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Everything posted by PonyPlantedTanks

  1. Ok this is the flex 15 but maybe you could do a similar thing. I don’t know what the dimensions are for your tank but maybe the 24 or 30in would work? Here’s another option:
  2. There were a few posts about this exact thing on the Facebook group - let me see if I can find it…
  3. The Co Op light is so easy! The moonlight is essentially just using blue LEDs. And it’s just a personal preference thing - plants don’t necessarily benefit from it, so if you like having it on at night you can just manually switch it on. Otherwise, the daylight is the “normal” setting. If you have easy - medium or low light plants, I would start with 30% for 6-8 hrs a day (or more, depending on how long your light is on for right now).
  4. I love my co op light! And they’re being discontinued so if you want it - get one while you still can 😉 Yes the Aqueon lids are definitely annoying in that sense. You just have to scoot the light to the back or diy something. I think I’ve heard most people use greenhouse panels or polycarbonate stuff from the hardware store to make lids. I’d probably just look up some YouTube videos on how to do it if you’re interested. I think the co op may even have a video on it.
  5. I also wouldn’t consider them a true bottom dweller - I only have one at the moment and I haven’t seen it touch the gravel one time since he’s been home😂always out and about on the glass.
  6. There was growth, but let’s just say that there were also a lot of plant casualties…😂😂 and now - yesterday 🙂 im at least proud of the floating plants, lol Here’s to hoping for more growth in the future!!
  7. A water change for the 10g today. Things are getting better in this tank. The floating plants are the best they’ve ever been. The dwarf water lettuce is taking over, but there’s also salvinia, pennywort, guppy grass, and a mat of Pearlweed under those DWL roots. While I was trying to take out some of the guppy grass, I pulled out this absolute monstrosity of a stem: It ain’t exactly pretty, but the plants are getting there so I’m happy with it. The 29g has been very fun as of late. The cherry barbs have totally come out of their shells and are now everywhere at all times. I’ve found that they are not afraid of the tweezers. In fact, I think they have zero fear at all. I’m loving them so far! The males are getting redder every day. Hoping to swing by my LFS to pick up some frozen foods and maybe some cardinal tetras this week if they’ve got them. I’ve been testing water and doing water changes pretty frequently and everything is going smoothly. Despite some brown algae and BGA (🤦🏼‍♀️) the plants are doing their thing. It’s a new tank so I’m not super worried - manual removal for the win, right?! I’m having a great time with mine, so I hope y’all are loving your tanks too!
  8. @AllFishNoBrakes are your chilis more of top dwellers? Or do they go all over the tank?
  9. The best part about this size tank, obviously!!
  10. It’s either Cyanobacteria (blue green algae) or the very beginnings of black beard. I’ve had that exact stuff several times. It’s never gotten out of control as long as I kept on top of scrubbing it off the glass.
  11. I don’t have a 20L, but I do like my 29. The extra 9g up top gives you more options in terms of top dwelling fish (as others have already said). So far I think it’s a nice size and I would upgrade if you have the opportunity - because hey, who doesn’t want to keep new fish?
  12. Mine is about an hour drive. They meet every other month for talks and we have auctions twice a year. I’ve also learned a lot from the few times I’ve been! The auctions always have great turnout.
