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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. Pm me and I’ll give you the Etsy shop name. I have a few of them and I’m happy with them.
  2. The company that makes those holders, also makes one where you can keep the roots also out of the aquarium. It would mounted to your aquarium in the same way.
  3. @Cjbear087 don’t overthink it, you’ve got solid advice here.
  4. Sure, I’ve seen this done. I’ve seen African cichlid keepers convert their sumps into refugiums. I believe I saw one that was growing duckweed in there and would use it to feed his mbuna. It’s a neat idea if you have plantivores. You may be able to find YouTube videos on this. Good luck
  5. Photo will help dramatically. If it’s just missing an eye, then I’d move it to a small quarantine tank and let it heal up before deciding where to put it. I’ve seen and have kept fish with 1 eye, some happened in my care. As a matter of fact, I also had a Gold Dojo that was keen on munching on eyes for some reason, but left the rest of the fish alone. Anyways, if it’s a literal bullet hole through the head, then my assumption is euthanizing would probably be best, but I’m not 100% sold on this without a photo.
  6. Don’t overfeed and you should have this under control, it’s been a while, I’m happy for you.
  7. @Little Guys I’m curious to see what trap will catch planeria, I’m not sure this is even possible. Your best bet is to take a photo. It could be detritus worms which are harmless.
  8. @Shrimp Doggy Dogg same as with their fish.
  9. I have a few oto’s. I think I saw one once, maybe.
  10. Thank you for the honesty. I’ve been through this and I am married with children, full time job, blah blah blah. I noticed that the smaller the tank, the easier it was to justify. I also began seeing them as numbers and chores, rather than a pleasure to keep. Collectoritis is a real thing. Now nothing under 75 gallons enters the house simply because it’s not as easy to drop a new one down (although I have it down to a calculated science). Now I’m down to 6 total aquariums and 2 stock ponds outside. My maintenance is always predictable and rarely does something happen to give me issues. I had many more sporadic issues when keeping a ton more aquariums. Good luck on downsizing.
  11. @macdaddy36 I live in Florida and I forgot about mosquitoes. This is an excellent point.
  12. 1- What do you have? 2- Do you have an auto feeder?
  13. @Tropicalfishkeeping201 I use it basically all fish. On the site, you have options for whatever size and type of food to pair with the meds. I’ve always been pleased.
  14. Sounds good as long as it gets some fertilizer.
  15. I’ve gone through the same issues with various fish at times. I feed Rons medicated food and it worked every time. It’s a little tedious because you must gravel vac every other day while meds are fed, but usually half way through, you see a big difference. I used to use all sorts of meds, but now I just feed this stuff at the sight of anything that may be an issue. Has worked every time.
  16. Honestly if that’s the case, you’re better off getting directly from a Florida farm, there are tons.
  17. @Tony s I’m pretty sure I know who you’re referring to. I live about an hour from them and it’s an impressive facility. They are very reputable for having excellent rainbows. @ffi2013 there’s no real way to be 100% sure, but I’d assume they are a simple aquarium strain. Most rainbow fish genetics has been tampered with. There are 4-5 breeders that I’d trust 100% with genetic.
  18. What locale are your boesmani? I had a dozen or so Lake Aytinjo’s and the females looked better than males you see in most fish stores.
  19. As mentioned, you have super hard water. Personally I’d use that to my advantage and load up on hard water species. Lake Tangyanika has some incredible species. Although, you could keep basically anything in there. As @Tony s mentioned, acquire locally for best results.
  20. @lefty o that’s insane. Gars do not play. This may be the best thing I’ve heard all week. Respect
  21. @AtomicSunfish Cichlids will definitely cichlid.
  22. I also will sometimes brush up against my flower horn, but for the most part, there is no benefit to the fish. If you are compelled to pet something, you may want to try a different pet.
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