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Everything posted by Kunersbettas

  1. I feed him live mealworms and redworms. They are too big for the other fish to eat, but just right for his mouth.
  2. They are pretty small. The dominant one is a bit deeper-bodied, had sharper fins, and shows a wide color spectrum. The other is more blue, but appears like a male that is outcompeted for dominance, and his fins are at a similar sharpness.
  3. I'm not sure, I have on that is very dominant, and one that just hides from him. So probably 2 males.
  4. I think I will run to my LFS tomorrow and buy 2 more, hopefully females. I remember the glory of my dad's 135 rainbowfish tank. It's in the garage, and has seen some very rough days... yet there is still one female Bosemani that is going on 9 years.
  5. Raising fry from birth is quite challenging during a California summer, but once they start to show color, they are fun to raise as they explore the world around them.
  6. I planned on getting more. But with my scarce budget, it's hard for me too get fish in large numbers. I plan on getting 2-3 more on my next trip, perhaps getting other varieties.
  7. Bettas are really very personable. Especially the little ones. Getting that bond is only possible with one you've raised from a little wriggler!
  8. I have tried asking around on the forum about keeping Rainbow cichlids and Kribensis. But I am definitely open to non-cichlid options to be tank mates for my ropefish tank. Some specs: 54 Gallon, Bowfront. Keep in mind that there is less swimming room. 8.0 Ph, mineral rich water. Tank is heavily planted, with driftwood. Substrate is sand, with bits of lava rock in it. Current residents: 11" Ropefish, an Angelfish, 2 Turquoise Rainbowfish, and a SAE. Important things to note: Fish must not be aggressive, small enough to fit in his mouth, and not crazy expensive! 🙂 Thanks!
  9. Snail Stacks are cool, but out of my fish, it was funny watching a blood parrot (I don't have him anymore) fighting over an earthworm with my ropefish. The parrot would try to inch it down his throat, then the ropefish would come and rip it clear out of his mouth.
  10. My tank at the time being. Needs more residents. If anyone wants to buy anubias, I will gladly sell some.


  11. I owned two in a 20. Both male and female are colorful, but I would recommend getting more females than males. Males are usually darker than females. The male was nasty toward the female in such a small space, so I would get no more than 2. Try to pick the less aggressive ones in the store. Very cool fish, but I don't know if I can keep them with my ropefish.
  12. Never kept apistos, but I think you have the right idea with your male to female ratio. I don't think they would be a real problem with a tank that size. I think I'd agree with @macdaddy36
  13. I know. I've only gotten it in livebearers.
  14. Hi @RickHunter, sorry, this my new account. I've since set up a tank for my Ropefish, Kevin. He's about 11" long and eats redworms and mealworms. Aside from rarely coming out, he is doing well.
  15. I'm still torn about getting a second rope. I'm worried about the tank being too cramped for them. I need to get more turquoise rainbows to pacify the current two that I have. Also, I feed my rope redworms and meal worms, at least twice a week, but I'm worried that I'm underfeeding him. Better safe than dropsy, but I really wish I knew when he was full.
  16. So females are aggressive by default, not only when breeding. Interesting. With this conversation, everyone has made me almost afraid of kribs...
  17. I've never seen a dalmatian with splotches instead of spots!
  18. No need for one. The colors mach AQCO perfectly, and they somehow embody the ideas of the form
  19. Here are mi gatos
  20. NAPOLEON DYNAMITE Napoleon and Pedro are such an iconic pair
  21. Gaming, Pokemon card collecting, Baking, Reading, Writing, Brewing, and Cooking.
  22. I would not recommend gouramis for cycling a tank, I would recommend livebearers or rosy red minnows. I think the LFS may have been trying to push a sale. I'm sorry, but keeping an opaline gourami in a 10 will not be a happy setup for him long term. Try a honey gourami, instead. I'm sorry, I know how it feels to return a fish you really like. If you were to get a honey gourami, you can get a group of up to 5, add some otocinculus catfish, and ember tetras once the tank is cycled, and you'll have a tank with great color. Typically having more of them keeps the aggression down, but the tank is still to small for opalines. A 10 gallon is still considered a nano tank, so keep on the nano side. Hope this helps you! This is the honey gourami: That looks
  23. I would recommend some Kuhli loaches, african dwarf frogs, or maybe some shell dwellers
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