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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Introducing the new gang of ember tetras (9). They are getting color already. Here is yesterday:


    And here is today.




    I haven’t done anything as far as proactive treatment. I know they had a lot of transport lately. Also they were in a bin at Aquashella yesterday where a net was repeatedly dipped in and out of the tank. I did the increased dosage of Stress Coat though. (There is a normal dose and then a fish-are-stressed dose.)

    Also they seemed to be searching and picking around, and searching again for food. I think they were fasted so I put a tiny chunk of Community Plus Repashy, and they are treating that like a drive through. They will swim around and then when going past the Repashy, take a bite and cruise on.

    Also! They use the cave a lot, in and out and around!  It’s so cute. Not all tetras use caves. My other ones sure don’t.

    These are also beginning to use multi-levels of the tank, so I think they are going to do just fine.

    I do like to preventatively treat for parasites, but not for “all of the things”. I haven’t decided if I’d go the salt route or the paracleanse route yet. Both are already stocked in the fish meds cabinet. We just never know what’s going on internally. For now I’m just letting them rest and adjust for a few days.

    And these guys are tiny!


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  2. The judges were us! After the shrimps passed their health checks (visible health issues are a disqualification).












    OK, not to toot my own horn or anything, but I feel like a lot of my blue dreams were as good as these. 😉



    What would you like to see next?

    1. Fish for sale

    2. Loot haul

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  3. Ok excluding shrimp, which has its own chunk of photos from the contest, here are some of the non-fish animals of Aquashella.









    Danger noodles:






    Rat snek:



    Bearded dragon:




    Not pictured: parrots, bengal cats, owl (looked at bengal kittens like, “mmm, lunch” - no srsly..)


    Look at this aquatic frog @Guppysnail@Lennie



    What would you like to see next?

    1. Shrimp contest

    2. Fish

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  4. Alrighty here are the new kids.



    These are ember tetra. I bought 8; he gave me 9. 🎉


    They are tiny nano fish! ❤️


    This is what they will look like when they color up.


    And you know I can’t resist a snail 🐌 ❤️ 

    I adopted this little blue guy from Kat’s Aquatics. He’s still a little tyke! He found a nice leaf to spend the night on. He decided to sleep in this morning. 🙂 


    What would you like to see next?

    1. Loot haul

    2. Non-fish animals at Aquashella


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  5. This shows the difference between Kat’s Aquatics calcium vs competitor calcium.



    I asked the guy, what’s so bad about phosphates? He said phosphates = algae probs. Noted!


    A pepper grinder with fish food! They sell several varieties. Dr. Tim’s products are worth another look. They have a bunch of media to help with various tank issues. Also a gel food that doesn’t turn to mush in the tank. You put in a block; it stays as a block. Seaweed-based binder vs gelatin. But some cons: must be kept frozen. Once prepared, can only freeze 1 week. Once in tank, must be removed in 2-3 hours.





    I won full size bottles of Prime and Stability.


    This is tank safe:












    re: The paludarium in the video. BiOrb has similar with built in light and mister, and they are pretty slick! They are not marketed for animal use but they sure are cool for plants. The bottom of the biOrb will detect dryness and inform the top of the biOrb to put out mist. Also these products are built with such ventilation to regulate humidity as well as keep the glass clear for viewing.

    I had grandiose plans to see speakers. I never saw any! There was too much going on, and a lot of ground to cover! We even forgot to eat, until about 2:30 when we realized our tummies were grumbling loudly. We were living off the Halloween candy that practically every vendor booth had available! 🤣 We didn’t get to all the booths, but we believe we got to all the freshwater ones at least, skipping some saltwater things as the event closed for the day. Speaking of saltwater, one booth had this pill bottle lookin thing with holes. It attaches to the side of the tank with magnets. You put frozen food in it, then you slide it down to the bottom with the magnets, and it allows the bottom feeders to eat the frozen food as it thaws.

    If you download the Fish Stream app it will notify you of the livestreams happening at the event today (today is the last day).

    I got to meet Joanna and Jason from Prime Time Aquatics, Dustin from Dustin's Fish Tanks, and the gal from Aquarium Info. She was so sweet!  I also got to see MD Fish Tanks and Matt from Matt's Fish Room (they were on their way to a speaking engagement so I didn't get to meet or speak with them due to their "bouncer" with the big frown). 

    What would you like to see next?

    1. Who I adopted

    2. Aquascaping contest

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  6. On 11/4/2023 at 4:59 AM, JoeQ said:

    I use the color note app to note everything, movies I want to watch, books I want to read, random things I want to research. The only to-do lists i make are lists of things I think I need at stores. And as you said, many times these things listed are less than important!

    I will check out that app!

  7. Today I attended Aquashella Daytona 2023! It was epic! I learned a lot of things from a lot of cool people. It is 10pm and I just finished acclimating my new kids to their respective tanks and tidying up the fish room because with all the merch and previous maintenance I failed to clean up, it looked like a bomb hit. For now, I will leave you with a few photos and a video of the entrance.








    I have a lot of photos and videos, so we will have to do this in parts. What would you like to see next?

    1. Interesting items I found, or

    2. Shrimp contest

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  8. On 11/3/2023 at 11:28 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    horn sharks.  Those are cool little dudes.

    Love it!

