvement then do kanaplex
  25. Yes you can start to feed I would feed once a day during treatment and a small amount twice a day after you have finished treatment I would do another water change if you have active put some into remove any remaining medication @MidnightBel
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