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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. On 10/23/2023 at 8:14 PM, Guppysnail said:

    That is a piano snail. Unfortunately I had Apisto babies that needed a grow out so the hardness and ph got a touch low so his tip eroded a touch. I turned it to a melini cory grow out CPD breeding tank and fixed it. 

    I like how his foot is speckled.

    When Gup first got the GBRs they were in a top tank. She was cleaning the bottom tank and then looked up and she said all the GBRs had their snoots pointed down looking at her. 😂

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  2. On 10/23/2023 at 9:36 PM, Colu said:

    Does look like columnaris

    Agreed. I have used Colu’s treatment and it works. Sometimes it needs to be repeated if the illness is stubborn. Do not share nets, equipment, siphons between tanks or you could infect the other tanks. You can disinfect your equipment in a mild bleach/water solution in a bucket. Then rinse well with tap water. I also dip the stuff in dechlorinated water just in case some bleach (aka chlorine) didn’t rinse off.

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  3. When I use maracyn, I usually develop an ammonia reading because it kills the bacteria on the filter.  Ammonia then leads to nitrite.  I use Prime and Fritz Zyme 7 if I am mid treatment and can't justify a water change because it would mess up dosing.  I monitor the fish closely to ensure there is no stress.

    Prime will detoxify ammonia or nitrite even if you have a reading.  But it will have to be redosed every day because those effects wear off.

  4. On 10/23/2023 at 12:23 AM, JE47 said:

    Quick question has anyone grown this without CO2 and gotten it to successfully carpet or did it die without the CO2 injection?

    Yes for sure, it has spread out runners and I don't do anything to it.  Occasionally some Easy Green (when I remember).  I do have to tack down the runners with plant weights; otherwise the runners will grow up into the water column.

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  5. Some manufacturers just know they suck and give you extra with the product (which I appreciate).  There is a company/seller/brand (?) on Etsy called Stroodies which has some kind of magnet setup or patent for their betta tunnels and similar goods in their shop.  The magnets are encased in the 3d printed plastic of their products I believe, so they don't get exposed to water. While certain 3d prints are tank safe, I'm trying to get away from that stuff because the grooves in the products (such as my filter baffle) just collect algae/slime.

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  6. On 10/22/2023 at 3:12 PM, GoofyGarra said:

    here is what i concluded from my experiment.

    1. Air power wasnt powerful enough to create the water lift out of the water. So if you do something like this, the elbow part has to be right at the surface
    2. It has to be an elbow, my powerhead piece had a hole at the top, and all the bubbles popped there instead of going out the hole, i think check out some videos on hamburg mattern filters, and a tube like that would work for this project

    I wasn’t going to use the box filter itself but rather the sponge filter with the box filter’s lift tube with the horizontal “spout”. I would like to have the air take that 90 degree exit path vs straight up the co op tube, to prevent slime from forming on the tank lid. However I think this would entail drilling or melting the plastic because I’d need to find a way for the air to enter the filter as well. I think the piece could easily break if drilled, so I need to brainstorm it a bit.

  7. On 10/21/2023 at 8:36 PM, GoofyGarra said:

    just saw the new ACO video, talking about the air lift in the new sponge filter thing. I decided to try something like it myself, my use case is a box filter that uses a air collar, i built the rest of the thing DIY and ill finish it up tonight with hot glue, ill show how it works in the morning:


    I’m interested because I have the same box filter and was considering doing something similar.

  8. 2 questions:

    Why are suction cups so terrible?


    Why is silicone so terrible?

    (By “terrible” I mean “temporary”) 🫤

    On more than one occasion the silicone has failed me on Geppetto’s PVC tunnel. It will be great for awhile, then one day the tube will just fall, leaving the suction cup behind on the glass.

    This most recent repair I skipped the silicone and tried 2 scuba tank o-rings. One is around the stem of the suction cup and takes up space between the stem and the hole in the pvc. The other is inside the pvc tube and hopefully provides a boundary and friction in case the tube should want to slip. Perhaps the higher temp in his tank will cause the orings to expand slightly and perform even better. I guess time will tell.





    If it doesn’t work I will get him a wall-mounted half coconut shell, because I am anti- zoomed floating log. I had one of those once and it smelled horribly like chemicals!  I didn’t use it. It went right in the trash.

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  9. Today I combined the wild and blue dream tank. My blue dreams have some not-too-pretty traits now because I failed to cull. I am glad the tanks are combined. The 10g is now full of life and energy. The wilds have always had tons of energy vs the blues, and eat more greedily. Not sure why. I didn’t get every shrimp moved, but most. I spent over an hour. Berried females were moved with care, in such a way that they don’t leave water.







    The planted plants were moved too.

    Now I’ve been talking awhile about trying out tankmates for my betta. @Guppysnail suggested adding some wild shrimp. He has lived with 2 wild shrimp for many months, and they’ve zoomed away from him. So, today I added 10. Only males so I don’t have to worry about shrimplets when siphoning. Aaaaaaand now he’s on a murderous rampage.. 😳

    I tried to put him in a breeder box to give the shrimps time to learn their new environment. But I had a good 7 degree temp difference so I had to acclimate the shrimps, which I did in a bag. Old skool. Anyway, the shrimps kept getting stuck in the bag when I tried to dump them, so I had to keep adding and pouring water from the bag. In the meantime the breeder box was tipped over and Geppetto was loose. 30 seconds in, one shrimp was swallowed whole. The others are quickly learning. I feel guilty!

    Although I will say he’s no longer bored-looking, and he’s using every swim through and area of the tank. Also the tank needs cleanup crew for algae. And the last lone shrimp in there now has 9 friends.

    I had to add this fake plant for the time being because this tank is too hot for hornwort, and the shrimps were zooming upwards sometimes and needed a place to go.

    Watching this tank is suspenseful now.. there are 3 shrimp hides and a cholla so hopefully they figure that out. Maybe the long time resident shrimp will teach them.

    I guess I can skip Geppetto’s afternoon feeding now, since he already ate.. 🦐 



    The Malaysian trumpet snails seem to be doing well in this tank, and I haven’t seen him bother those after the first day they were added.

    This whole thing was an experiment and a lesson. Can I buy fish for his tank? NO.

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