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Everything posted by TomO

  1. Did you have any problems with algae?
  2. Never thought of that, thanks for the tip. Now I’m really glad I asked. My first tank I just dabbled with plants. My 2nd tank is dirted, my third tank is a 5 gallon shrimp tank, but this 75, I want as close to beautiful as I can get.
  3. I’ve had a large sponge filter cycling in my 30 gallon for the last two weeks.
  4. I want to scape my 75 so that the back corners are 3-5 inches higher than the front of the tank. Does anyone see a possible problem with me putting flat 3-4” thick rocks under the eco complete, rather than using all substrate?
  5. I am finally ready to set up my 75. Do I need 2 sponge filters or can I get away with one. The tank will be heavily planted. I’ll have 6 angels, a dozen harlequin rasboras and a small but dedicated cleanup crew of 4 corys and 3 otos.
  6. I’m about to set up my 75, I only have 80 pounds of eco complete. Will that be enough for planted tank.
  7. I just picked up George Farmer's new aquascaping book today. I haven't really started reading it yet, however. But since the eco complete I ordered was on;y a half shipment, I guess I'll have a week to read through it,
  8. And that is why I asked. I think I saw a video on a dirted tank where the person doing the tank used sand as a cap, but put root tabs and osmocote pellets in the dirt.
  9. I am nearly ready to set up my 75 but waiting one my substrate. I put my plant shipment in another tank .
  10. I had hair algae starting quickly in my tank so I tripled down, bought 3 mystery snails and two nerite snails and six amano shrimp. After a week, I’m algae free. I tend to go a little overboard just to nip things in the bud.
  11. I have been part of this group for a couple weeks. I have learned so much in two short weeks. From Cory’s videos and the great advice from you forum members. I have one complaint however, since hanging with y’all my tank total has doubled. Lol
  12. I’m getting mine this Thursday, I think I ordered it last Wednesday or Thursday.
  13. Would it be a bad idea to use osmocoat and roots tabs in a dirted tank with eco complete as a cap? Would the extra fertilizer from the cap have a greater chance for algae production?
  14. I have a 75 ready to set up as soon as the eco complete I ordered off of Amazon arrives. But I'm still unsure how I'm going to stock it. lots of tiny fish or a few medium to large fish.
  15. In my 55 gallon I have an OB peacock, two angels, two electric blue acara, and a pair of kribensis. I believe if all of your fish are of a mellow temperament, they should be fine. I wouldn’t put jewel cichlids with anything, or auratus. The angels hang near the surface, the kribensis near the bottom and the acara in the middle.
  16. I just set up a 29 in my bedroom. It’s turned out so beautiful, I wish I would have put it in my living room. Lol
  17. I want to collect native plants next year. It’s in the 30’s up here in northern Wisconsin. What do I need to keep in mind when collecting plants for my aquarium? Do I need to treat them with anything so I don’t possibly transmit undesirable animals with my plants?
  18. If this post is prohibited please delete. I just bought 8 20 lbs bags of eco complete for $80 + s/h. Amazon has 2 bags for $20.06. Shipped Nov 18, 2020 - Nov 23, 2020 4 Carib Sea ACS00771 Planted Substrate for Aquarium, 2/20-Pound, Red... $22.06
  19. I hate when you’re plant delivery comes before you decide/ buy a substrate.
  20. Earlier this week I received a plant shipment a week before my substrate is due to arrive. I floated them in my 29, so they get light and fertilizer. Could I have just as easily put them in a bucket of water for a week?
  21. I was able to find red eco-complete on Amazon for two bags for $20 plus shipping to my house. I bought 8 bags for $80 + $21 shipping.
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