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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I just want to correct myself and say people do take the time to clean the thingy.

    On 10/16/2023 at 9:37 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

    Nobody (theoretically) is going to take the time to clean the pump head every time they dose


    I think you guys are doing too much work and should just use the pipette, then use your saved time to watch your fish. 🙂

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  2. On 10/16/2023 at 12:35 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

    It's always in the same spot though when I look for it.  Next to sponge filter, or next to PFS on the HOB

    Also the little spikes on its shell have collected mulm.  I'm always tempted to take a toothbrush to the dude, but eh- I just let him be.  He doesn't like being messed with. If I nudge him by accident during tank maintenance, he will travel a little bit to look for a safe area to continue to be lazy in.

    On 10/16/2023 at 12:39 PM, Pokey said:

    Yay snails!

    Crayfish Empire is a fun site if you haven't been to it yet - you can load up your cart w/ free samples for snails and shrimp and just pay shipping. Their samples of snail foods actually go a long way, because when you put ONE pellet in the tank (and I stress this - start with ONE), it gets fluffy and spreads out and feeds a bunch of snails.  You can also get a nice size bag of calcium carbonate for $0 and mix that into foods you make, if you are ever inclined to do so.

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  3. On 10/9/2023 at 4:44 PM, Guppysnail said:

    Snails have odd sleep patterns. They stay awake for a week or more sometimes and then sleep 1-3 days. I’ve noticed this most in my livebearing white wizard and piano snails. 

    I have this king koopa nerite snail that hibernate for weeks!  Then one day it will go on an eating binge.  Then back to hibernating for another few weeks.  It is the most boring snail I've ever had.  🤣 It believes in "energy conservation" and always stays near filter intakes and just allows food to be delivered via Grub Hub.

    (Then again it could be nocturnal, but I don't stay up to see what happens at night.  It's always in the same spot though when I look for it.  Next to sponge filter, or next to PFS on the HOB)

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  4. I broke up with the pumps awhile ago.  I just tilt the bottle, insert a pipette, and pull out my dose.  The issue with EG is that it crystallizes.  Nobody (theoretically) is going to take the time to clean the pump head every time they dose and so buildups and clogs are the norm with this product. 

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  5. @nabokovfan87 what about a canister filter?  They seem to pack a lot of power, no?

    On 10/16/2023 at 3:41 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Anyways....  The other issue I had to mend this week was my plants.  I will likely end up making a thread on the topic and asking for tests from users (again), but my pump head has been significantly underdosing fertilizer and I think that is why the plants have been a bit upset with me.  For starters, it takes anywhere from 2-4 pumps to get a first "full pump" from the pump head.  This is also the second pump head I have to use because the first one had a similar failure.  After visually noticing that things don't look quite right I grabbed my co-op measure and sprayed what should be 5 ml of fluid.  I barely for above 1 ml with that.  Needless to say... this might explain a lot of the recent issues with the sword plants!

    I'll dose by hand now, measure everything, and I think I'm just done using pump heads.  I don't think I can order it without and I feel a bit frustrated that I will end up not using them / tossing them.  Not sure what to do moving forward, but I have been needing to order more ferts.

    I broke up with the pumps awhile ago.  I just tilt the bottle, insert a pipette, and pull out my dose.  The issue with EG is that it crystallizes.  Nobody is going to take the time to clean the pump head every time they dose and so buildups and clogs are the norm with this product. 

  6. On 10/15/2023 at 6:30 PM, TeeJay said:

    Worried about getting over run with them and have them chase you out of the house 😆

    Yes, exactly!  My friend has them.  Start with 2, end up with 1,000,000...  She, however, has an endless supply of "food" and "enrichment" for her axolotl.  He's about 9" now.  Also some of the guppies are housed with a bubblebee catfish which helps with the situation.

    She has offered me some guppies many times.  I always run away in fear.

    I read something that guppies will start to control their own population (eat their young) but I don't know how true that is.

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  7. On 10/15/2023 at 10:53 AM, JChristophersAdventures said:

    Never had planaria in my earlier fish keeping days. What's the major culprit(s) for causing this? Are they introduced by hitchhiking on fish... snails... plants? Or, by some other means? Thanks.

    Mainly they come in on plants.

  8. On 10/15/2023 at 5:12 AM, Guppysnail said:

    I do not see anything around the face. However this appears somewhat green in the photo and located near and on the abdomen. I would look into Ellobiopsidae as a possibility. My eyes are not great so I’m including this handy article. It will allow you to compare what you see in person with your shrimp. It also gives treatments. 


    Edit duplicate article already provided 

    Good thought @Guppysnail. Here’s a photo of that one.


    • Thanks 1
  9. I love the journal so far @Pokey! It has snails so of course I’m following along. 🙂

    I do think some of your shrimps are females. Females are bigger and have a more rounded/fuller abdomen. The males have an inward curved abdomen.  Shrimps love boiled veggies like green beans or spinach. 

    On 10/9/2023 at 3:45 PM, Pokey said:

    They are liveborn and surprisingly big. I believe that she was exhausted or depleted from that

    Be sure to have a calcium food source to help them out with shell growth.

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  10. So now another comparison,

    rooibos only


    Vs Existing rooibos tannins + catappa leaves overnight (catappa leaves were previously boiled, steeped for 8-10 hrs, then frozen), + 5 alder cones (not boiled). All lights are on the same setting.


    Previous additions of catappa tea only never got the water dark like this. Also I think it depends on the leaves. My first few orders of catappa leaves (last year) were large and produced a darker brew, but in the subsequent orders, the leaves were smaller and leeched significantly less, despite adding an additional one to the boil pot. I don’t think the tannin level related to size since I added the additional leaf, but rather, it was something else about the leaves. When dry these looked paler than previous orders, for some reason. 

    @nabokovfan87 you’ve asked me in the past what I use for blackwater, and I didn’t have a good answer (Fritz Dark Water doesn’t really do anything) but now I do!

    • Thanks 1
  11. On 10/14/2023 at 11:38 PM, Odd Duck said:

    If limpets are back you should be fine with any snails by now.  If you have any pest snails, you can test with one.  If it’s alive after a week, you should be fine for any snails in there.  If MTS are n]back and growing, you really should be fine for any snails in that tank now.

    Thanks. My treatment was in late July/early August so it has been a minute. 🙂

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