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Everything posted by Colu

  1. Air Stones create finer bubbles they are more efficient at adding oxygen to water then larger bubble's
  2. Colu

    Snail ID

    Possible Malaysian trumpet snail
  3. What I would do is add an Air stone to increase levels of desolve oxygen that will help keep your benefial bacteria alive and I would test daily and do daily 50% water changes and add a double dose of prime to help detoxify any ammonia and nitrite till it constantly stays at zero
  4. The amount of active ingredient in jungle fungus clear fizz tab's is under dosed so it safe to dose every day without any side effects a lot of people on this forum have successfully used this treatment plan with the no adverse effects
  5. Another possibility if you have an office cleaner might have accidentally go cleaning chemicals in the tank such as air freshener or surface spray
  6. It could be a parasitic infection with red Gill's weight loss have you notice any rapid breathing hanging near the surface listlessness spitting food out flashing if so I would treat with paracleanse or general cure in food feeding a small amount twice a day for up to 21 days
  7. I would still recommend treating him with flubendazole just to cover all bases just in case it's internal parasites can cause the symptoms your seeing
  8. I would follow the treatment i recommended and treat with paracleanse in between treating with levamisole it will cover most types of parasites from tapeworms round worms nematode worms it will give your fish the best possible chance of recovery
  9. Usually you treat once a week for three weeks with levamisole you can do a 50% water change and then run active carbon for 24hr and redose with levamisole if you do that I would still repeat the treatment once a week for the next two weeks for a Total of 4 rounds of levamisole
  10. I have looked on planet catfish it does not have a lot of information very little about water parameters just mention temperature
  11. High levels of nitrite can cause appetite suppression and will eventually kill your fish what I would do is get some 5-1 test strips and test daily and do daily 50% water changes and add a double dose of prime to help detoxify any nitrites till they constantly stay at zero and I would add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table for 5 gallons that will help prevent mathemoglobin toxicity by blocking nitrite adsorption though the Gills of your fish with out getting your nitrites under control your not going to see any improvement in your Betta @Denied Taco
  12. Going down the rabbit hole of unusual catfish acestridium dichromum pic1-2 and acestridium discus pic 3 wondering if anyone has any experience with them in particular getting them to accept prepared foods such as repashy algae wafers cucumber from what I have read it can be difficult to transition them from algae and micro organisms
  13. Epsom salt baths 1 table for 2 gallons for no more than 15 minutes for a couple of days can help as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to help her release the eggs
  14. I wouldn't recommend dosing the tank and adding the medication to food you could over dose your fish
  15. I would add a couple of nerite snails they are excellent algae eaters and don't produce much waste
  16. With salt you could start at 1 table spoon for 5 gallons and gradually increase over a couple of days to 1 table spoon for 2 gallons You could try live baby brine micro worms or some repashy community blend @8spidersayear
  17. You can use kanaplex with levamisole only if you use kanaplex in food i would just monitor for now and focus on one thing you can add salt with levamisole 1 table spoon for 2 gallons that would slow the spread of Epistylis allowing you to treat the parasitic infection first @8spidersayear
  18. If she not eating I would follow up with absolute wormer plus if she not taking the medicated food
  19. What I would do is monitor them closely for the next week test your nitrates just before a water change and then test after a water change to see we're It's wear your levels are I would aim for 20ppm of nitrates if you notice any other symptoms let us know as it's also possible something else is going on
  20. If you Cory's were suffering from a bacterial infection I would wait at least 4weeks after treatment to avoid the risk of cross contamination @BettaBabe94
  21. Typically tetra's lay eggs at dawn or dusk I would check the breeder box first thing in the morning @Aquarius Aquatics
  22. Guppies are from a different family and can't cross breed with platy's they should be fine together
  23. High levels of nitrates can effect fish's swim bladder causing buoyancy problems listlessness rapid breathing and can eventually kill your fish you could have had a spike and missed it some species are more sensitive to nirates @Garbo Aquatics
  24. Both polyguard and sulfaplex treat bacterial and fungal so I wouldn't dose Ick x
  25. seachems polyguard is a good broad spectrum treatment or seachems sulfaplex
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