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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Went to work then was going to go alllllll the way across town to LFS but was weak and drained, so I just went to Firehouse and picked up a sandwich. Getting out of their lot made me go into a big box lot, so I figured what the heck. Go and window shop.

    I did for awhile but then I saw a disturbing site, as is common at big box stores. Note: I usually only ever look at their equipment or media, etc - not the tanks. Anyway.  I saw snails that have a bit of pitting and some were perished in the tank. Others were being bullied by parrot fish. I stared for a long time. Took pic. Texted friend. Would she rescue a snail with a sad shell? No response.

    I went back to the car and stewed, ate my sandwich, waited for a text back. No response. She is at work. 45 minutes have gone by. Me going through pros and cons of adoption. I want 2.  But I think I should buy 4 in case she wants. She has been having trouble finding them. If she doesn’t like what I pick, I have 4. Higher bioload. Then again my other snails are old. Also should I rescue the other 3ish living snails in that tank?

    Anyway, the biggest con of not purchasing would be, I think they’d die. One fish in the tank has ammonia burn.  And again, other snails in there already met their fate.  I prayed for guidance but was interrupted before I could finish the request.. the interruption being the voice I hear “Buy 4 snails.” Very specific, eh?  I wait a few more minutes, check for a text that didn’t come. Then I headed back in.

    Here are the rescue kids.


    I requested separate bags after texting my friend, “I got you snails. They need us.” 😝

    And now we are acclimating.

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  2. Sharing a snail cookie


    The spirulina shrimp lolly from C.E. Is not a big hit. They like nettle and bee pollen from HarryShrimpStore though. Those would have been absolutely covered in shrimps, pushing and shoving. This one was a free sample, so it’s good to know what they think without having spent money.



    I just sat in my PJs and watched the tanks for awhile this morning. It was so nice. Today is the first day I’m not hacking up a lung upon waking. Finally got the Vicks vaporizer out of the closet and used that overnight (why didn’t I do that waaaay sooner? DUH). Almost 2 weeks dealing with flu. So annoying. 

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  3. On 9/23/2023 at 6:36 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

    I only see one lone snail in there, so I hope I didn’t bury any by accident. Over time, the snail population has been dwindling, despite supplemental feeding once a week with a small pinch of Repashy powder.

    Well, looks like we are good. A day or two ago I found this on the surface which I believed was sneggs, but could have been sand. I was sure I knocked the sand off of things. Sneggs is more likely. (Looks gross, no?) 


    Anyway, today see the floaty stuff? Empty shells. So.. happy birthday, snails! 🎉  I have found that bladder snails are important to my jar because they will eat the film on the top. They cruise over it upside down. I will probably add a small reptile heater to the jar like Walstad does, for winter. It looks like a tiny heat mat, but it is submersible.


    Here’s a photo of an adult snail. The dots to the left could be babies. Or dirt. Lol

    Hard to know at this stage.



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  4. I saw a brand new shrimplet in my blue dream tank yesterday.  It has been 3 weeks, which seems like forever, since the shrimp have bred. 3 weeks ago was when I gave about 25 of them to a friend.  I may have upset the remaining colony by sending away their girlfriends, boyfriends, spouses, teenager shrimps, etc...!  Sorry guys!

    Also I culled some to the wild tank that have a black blotchy pattern (I call them "inkspot shrimp").   

    I did not send away blue dreams that were berried, except one inkspot one which I moved to the wild tank using a container, so she never left water. She did not drop any eggs in the transfer.

    Anyway, seems someone in the blue dream tank found some romance, had a fling in there, and now we have a little one roaming about, and probably more siblings in hiding.

    I was going to phase out of blue dreams and go straight wild, but I recently discovered that a friend lost all of her blue dreams due to a temperature issue.  Therefore, I will keep this colony going in case she wants to start anew.

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  5. On 10/4/2023 at 10:26 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    I had this stuff grow on the dark / back side of the HoB.  It loves to defy logic.  BUT YES. awesome tip. 🙂

    You have the special kind. Lol

    I have the green stuff.

