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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. I've never had luck with tissue cultures, even tried ludwigia once! Everything died or did really bad. 😄 I've seen both in vitro and potted versions in stocks, but they are never coming back again since they went out of stock. Hope they will come back one day. I literally have a special location on front in my new tank, it would be perfect there 😄
  2. it is aprox. 38 Litres, but ofcourse the substrate, decorations etc cuts down
  3. I have crushed lava rock as a filler on the backside of my tank below aquasoil and I have shrimp and mystery/nerite snails. Haven't seen any negative affects so far but the tank is fairly new. On the flipaquatics side the following is stated: "Lava rock in general is one of the best rocks to use in a shrimp tank. Lava rock is extremely porous which provides tons of surface area to grow biofilm and beneficial bacteria. Lava rock will create natural feeding grounds for shrimp and especially baby shrimp. " So I don't think it would harm any shrimp tbh. I have personally never heard someone having issues with that in freshwater tank. But that surely does not mean someone will never face any problems ofcourse. However, I made some googling and it seems lava rocks are not the best for reef tanks it seems. Potentially having high metal/mineral content, sharp structure for delicate corals and not ideal location to grow corals on it seems. Also they may home bacteria due to their structure, and I guess this may also be something negative in reef tanks? It also seems impossible to clean them if needed/wanted. I have no personal knowledge of saltwater/reef tanks really. But better safe than sorry I bet.
  4. I regret not getting this one... We had them in stocks for some time but I didn't buy them, assuming I would not be able to keep it alive. If I had this new tank set up I def would get it. Hoping to find it again one day :') Looks great! Wish I did :') One of my fav plants.
  5. Thanks @knee! I guess I will go for premium version, it seems like the safest option, as I already dose Equilibrium and have extra potassium on hand. I keep shrimp there too, and I don’t wanna risk it. Also tropica aquasoil seems to have N in it, so I think I can handle with dosing premium version to the tank and N/P coming from fish waste/food. The only water column feeders I have are a small java fern and some water lettuce/frogbit. Others are all mainly root feeders. So I assume this type of ammonium don’t turn into ammonia and have increased toxicity with higher ph and temp?
  6. Hey guys, hope everyone is doing well. Lately I have been trying to find a good all in one fertilizer that I can use in my 33g considerably heavily planted tank. The tank is on low stock side, only 2 mystery snails, 2 nerites and 16 pygmy cories. It has tropica aquasoil and root feeders have been doing pretty good so far. I currently dose seachem comprehensive twice a week. I have always been using Seachem comprehensive and I dose Equilibrium with all water changes, potassium from time to time. But I normally kept my tanks a bit overstocked and feed variety of fish food, so always had phosphorus and nitrate in the tanks. But this one is on low stock side. As I am aboutta finish my bottle, I have been looking for a Tropica’s all in one Premium and Speciliased Nutritions, as I liked their aquasoil a lot by now. When I ordered specialised version, I saw that it clearly stating ammonium in it. When I checked Seachem nitrogen, it says it has ammonium too but in a form that does not damage live stock??? My ph is 8.2 so normally I wouldn’t come by ammonium and I am afraid of potentially dosing anything toxic to the tank. So I am planning to go for Tropica Premium one with equilibrium instead. Any idea about ammonium dosage in high ph tanks with fertilizers? Do these ammonium can potentially damage livestock in high ph like mine, or in general even without a high ph? Tropica premium version: Tropica specialised version (advertised for heavily planted tanks): So current plan is going for premium version + keep dosing equilibrium with water changes. But I think I may not have enough N and seems like all available to me comes from ammonium. What do you guys think? P.S: we don’t have ACO here just in case anyone would suggest easy green. No easy green here sadly
