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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. On 10/8/2023 at 7:53 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    I'm ready to get rid of the glass lids on that tank as well, provided that there is a better solution.  I do think I am going to have to take @Chick-In-Of-TheSea's advice and just get the ones from CPK. 

    The ones I use are acrylic and come from lifewithpetsgci.com. I think they only make for smaller tanks though, 5gal, 10gal, etc. Not sure if they’d have a 20.

    Sword plant picture- amano shrimp sitting there being adorable.

    The living wall looks good! 👍 

    • Thanks 1
  2. Juniper discovered a green bean yesterday and spent the day on it. I would have preferred he eat the snail pellets for the calcium and protein, but he didn’t go for them or know about them, I guess. I didn’t want to move him. He moves quite slowly and I don’t think he’s at full health. I don’t want to stress him any further.

    Cadet spent the day hiding somewhere I couldn’t see. I hate that. But I allowed 24 hours to pass, since he had a good meal on adoption day. Today I found him behind the driftwood. He flinched when I moved it. That’s good. Placed the little one in the feeding fish, and he is eating, so I am hoping these guys build up strength so there can be more parasnailing and exploring in their future. He doesn’t come out far enough so I can see his little face, but hopefully he will feel more comfortable soon.

    Way overfed the tank today too. The fish, despite being fed, were going into the dish after the snail food, and I didn’t want anyone to get nipped by accident. So they got fed (again) IMG_5607.jpeg.35d7b2dec2bbffd5d5f32b32c0c33e1e.jpeg

    in another area of the tank. Might have to do extra water changes til we get a better grip on things.



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  3. On 10/7/2023 at 10:59 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    I THINK... it was just that powder stuff over the media

    I never knew there was powder stuff. I rinse new things anyway just because I think it says to. Never knew why I was doing it (remove plain ol’ dust?)

    How about running some carbon?

    On 10/7/2023 at 10:55 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Someone talk me out of barbs

    They eat shrimplets.

  4. Today I moved my MTS to Geppetto’s tank. They had no heater, and we are about to get a cold snap. Plus I just like watching them. I couldn’t really do it very well on that bottom shelf tank.


    I acclimated them for a bit since there is a 7-10 degree temp difference. Then I rinsed out the whole container in Geppetto’s tank.

    Here’s how it went. 





    He did bite the big one. But then it burrowed, so it is OK.

    Here is one of my rescue mysteries. He explored a little, then had to rest, poor fella. Needs to build up his strength.

    I can’t presently locate the other one, but it is brown like much of the hardscape. I’m sure I will see it exploring soon.

    Update: both kids are moving about.

    Juniper (names are completely random):


    Cadet (very shy)


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  5. The last photo right there of folding the hose inside a fist. That’s what I do. I use the gravel vac but I take the large part off and just use the hose, pinching to stop water as I go until I get the end over some debris. I spot clean the tank with a turkey baster and a sour cream container. Just emptying the baster into that. I use that for things such as uneaten food.

    On 10/6/2023 at 3:55 PM, Colu said:

    Sponge filters aren't the best at removing mulm when ever I have used a sponge filter in breeding  quarantine or grow out tank  I always seem to get a build up of mulm you could temporarily add a small hob or small internal filter to help with remove the mulm

    Agree with this regarding coarse sponge filters.  Fine sponge filters do better for me in getting particulates. And HOBs will trump those, but I find they make too much current in a small tank like a 5.5

    You can consider a feeding dish to keep your mulm level down. Like a terra cotta saucer: the kind that goes under a flower pot. Or look up “shrimp feeding dish” for some glass options. Some people use glass ashtrays.


    See 3:38 in this video for tube pinch


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  6. Alrighty 2 snails have been picked up and are going through yet another acclimation. I worry a bit about transporting them twice in a day and going tank to tank to tank. Hopefully didn’t stress the little ones too much. I’m hoping they do well. I gave my friend the packet of Mystery Snail Guardians pellets I had just received, so they have some good nutrition in the days ahead. As well as some calcium chips.

    Update: she said they are moving all around exploring as they acclimate, so that’s great. She is doing a long drip for them ❤️🐌🐌 Said she may name them Ebony and Ivory 🤣

    One snail that I kept, I felt was the weakest. It only explored within the dish for hours but when we came back from dinner it was on the sand, so it is getting used to the new environment and checking things out. It doesn’t quite know yet it’s in a big tank, and it’s not going to get attacked every 5 seconds.

    Everyone is now sleeping. 🌙 

    • Thanks 1
  7. Try not to share nets, siphons, etc between tanks @Jaspyjasp. If it’s columnaris it will infect other tanks that way.

    A mild bleach solution will disinfect your equipment. Rinse well then dunk in dechlorinated water. Bleach=chlorine. The dechlorinator will take care of any residual bleach.

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  8. Went to work then was going to go alllllll the way across town to LFS but was weak and drained, so I just went to Firehouse and picked up a sandwich. Getting out of their lot made me go into a big box lot, so I figured what the heck. Go and window shop.

    I did for awhile but then I saw a disturbing site, as is common at big box stores. Note: I usually only ever look at their equipment or media, etc - not the tanks. Anyway.  I saw snails that have a bit of pitting and some were perished in the tank. Others were being bullied by parrot fish. I stared for a long time. Took pic. Texted friend. Would she rescue a snail with a sad shell? No response.

    I went back to the car and stewed, ate my sandwich, waited for a text back. No response. She is at work. 45 minutes have gone by. Me going through pros and cons of adoption. I want 2.  But I think I should buy 4 in case she wants. She has been having trouble finding them. If she doesn’t like what I pick, I have 4. Higher bioload. Then again my other snails are old. Also should I rescue the other 3ish living snails in that tank?

    Anyway, the biggest con of not purchasing would be, I think they’d die. One fish in the tank has ammonia burn.  And again, other snails in there already met their fate.  I prayed for guidance but was interrupted before I could finish the request.. the interruption being the voice I hear “Buy 4 snails.” Very specific, eh?  I wait a few more minutes, check for a text that didn’t come. Then I headed back in.

    Here are the rescue kids.


    I requested separate bags after texting my friend, “I got you snails. They need us.” 😝

    And now we are acclimating.

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