    On 11/3/2023 at 11:28 PM, nabokovfan87 said:
    On 11/3/2023 at 7:10 PM, Guppysnail said:

    And I simply must look up what a pocket shark is 🤩

    😂Love this.  My gut tells me they fit into your pocket or make a pocket. One of those two.  The name reminds me of a cookie-cutter shark. 

    *I totally cheated and looked it up, they have pockets!

    What?!?  Omg like, they can save some sushi for later.

    One of the first sharks mentioned in the book was sand tiger shark. I’m like ok, what’s a sand tiger shark? First result google:


    Noooooooope! #optout #unsubscribe #help

    • Haha 1
  9. On 11/3/2023 at 7:10 PM, Guppysnail said:

    I did not know they still held orcas in captivity. Are they still breeding them or bringing in new? Or is this a hold over from those days?  

    And I simply must look up what a pocket shark is 🤩

    As of 2016, they ended their orca breeding program, and the orcas they have are the last generation that will be in their park (according to their website). On average a orca lives about 41 years at SeaWorld. None of the whales are forced to perform. If they want to, they get rewarded. If they don’t want to, the show is changed to more of an educational talk while the orcas just swim around and do what they want. Also the trainers no longer enter the water with the orcas. 

    SeaWorld is teaching guests about general environmental care, to recycle and pick up trash (even if it’s not their own trash) to help keep it out of waterways. As well as educating the public about marine life.

    On 11/3/2023 at 7:10 PM, Guppysnail said:

    hold over


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  10. On 11/3/2023 at 12:34 PM, Kit Craft said:

    Thanks. Blue and Ivory are easy to find. Blue, Ivory, Gold and purple. Not so much magenta, chestnut or black. Local(ish) that is.

    Edit: I missed one.

    blue, ivory, magenta, and purple could yield any of those colors if they mate.

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  11. On 11/3/2023 at 2:47 PM, JoeQ said:

    Learning more about soil than I ever planned on......... I often have paralysis through analysis, I almost think im more interested in learning how to do something, than I am with actually doing said task. Anyhow, here is a good video on selecting soils for dirted tanks.

    Here is the soil I switched to on account of its Guaranteed Analysis was more inline with the recommended miracle grow choice organic.


    Along with the analysis


    The only downside is it has silicates, some of which are Insoluble..... Silicates are a known driver of Green Blue Algae, im actually intrested in seeing if I have a BGA take over!

    I always go 1.5 - 2” with my sand cap to really lock it down.

    On 11/3/2023 at 2:47 PM, JoeQ said:

    I often have paralysis through analysis, I almost think im more interested in learning how to do something, than I am with actually doing said task

    I can totally relate. I’ve heard it called as a “fixation” on something. Sometimes it’s trivial stuff, and sometimes it’s educational and productive. Just depends on my mood. Trivial fixations seem to occur when I’m procrastinating on doing something I don’t wanna do!

  12. On 11/1/2023 at 11:06 PM, Kit Craft said:

    What a day! 6PM rolls around and I head into my bedroom to feed the fish in the 12 inch cube I notice it is a bit low. Normally I'd top off, but I just topped it off yesterday. I see some water beside the tank in a puddle, meh, no worries I spilled some so I mop it up. I go in to check about 30 minutes later, no, I didn't spill anything but rather it sprung a leak! I've had a number of tanks over the years, and this was the first leak. 

    So now it is 6:30 and I am on my way to petco to pick up a 10 gallon like I have been meaning to for a while now. Get home, clean up the tank. Play plop the fish in a bucket. Steal out the substrate, plants and hardscape and put it all back together. It is now 11PM and I have just finished cleaning up. (I took a small rest for some food after securing everything.)

    Anyway, I had to add a little substrate but it is probably 75% old, both sponge filters, all hardscape filters and plants. Hope I didn't stress any fish out too bad. My purple mystery snail is in its favorite hiding spot fwiw. 

    Just bleh. The good news, they have a better footprint and an extra 2-2.5 gallons of water now. But I have to make new lids, lol. 

    So, how was your day?

    Oh man, I had a similar issue once, right before bedtime. I had a clear tote with Christmas decorations in it. I dumped that onto the floor and rinsed the tote really well, then that became my new aquarium until I got to the store the next day. I also found the stand had swelled and that was why the tank leaked. So, new stand was necessary too. Fortunately that was an easy Amazon order of the Aqueon forge stand, which accommodates 2 tanks (😉) - just thinking about fish room versatililty here.. 🙂  I am annoyed by fiberboard stands. I think they are a bad idea because they don’t hold up over time to water. 

    On 11/3/2023 at 3:31 AM, Kit Craft said:

    Looking at the tank I think it is in need of another mystery snail.

    Approved! 💛

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  13. On 10/23/2023 at 9:32 PM, Colu said:

    Long fin Guppies are prone to scoliosis and other spinal deformity that doesn't look good if you think he's suffering then I would humanely euthanize him with clove oil  @Thundercracker



    Video of a similar process. Sometimes it is the best way, to prevent further suffering. I like the airstone idea @Colu

    I have also used baking soda instead of clove oil, on some occasions.

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  14. On 11/2/2023 at 4:35 PM, BenAquatics said:

    Are there any other cold-tolerant fish species that I should be aware of?

    Not a fish, but axolotls need to be in cold water. They are usually sold small but get fairly large.

    I do agree with the previous post that a heater inside the tank should be used also. Cold is ok for some fish, but fluctuating temperatures can be a problem. Try to keep it consistent.

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