  7. 20g is fine. They have less bioload compared to mystery snails because they sleep much more and eat less from my experience. But they have more bioload then most other snails, they do poop a lot. But it would not overstock the tank by itself I believe. Rabbit snails are the most fragile snails I have ever kept. They require lots of blanched veggies and snellos. Mine are not a huge fan of normal fish food and wafers. A bit picky about water parameters and tank conditions, and tank mates should be chosen with caution. They like to bury into substrate and sleep. So you should have a sand or smooth substrate that they can bury. They also like hard water with high ph, gh and kh. I'm not sure how ideal this is for a betta. They should be kept in warm waters too, ideally 25C or more. they sometimes climb and fall down, so you should ideally not have anything sharp or stuff like rocks next to glasses or they can break their shells. Also you should be ready for betta and platies showing interest in their antennas. They can literally get depressed and never open up and die if they lose their antennas. I would personally not keep them in a tank with anything that may potentially be interested in their antennas like worms, which bettas are known to bully snails. Also some people say their snails being interested in eating plants, especially java fern. Mine never eaten one, but I feed them veggies/snello daily. If they get hungry, they would go for plants I believe. If you have any further questions I may help. Edit: I have corys with them. Corys pose no danger in my experience. Edit 2: Nerites love to lay eggs on them. If you have a female one, just be ready. Mine literally filled their erosed parts in their shells. Medic, reporting for duty
  8. I've never kept pea puffers but I've noticed my tetras chasing frozen bbs more when I plug in the HOB back. Filter pushing them around creates a vibe like they are swimming. Maybe it is worth a try? But tetras are real fast, I assume puffers aren't. :') Just wanted to share
  9. Idk in coop specific as we don't have one here, but sometimes taking a picture may help with the color reading imo.
  10. Aquasoils generally leech lots of stuff including ammonia to the water, so generally livestock addition is adviced to be postponed for a couple weeks and big water changes are recommended during the first month. I've personally seen ammonia for the first two weeks and made %50 water changes once every 2-3 days. After adding very established media and constant water changes, I no longer see any. I've planted quite heavily on day one, but they take time to settle first before they handle stuff Be careful with that one
  11. They look amazing. But in my experience, they will leave no biofilm/algae to borneo or hillstream loach over time. Nerites are grazing monsters 😄 Or as I mentioned, 4 of them competed my borneo in a 29g. Also nerites do display a nice look indeed. But I feel like mysteries have more of a character. Adopting Rick and Morty last week really gave the tank a character! I think kids may enjoy preparing snellos and feeding them and watching them directly going for food :D! Nerites usually dont give a duck 😄 The only problem is both having a short lifespan sadly. hope this would not sadden the kiddos. Because It makes me sad as an adult man lol
  12. I was just too nervous of rabbits not accepting food when I got them, so I constantly tried everything! 😄 Mine loves collard greens, carrots, spinach, pumpkin, zucchini and green beans. I try to find something that rabbits accept, as they are more picky, and I only have a few snails so lots of snello sits in the freezer. Mysteries seem to be less picky, so they enjoy whatever rabbits enjoy in my case :D! Mine didn't like cucumber! That really seems uncommon. Broccoli and peas were a fail as well. I'm just scared to try lots of stuff due to potential pesticides they use. I try to get veggies from farmers market and peel anything I could. I also wash them with vinegar and bicarbonate, hoping it helps to clear a bit just in case. Not sure how much of a help it is. But the term "organic" is not subject to supervision if I am not wrong. So I can never be sure.
  13. Mystery snails cant graze like nerite so I guess it may work yea
  14. True!! My honey tries to dominate frozen bloodworms/bs aswell. I usually cut wafers/o nips to 4 and spreading them around, otherwise my L199 gets less food or whenever he moves, he pushes everyone away from a single one. He be the shyest but the biggest boy. I used to feed him after lights off, but due to MTS population, I feed him when It is close to lights off but not exactly, as plecos eat a bit messy. So during day time, fish constantly search for food particles around and clean up better after the pleco before the lights are off, then corys do the job after the lights are off. He did not lose any weight over the months so he is doing fine.
