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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. Yeah. I really doubt you have a magnesium deficiency. You have hard water. Calcium and magnesium are the two biggest factors in hard water. It’s more likely you have a potassium deficiency. Most aquariums have a potassium deficiency. As potassium binds to most soils and doesn’t enter the water stream. We have the same issue when growing crops. Only we can add it to our soil The new easy potassium from coop might be very helpful to you
  2. Hopefully he's just having a fit and not seriously ill. But the sideways on the bottom looks bad, tbh. And sometimes we lose them through no fault of our own
  3. Ya. It’s getting worse as I get older. Used to not be so bad. Last month I climbed a feed bin to fix its rope. It wobbled. I was frozen in place for 10 minutes. It’s only 18 feet tall 😂 And you’re up there trying to figure out why the heck you can’t move. Stupid brain
  4. You really don’t have to worry about under feeding your fish. As long as everyone gets something. Fish don’t have traditional stomachs like we do. So food in equals waste out. Minus growth of course. The more waste out the more problems you can have with nitrates and algae growth. that being said. You have fish so you can interact with them. Feeding is the obvious way. Feeding multiple times a day is fine. But in very small amounts. The 15 seconds they take to feed is probably perfect for multiple feedings a day. As long as they’re cleaning the wafer up in a couple hours it’s fine. Wafers take time
  5. I mostly find bettas relatively peaceful with non bettas. I keep them in community tanks all the time as I have no dedicated betta tanks. And have kept 6 at one time in different tanks. Corys and kuhli’s are not an issue. Neons tetras, harlequin and espei rasboras, platys, otos have all been no problem. Problem with fin nipping the betta from danios, lemon tetras, skirt tetras. try these videos for more good and bad combinations
  6. Okay, great. Now you have to be patient still until you start to see nitrates. Could take another week or so. This conversion is from a different bacteria and is just getting started now that you have some nitrites
  7. which is something @Ventuxio you'll have to watch out for. Most probably your fine with same sex, but you could just as easily get a pair
  8. I have 8 angels currently. for the most part they're nonaggressive. they only become aggressive when they pair off to mate. then all heck breaks loose. depending on the pair. I had a non-aggressive koi pair. then I had a pair of marbled get really aggressive. to the point of pushing praecox rainbows to the bottom of the tank. they earned their own tank for that nonsense. Dwarf gourami's can be different. some of them are just born with a screw loose
  9. yep. that's what i do. keep the best parts going
  10. @Galabar I don't think your yellow labs are a good mix either. these appear to be much larger and more aggressive just the lips and front face structure tell me it is the zebra cichlid
  11. possibly african. metriaclima fainzilberi. or other metriaclima species. looks like what imp. trop. has for sale sort of looks like a frontosa, sort of looks like a convict. looks closer to the zebra from africa just the head structure itself looks correct. then the long dorsal fin. even has the correct number of stripes. plus the guy said he thought it was a zebra cichlid. I'd edit out the logo. but not sure how to
  12. @Wolfden you might have the perfect setup for the new easy potassium product. as it advertises it's good for both java fern and anubias
  13. unfortunately dwarf gourami can be a bit aggressive. especially to each other. but oh, so pretty. pearl and honey gourami are the peaceful ones. now, not all dwarfs are aggressive. depends on the individuals. I have three together, they chase each other a bit. they have their own areas picked out. which works for now. but may not always. it's just something to keep an eye out for. hopefully doesn't happen at all and if you have different levels of male to female you could have serious aggression issues my dwarfs are all male. so no breeding aggression
  14. yeah, so i'd stay away from apistogramma in that hardness. I have your hardness so... I'd also like apistos, but don't believe they'd do well for us. something like kribensis could work. Dwarf gourami get territorial. not so much picking on other fish, but on each other. if it's well planted with plenty of site break, should be no problem. I'd probably double or triple the number of corys, they feel more comfortable and less shy in bigger groups. I had 6 skunk in a 75g, they hid. i doubled it to 12. now they're all over the place or instead of apistos, bolivian rams do work in our water
  15. same with my hornwort. that's one of the reasons I use it. it's a nitrate destroying machine
  16. some quick question. How big is the tank? water kind of water hard or soft? no problems either way, it just affects recommendations. and are these fish already in the tank or is this just preliminary?
  17. honestly. I'd use my Milwaukee grinder with a cutting wheel. but that's just me 🤣
  18. you shouldn't be harming your anubias or java fern as they are low light plants. but they may not be getting enough ferts. are you using a good all-around fert, like the easy green? I do hornwort instead of water sprite. I assume it's close to the same? just pull chunks off and toss? if that's the case i don't think you can harm it much. it looks very resilient. and really looks very good actually. i may have to switch to water sprite
  19. Cycling is just a waiting game until the bacteria gets going.
  20. From my bettas, platys will work and harlequin rasboras do great. Several other types of rasbora should do equally as well. Snails will work fine. Although keep an eye out when starting, bettas can go after antennae. Don’t know about the gold ring danios, but regular danios (rerio) can be too fast and fin nippy. Guppies can also be fin nippy. Word of caution on big box pet store bettas. Unfortunately they are starting to become a bit weak. They usually don’t last as long as they should and develop tumors, which they shouldn’t. Doesn’t stop me from buying them just to give them a better life for a bit. For long term bettas, buy higher end. Either online or lfs.
  21. Ya. Me too. Once was going to take a forestry class. To pass you had to go 50’ up and then 50’ out. I dropped it the next day 😂 For me it’s weird. I can climb trees and do rafter work. But as soon as the roof sheeting is up. I’m out 🤣
  22. I have a hard enough time with the high touristy walking bridges. like the one they have in Gatlinburg
  23. The eye may be looking normal but may have lost its functionality. for the treatment we should ask the expert. @Colu
  24. This stands out to me first. not sure you can keep different colors of the same shrimp (neocaradina) in the same tank. They will interbreed and eventually just revert to brown. now you could just replace them at that point. I don't have a problem with the two rasboras. but may have more impact using a lot more of one color. then maybe choosing a different one color for the shrimp. like maybe using 12- 15 chili rasboras and the jade shrimp. or 8-10 kubotai and the red cherry shrimp. not sure about the pigmy's
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