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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. @tolstoy21 my new goal is to use nincompoop at work. Thank you
  2. Don’t forget the gasket and personally, I always add silicone. Other than that, I’m out of ideas.
  3. @NOLANANO I think that the only question is left to you, do you think having to charge basically every day to every other day is practical? If it is then do it. If not, then modify a bit. It’s a cool idea.
  4. I have a Vivosun 1150 water pump (the green one) from Amazon. It helped me change water in my 75’s, 40’s, and 180 with ease. It’s fairly cheap and easy to open up and clear out if it gets clogged.
  5. Have you tried filter floss? This could work.
  6. They basically all do the same thing, brand loyalty plays in big with dechlorinators.
  7. I could walk you through it, but I think it would be much more effective to check YouTube for a walk through. The visuals will help much more than words can. Good luck.
  8. You should see them in a couple of weeks being very tiny.
  9. I’ve kept a school of a dozen or so in the past. Give it time, be patient. When it come to breeding time, they will turn electric hot pink. Very cool fish.
  10. @PluckyD I’d email customer service, I’m sure they can help you out.
  11. @BIRD0887 Cory has business videos somewhere on YouTube specifically pertaining to opening a fish store. I’m pretty sure you have to be a member to gain access, but I’m not 100% sure.
  12. @Tony s that’s what I use on my goldfish pond. It works and is cheap enough to replace every couple of years.
  13. While you allow for the wait time, do you have them laying flat? If not, then that’s probably the issue.
  14. They’re already in a 5 gallon bucket. Remove most of the water and any decor that can be smashed around. Place decor in dechlorinated water. Netting them out adds an unnecessary step to further stress them. I’ve done it a dozen times with much larger aquariums without issue ever.
  15. @Little Guys that is too broad a statement. Some species will get best results over dark substrate while others do best over light substrate. For example, melanotaenia look best over dark substrate. If they live over light substrate, they wash out. However, neolamprologus multifasciatus look best over light substrate. When placed over dark substrate, they will begin to look more like neolamprologus similis. To the untrained eye that doesn’t know about the collar stripe, it most certainly would not be in its best dress. Cater to the species, simple.
  16. You’re playing with fire putting any livebearers other than endlers in anything less than 10 gallons. IMO, this is for the very experienced.
  17. Continue feeding, just feed less. Less food sitting around means less food for snails.
  18. Silicone will need time to cure. I wouldn’t add it to water unless it’s cured out of water for at least 24 hours.
  19. You’re overthinking the food aspect. Fish can go weeks without food.
  20. If you’ve seen baby snails, I’d assume there are definitely eggs in there somewhere, feed less and it’ll fix itself.
  21. Not sure if you can create your own strain of neon tetra although anything is possible. Neon tetras have had the quality be out of them it seems. If I were to buy neons or cardinals, I’d only buy them at Dans fish. He has the best quality fish especially neons, cardinals, and livebearers.
  22. Is it in water? If so, then it’s probably preggo.
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