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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. 75 regular 40 short bodied but monitor and potentially move it up to a 55 if maintenance is too much or it looks cramped. 29 gallon only for fry. I would never put anything that gets over 4” in a 29. 8” is just too big.
  2. I had a flower horn in a 75 gallon. He wasn’t short bodied and he was quite large. Personally I’d never go with anything less than 75 for a full grown adult. With that said, a 40 gallon would be adequate for quite a while. When I would be looking to go bigger than 40: 1- it looks cramped and is bumping into stuff. 2- water parameters dependent on your indefinite water changes. If you can’t skip a water change because your parameters will go out of wack then I’d go larger. I would approach this more of a see as I go, but I would not rule out needing something bigger.
  3. I could be totally wrong but the little guy tucked to the right make me say convict.
  4. Be vigilant with diet, all fancy type goldfish are susceptible to swim bladder issues that are almost always irreversible in the long run. Buy good quality to ensure better genetics, but honestly much like @Cory, fancy goldfish have me frustrated and stumped. They’re excellent and then they absolutely are not. For this reason, I keep Wakins. For the record, I adore fancy’s and hate that they have such health issues.
  5. @beastie you will need to intervene eventually but it definitely can be done. Where I live I can sell off multies almost easier than any other fish and they aren’t cheap.
  6. Neolamprologus Multifasciatus and no lids necessary. You can incorporate larger shells to have plants grow up and out. Just an idea.
  7. My wife enjoys having the aquariums around. She doesn’t care how many enter the home, she knows it’ll all be taken care of. Personally, I’d have a giant problem if my wife wasn’t supportive, super giant problem.
  8. Agreed, if loosing the shrimp isn’t an option, I’d leave it alone. You can put some panty hose on the end of the gravel vac to prevent shrimplets from being sucked up. Are your water parameters good? If they are, then all the more reason to leave it be.
  9. @Alec did you get these from aquahuna?
  10. @Pepere I’d hate to be the person to gift you a tidal for your birthday. We do share the same feelings for it though.
  11. @NOLANANO @Tony s it does get easier, but the perspective remains, which in my case benefits me. Fish keeping has a ton to do with keeping me clean and most importantly, sane. Thanks for the kind words
  12. @TOtrees after years of addiction to heroin, I understand addiction better than most. I’ve been clean for 13 years now, but the behaviors still remain in other aspects of life so I try to keep it as fresh as possible in my head.
  13. @VanDogh most Malawi cichlids with either eat or destroy plants, just a matter of time.
  14. Agreed with @Guppysnail. After reducing things, I usually have a realization of how strong collectoritis is. Each time, I do this, I reduce less and less. I haven’t had burnout in quite a while because I thoroughly enjoy everything I keep. Everything in the house is a sum of 4 rounds of reductions. From this point, I’d probably add 1 or 2 75 gallons, but other than that, I’m tapped out.
  15. You’re really doing this the hard way for no reason at all. You state that patience isn’t your thing, yet subjugate yourself to this. I know you were having issues cycling your other aquarium, did you ever get that resolved or is it both are uncycled?
  16. If you go through all the aquarium coop articles, blog entries, and videos, they literally have it all covered. Just refer people to the website and this forum and you’ve done your good deed. If you just want to write for the sake of it, then by all means. Good luck
  17. The largest you can afford that you have room for.
  18. Rice fish are great, check out Aquabid.
  19. I also had a pair of trifasciata and he tore that poor girl up, so I had to intervene.
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