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  1. Hello Forums, Once more, I am asking a question about stocking. Could I keep 6 Heckle Discus (Or Any Other Kind, Doesn't Matter), 3 Marbled Angelfish (Or Any Other Kind, Doesn't Matter), 12 Blue King (Cochu) Tetras, 6 Pygmy Cories, 3 Apistogramma Cacatuoides (A Male And Two Females), And 3 Bolivian Rams (Again, One Male And Two Females)? It looks like overstocking, but I'm not 100% sure, since I've never kept discus. Thoughts?
  2. @James Black Could I keep maybe some pygmy corys? I know they are very small, but one of my favorites. I am worried that if I do stock them the cichlids might eat them. Am I right on this or should I be fine?
  3. I could probably try it, I just think that GBRs as quite expensive at my LFS, but I probably could make the drive to Aquarium Coop, it's like 1 hour away from me.
  4. Hi Forums, I had this idea to setup a new 55 gallon "cichlid" tank, with these fish in the tank: Panda Cory - 12 Amano Shrimp - 2 Dwarf Cockatoo Apistogramma - 2 Blue King Tetra - 24 Bolivian Ram - 6 Marble Angelfish - 2 It's not 100% cichlid, more of a community tank, but the majority of fish are cichlids, so I'm calling a "cichlid" community tank. Could you give me some insight on if this tank seems suitable on paper, because obviously cichlids are SO unpredictable. Thanks!
  5. Do you think I could setup a 55 gallon community tank with Bolivian Rams and Apistogramma Cocatouities? There will also be other fish in there, but upon asking MANY different people, everyone has a different take on it. Even just searching the web gives different results! Has anyone here on the forums had any experience with this? I AM going to keep this tank for a long time, maybe 5 or 6 years. Edit: I also want to know if I can keep a male and female apisto and maybe a couple males and a couple females (totaling 8 Fish) Thanks!
  6. I use gravel on my cacatuoides, and they are (and look) fine with it. Also, white gravel is fine with me, but idk if that matters to you.
  7. Could I keep these fish in a 55 gallon together? I plan to heavily plant the tank, and use floating plants. Here's the list: Panda Cory - 8 Cardinal Tetra - 12 Amano Shrimp - 2 Dwarf Cockatoo Apistogramma - 2 Blue King Tetra - 9 Bolivian Ram - 4 Marble Hatchetfish - 12 Also, as a side note, I will be using dark sand, if that matters. I know I'm kind of overstocking, but that's why I'm here on the forums. Edit: Also, is there anything else I need? Any fish, cleaners, etc.? Cheers! (And Happy Thanksgiving, if you're reading this on the day it was posted 😛)
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