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  1. Vallisneria does some heavy lifting when it comes to stopping flow, I have the same filter tank as you, the outtake bit is quite flexible and you can turn them around somewhat that one shoots up in to a corner and the other one along the back of the aquarium.
  2. I give my shrimps a wafer as well as my cory's and other ground dwellers ( although the entire tank goes banana's for them) They don't cloud the tanks at all, can be sitting and be a snack on the bottom for a long time no issue Snails don't seem to be attracted to them though, they seem happy enough with the glass algue and wood.
  3. It's a complete kit! It's the Dennerle Nano cube Complete. Has nutrientsoil, and a bunch of bags of substrate and lamp and corner filter, the only thing it doesn't have was a heater.
  4. The JBL water testing app is quite handy as you can save the results and label them by tank.
  5. Set up a few months ago, I did not expect my shrimp tank to just explode like this, everything grew like crazy all of a sudden and the water lettuce darkening the skies, I already took some out and put it in my other tanks. There is a nice aquascape in there I swear haha.
  6. Ah that's good to hear, it doesn't bother me that much but kinda puzzled because of the thickness of it and the other wood types had no issue, I'll let it do it's thing then. 🙂 Thanks!
  7. Aquarium that's been running for a few weeks along with this new driftwood in it started having this white moldy stuff on it, I've had bio film before which resided quickly but this won't go away, I've already soaked it with hot water for a few hours before use, took it out once before and gave it another rinse and put it back it but it came back. Did a water change and it otherwise clear as day. My narrite snails pretty much leave it alone as well.
  8. I completely cleaned out a tank, drained it, removed the substrate after the tank sat a week with a few inches of icky water, dried that tank and it sat a few days completely dry. Started to set up the tank again with new substrate and filled it with water, suddenly a shrimp was swimming around in that tank, The litter bugger must have lived in a few inches of residue in the internal filter cabinet and have been torpedo's out when I turned everything back on.
  9. My 110L with all of my shrimps was getting a bit nasty and needed a good shrubbing and thorough cleaning, which is currently still in maintance mode, however I decided to give my shrimp buddies a whole new home and put together a dedicated nano tank for them, they've been living in there for a week or two now and the tank is really coming to life. They really love the dwarf lettuce and hang around in the roots and share the tank with a couple pygmy corys
  10. Bladder snail, I received one a while back hitchhiking and now I have dozens of them haha.
  11. It's between my Platy's swimming after each other, going in and out of nooks and cranny's as if they're a bunch of kittens running around the house, it always looks like they're playing and I never tire of them. And yeah my two pearl gourami's who are the most graceful sweeties just swim around totally zen and occasionally just hang out in shelter area's for a moment, love that they're in every part of the water colon. Also love my recently new acquired German Blue Ram, his mannerisms are so unique to the rest of my fish, he's like puppy daring back and fort frolicking in the backyeard looking for sticks and stuff to play with.
  12. My flow is pretty good, recently upgraded to a FX2 and everything's flowing calmly in the wind and did a 50 percent water change last week but I'll keep doing it every week and see if it improve some. I have a Rubra val and two jungle fal/gigantea or how ever you want to call the big versions, the Rubra grows steadily now but my two other have not really grown at all since I planted them a month and change ago, both made one runner but have not grown themselves oddly enough.
  13. Hey all, I've been scratching my head at my Val Rubra which finally started growing now, thing is with most of my Val's I had in the past that I can't keep them from getting fuzzy around the edges or from molding on top where they meet the water surface, It's suppose to be a medium to high lighting plant if I recall correctly and I have the lights on for around 8 hours or so. Anyone got some Val tips or suggestions to keep them healthy looking?
  14. I have one of those sticks with a razerblade on them from Superfish but honestly I prefer to just grab a dish sponge and dip my arms in, it's way more thorough and quicker and I got a scratch or two because some gravel got in the way while using the tool.
  15. Platy's! They have such fun personalities and they're always hanging around together, darting over the place or go spelunking in rock formations and decorations. They always seem like they're having the most fun.
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