  15. Hey! As a suggestion, I had the same issue with my snails. They didn't like my snello at first, so I found success with offering lots of different veggies and seeing what they like! and eliminated stuff like broccoli from the recipe, which they seemed to not like at all. In that way, when I made snello out of the veggies they like, they love eating the snello. Maybe you can try this too. It is a bit a chore to try everything for a week or two, but once you see the result, snellos are just super easy to feed. hope it helps,
  16. I've never kept them, but I've seen Black Emperor Tetras a couple days ago in my LFS for the first time. They were really cool. If I didn't have juvinile shrimp, it would be an instabuy. Maybe you like them!
  17. Yup. I have to overfeed every time to make sure my honey gets the food. I always think he does not get enough but he has big poops and a good weight so he surely gets his portion 😄 Thank god I have corys and shrimp to clean up the food that falls down the substrate.
  18. I understand your kiddo. I love plecos as well! 😄 Personally I wouldn't get hillstreams, but instead a borneo sucker in that tank size. They look similar but they stay smaller. They also do like to be in small groups I guess, but mine is doing well alone in my 29g. Also they are biofilm grazers, so consider them like ottos, nerites and shrimp when it comes to introducing them to the tank. Mine took around 2 months to go for fish food, but their main diet is biofilm and to some extend algae anyway. It may be a good idea to add them at a later time when the tank is a bit mature. I also feel like in a 10g 2 mystery snails may compete it for grazing for food btw. I had 4 nerites in my 29g, and they were competing it for food, even tho I have rocks, 2 big driftwood and big leaf plants in addition to glasses ofc. So I ended up moving 2 nerites to my 33g. Now it stays with 2 nerites in the 29g.
  19. how so? I could not see anything scientific online regarding to these specifically, but many against it in general both for fish and animals. I feel like they will be sensitive to light and have vision impairments anyway, even it is not in blindness level. @Biotope Biologist Do you have any idea if albino fish don't suffer vision impairments/not sensitive to light?
  20. Idk about platies but, I have a question: Albinos either have a poor vision or they are blind. Right? Why do fishkeepers keep breeding albinos then? Is it ethical to keep breeding a very recessive gene that cause quality of life issues intentionally?
  21. I have corys, a honey gourami and rummy noses in my 29g 😄 Well, to me, a school of 10 seems okay in 29g and they have been doing good. But If I were to stock the tank with my current experience, maybe I would go for a lil bit smaller sized schooling fish and more crowded group instead. Rummy noses get kinda big, and they are fast and active. They really want to try their chance on any potential food source. They have eaten my amazon frogbit roots until they all die. They try to eat snails' snellos, even blanched veggies. They just try to nib on every potential food :D. Just keep that in mind. Rummy noses display a beautiful look especially in a planted tank. Silvertips have a puppy behavior you don't commonly see from schooling fish. When I saw them LFS, I loved their character. And It was not only me. I've seen other people be like, "these actually look cool". I wanna say check your lfs and which one do you like more, but rummynoses lose their red color in stores generally so keep that in mind as well. @Up North tagging here as you may wanna read too! If you guys have any questions feel free to ask
  22. My sterbais just love to sleep together during daytime under driftwood and moss/big plant leaf covers. They don't like open spaces during daytime and they are more active during night time. They also use mosses for laying eggs too, from my experience. So if you like mosses you may consider adding some. They really enjoy the shades. Fighting moss/hair algae issue can be pain tho :') Orange lasers look awesome btw! Hope you get them healthy. Would love to see babies!
  23. They just like to be in bigger groups, the more the merrier. I personally wouldn't get 3. I made the mistake and got 5 juvinile sterbais from my LFS a year ago and they never ever carried sterbais again, so I never had a chance to increase their school size. Are they fine? yea. But they are generally super shy, I mostly can't enjoy them. Even if they breed, healthy looking and stuff, they act more nocturnal or just move around when nobody is around. From my experience some cory species are much shyer than others, and being in low numbers make them even shyer in general. What species are you looking for?
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