    On 10/4/2023 at 10:26 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    With the actual sponge filters themselves, it's just "be quick"

    I feel there is less mess, the slower you move it through the water. But thankfully we don’t have to worry about it anymore.

    • Thanks 1
  6. I agree with @xXInkedPhoenixX - the nitrogen cycle is the best place to start.  Pet stores (especially chain stores) will not stop you from buying a tank and fish all in the same visit.  You will have more success if you cycle the tank before introducing fish.  You'll want the API master test kit or multi-test strips, plus ammonia test strips (the multi-test strips do not read ammonia).  As well as a dechlorinator that detoxifies ammonia, nitrite and heavy metals.

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  7. On 10/4/2023 at 12:44 PM, schmofam said:

    I have a single Nerite snail in my 20-gallon tank. She has laid eggs on the driftwood, heater, and some plants. I would love to avoid manually going in and picking them off of everything. Is there a fish that enjoys eating the eggs? Any other ideas? My Mystery snail happens to be on top of the wood in this picture.


    @Irene was able to get all male nerites by trading the females in at the fish store.

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  8. On 10/4/2023 at 3:44 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    As soon as I touched the sponges, as expected, a lot of the debris let loose and right into the tank.

    Yep, I experienced the same issue. Tried the bagging method, but in a deeper tank like my 29, I just didn't want to thrust both arms down into the tank to do it, and I found it a bit cumbersome. So I would always pull sponges prior to siphoning and water removal so I could vac the gunk.

    On 10/4/2023 at 3:44 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    I don't think any shrimp are getting stuck anymore

    Yep, you're good.

    Have you added some bottled bacteria, or are you running one established sponge and one new sponge?

    Also a nice tip for you. If you should ever see algae on top of the fine sponge, when you do maintenance, just flip it over. The algae will no longer receive the light and will die.

  9. On 10/4/2023 at 9:01 AM, JettsPapa said:

    For the people who say they suck on the hose to start the siphon, do you not have the tube at the end that's larger than the hose?  I'm asking because it's easy enough to start a siphon with one of those without sucking on the hose (and I threw the bulbs away years ago).

    I was starting an airline for a drip acclimation. I have sucked the siphon though too. It's faster and you don't have to maneuver the rigid tubing around dense, tall plants. My plants always get wrapped around or sucked into the siphon if I start the siphon the traditional way.

    On 10/4/2023 at 2:16 PM, Tanked said:

    magic eraser

    I worry about those magic erasers because they dissolve; they get smaller and smaller as they are used.  Not really sure what they are made of; I guess it must be nontoxic if you are successful with it.

  10. On 10/4/2023 at 2:03 PM, Tanked said:

    Progress is progress.  If a lil' nip will help, why not?

    I have a friend who had a phobia of bugs.  She would panic and run away if a butterfly landed on my arm.  Then she raised 3 boys.   Our reiliance sharply increases when it involves our family and pets.

    I'm afraid of roaches. One time there was one in the kitchen, and my husband was in the shower and couldn't "rescue me" from it.  So I sucked it up in the vacuum; I used the extension tube on the vac so I didn't have to get close to it.  Then promptly emptied the vacuum outside.

  11. Well, dang- this one is kind of a vulnerability post, I guess, so here we go down the rabbit hole.

    Growing up a had a phobia of people vomiting. My first instinct was to flee, and so I would, run right out of the house and stay away for at minimum an hour, longer if possible. But that wasn’t always possible, esp in the middle of the night. And every sleepover, and I do mean EVERY sleepover, I’ve ever had, up until 5th grade, someone got sick. And we are talking multiple times, like, an-all-nighter of physical sickness. Those times I would of course, flee to a different room. But on two occasions I got in trouble and was told to spend the night with my friend because I invited her, etc. In the cases where I was forced to stay with the person, I would pull the blankets as tightly around me as possible, plug my fingers in my ears, firmly.. for the whole night.. and my blood would turn to ice, I would have cold sweats and trembling for the duration until the person left the next morning. Also it was hard to breathe under the blankets for that many hours, and eventually I became overheated and dehydrated as well, but I endured it. I was incapable of any alternative. 