  13. Personally I wouldn’t worry that much. As long as it’s sitting on a solid stand I think you’re pretty safe. If it was a larger tank, I might stress. But you shouldn’t have any issues with a 10g. My 10g is about as unlevel as yours and I haven’t run into any problems.😂
  14. Howdy everyone👋 After a lot of learning, planning, executing, learning, plant casualties (oopsies) and more learning, I've decided to start a journal and document the progress of my two tanks. The first of which is the 10g Betta Tank. This has been my ultimate learning tank - it's taught me a lot. I still struggle with algae in this tank. Some plants are doing well, others not so much. It isn't terrible, but it isn't as good as I think it could be. May end up doing a complete redo of this tank in the future (mostly to take out the fake rock bc my nerite has totally scraped all the paint off of it LOL) but for now, I'm just doing my best to keep the plants healthy and the fish happy. This tank is home to 1 elderly betta named Cosmo (where are my cougar fans at?!) and a nerite snail. Both are living out their golden years in this tank. The other half to this party (and the reason I've decided to start a journal) is the 29g Community Tank! It's hanging out in our home office upstairs. I'm really excited for this tank and can't wait to watch the plants grow in and the fish grow up. I bought some regular ol' petco gravel for this tank and didn't realize it would be this coarse. Oh well... ya live and ya learn. At least I'm enjoying the color of it so far. I just didn't love how the black Eco Complete showed all the mess in my other tank. Right now there's only 8 cherry barbs and 1 hillstream loach in here. Not exactly sure which variety he is. LFS said he was a "zebra bluefin" but I'm not sure. I love the cherry barbs already. They're very new and shy right now (hence no pictures of them out and about in the tank) but already lots of fun to feed and watch do their thing. I don't want to crazy overstock it, but I want to really see the fish and enjoy a lot of action! So the plan for this tank is: 8 (or more) cherry barbs 8-10 cardinal tetras 1 honey gourami OR 1 bolivian ram 6-8 panda corydoras Possibly 2 more hillstream loaches bc they're tons of fun already! Anyways - there ya have it! I love this hobby and am super stoked to have this new tank open up so many more options! Let the chaos begin!🐠🌱✨
  15. They are totally nocturnal - I hardly see mine during the day but as soon as the tank light is off, he’s out and about doing his janitorial duties! Give the other nerites some time - I agree that they could still be a bit in shock. If you’re worried, pick them up and give them a sniff. If they smell bad then unfortunately they’re gone, but if they don’t then plop em back in.
  16. How is your gravel so sparkly clean?! Your tank is looking wonderful and algae free!
  17. Thank you @HelplessNewbie! That was super helpful! I’m going to try frozen foods first before I attempt to culture live foods. Is there a certain kind you think they’d like best? Mysis or brine? I wonder if bloodworms would be too big for them since their mouths are still small?😂
  18. I’m really excited about them! Not colored up yet obviously (and I think they’re juveniles). I’ve got Xtreme krill flakes and easy fry food on the way. I’ll pick up some frozen food next time I swing by the LFS. Any other suggestions on what to feed them?
  19. Water Lettuce is the only true floating plant that has actually done well for me. Other things I've grown floating and love are Pearlweed (makes a fun floating mat) and Pennywort. I've heard Salvinia is invincible but the variety I have has not exactly thrived, lol. And yes - Crypt lucens is the tiniest crypt I've ever had. Literally the same size as crypt parva!
  20. Just picked up 8 cherry barbs from my LFS last night. I decided to use the plop and drop method of acclimating since my water is pretty dang close to that of the fish store (and I've heard good things about this versus drip acclimating). They look pretty healthy and happy. The only thing is - they've all been hiding at the very bottom of the tank. Last night they were all sort of cautiously exploring in a group, now they're all spread out just hanging out behind the rocks, not moving a whole ton. I left the light off all evening last night but I figured they would be alright if I let the light come on today. Was I wrong? I'm guessing they just need time to settle in. The tank has been running for almost 8 weeks getting the plants growing and doing their thing. No ammonia or nitrite. I don't think I could get them to come up to the top to feed them if I wanted to, which makes me a little worried. Thanks for any experience/thoughts! Edit to add: also bought a Hillstream Loach last night and he seems to be doing great - much more in your face than the barbs.
  21. I really like the Pennywort on the top! Just such a cool plant and it doesn’t look like it’s throwing too much shade in your tank.
  22. Anything that will grow for me is my favorite, lol. My all time favorite plant is Pogo Octopus and I am crossing the crap out of my fingers that I can get it to grow in my 29g. This is attempt 3…. My dwarf lily has been amazing - I gave it some root tabs and it’s grown like crazy when nothing else would grow! I also really like Brazilian Pennywort. I threw it in my tank as a floating plant and it’s done well.
  23. Hydrocotyle is actually pretty easy to grow (especially in small, shallower tanks). It did well closer to the light in my tank. Pearlweed is another good one if you’re ok with a lot of trimming and replanting!
  24. I would love to quit root tabs, but on tanks not injecting CO2, are they still helpful?
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