    I later learned this has a name, emetophobia. (Also I developed a fear of SLEEPOVERS and would turn them down at every suggestion).

    Anyway, I did “somewhat” get over this sickness fear when a) I turned drinking age and was around people that got sick, while I myself was under the influence and had relaxed inhibitions, and b) the Jackass movies came out, and my brother and friends were watching them in the room with me. There was quite a lot of sickness in those. (Thanks, Steve-O)

    Today I still cannot watch someone become ill, but I will at least not freeze or flee if I hear it, and I am able to knock on a closed door and check on them after say, 10 minutes or so has passed. Plus I had to take care of my husband after a few surgeries and he had nausea. I was able to at least get him a trash can and then promptly exit. Lol - and I can be with a pet if the pet is ill, so that’s great strides.

    People have labeled me as insensitive or lacking compassion in these type of situations, but I do the best I can.

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  12. On 10/3/2023 at 2:03 PM, tolstoy21 said:

    Yup. God I swallowed the biggest mouthful of mulm this way.  Was like inhaling mud pudding!

    This happened to me with an airline I was starting. I guess it had some mold or mulm coating the inside of it, and that decided to let loose. I didn’t swallow it, I was spitting it into a white bathroom sink and it was black. Took several flushes of my mouth with tap water to rid myself of it. LOL!! 😝

    Most of the time I get my mouth away from the tubing before the water comes out.

    My theory is self-inflicted unpleasantries such as this strengthen the good ol’ immune system. 


    • Haha 3
  13. On 10/3/2023 at 7:37 PM, FLFishChik said:

    Had Albino Corydoras unexpectedly breed in my 29g tank. I am totally unprepared and lost 50 or so eggs trying to clumsily scrape them from the glass. managed to save 7 eggs. they are now floating in the tank in a disposable storage cup. Will they survive? I highly doubt it, but it was worth a try. Time to buy a breeder box and be a little more prepared for next time.

    @Guppysnail @nabokovfan87

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  14. I finally hot glued this mesh to the lid (snail safety measure). I’ve been dealing with the annoyance of the mesh pieces falling in the tank every time I open the lid far enough for it to stay open. This requires shifting the lid forward, due to the light position, and where the fold is, etc. There needs to be more decent glass lids on the market than what there are (hint hint @Cory). This lid used to have a vinyl strip but that was equally annoying, hard to cut, and never laid flat. Also once you cut it, you cannot really reconfigure your setup.



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  15. Loot haul from Crayfish Empire. They always throw in some freebies (in addition to the free samples I request). Love this small business. 🥰 I figured I would place an order for some shrimp and snail foods since I’m almost out of Repashy. 

    Going to try out their shrimp stick, and my shrimps really love these calcium chips. They also sent a sample of Snello pellets - I didn’t know that was a thing. I’m sure the snails will enjoy those. ❤️ 🐌 🦐 

    Crayfish Empire’s mission is to prevent calcium deficiency in invertebrates.


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  16. On 10/2/2023 at 9:48 AM, FishRBeautiful said:

    Thank you, Chick-in-of-the-Sea. (Didn’t want to quote the whole long message). That’s great advice. Do you think I should remove the carbon filter when adding the garlic? I absolutely try EVERYTHING before medication, both on myself and my fish. My hope is catching it early make natural methods more effective. I always have fresh garlic in my fridge. 

    Yes, I’d pull the carbon since carbon filters a lot of things out. You can keep that in a bucket of tank water in the meantime.

  17. Aw look at this handsome guy.


    Wait. What?


    OMG I THOUGHT THIS SHRIMP WAS KILLED! I have not seen it for 1-2 months?!?! I even took its friend out because I thought the friend was the lone wolf.

    I watched and there was a definite flare, then a Zooooooooom!! all the way across the tank by the shrimp. Geppetto did not even try to chase it.


    Well, at least I can add some hides for the shrimp again. Added back cholla and shrimp cave. There is already a mini lotus pod in the tank. Maybe I will add more shrimps later since this is ok w/ Geppetto.



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