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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. On 9/27/2023 at 4:34 PM, GoofyGarra said:

    i meant like personality and interaction and intelligence wise. sorry for the confusion.

    She does have a personality and tries to get my attention even when I’m across the room. But she also acts like a dum dum at times too. For example, when I’m feeding a tank, there will be 18 fish going after food and she doesn’t realize there is food. She is just milling about.

    • Haha 2
  2. Nibbles isn’t doing well. A few days of being in the same spot… and Nibbles is usually quite active. He has a green algae or fuzz on his shell as well that wasn’t there last week. I’ve been suffering with the flu for 4 days as well and had to take some time off work to stay in bed. This evening I moved Nibbles from the specimen container tank to the sour cream container for observation, but there is no response. He is so very small that I cannot do the usual odor check or anything. We are talking about a snail the size of a piece of gravel. And with flu-ridden sinuses I doubt I’d smell anything anyway.  I floated the container in the shrimp tank so there is temperature control for him, and if he has passed he cannot foul the water for other inhabitants. I took a photo of his position, and I will check on him again in the morning.

    For those of you that don’t know Nibbles’ story: he is an unidentified snail that has stayed a pipsqueak. Before we learned about Reverse Respiration, I used to salt dip new plants, but he survived that. I don’t know if he hatched from an egg in my tank or if he was attached to the plants. Technically I don’t know the gender either, so I just say he because I’ve never seen any egg production or live bearing or anything. But he didn’t have a mate either, so- idk.IMG_4671.jpeg.3d8f0d530b7cdeff6579ec6c4796619f.jpeg

    He used to live with the shrimps but had to be moved to the specimen container with a bunch of trumpet snails so I could treat the shrimp tank. That has been his home, and it has a light and a little DIY filter and plants. I supplement with a tiny bit of Repashy powder once or twice a week, and sometimes a little bacter ae. The specimen container gets water tested once a week along with the other tanks as well, and it has algae on the walls for the snails to eat.

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  3. On 9/26/2023 at 5:38 AM, Seanwoodey said:

    So it could be that im ‘shocking’ shrimp when doing water changes? As i dont reallly consider this when i pour in new water 

    Yep.  In my situation, I didn't think it was a big deal to do a bucket water change because I was only changing 10%. I also was careful about matching the temperature. But I still had losses, until I went to drip.

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  4. On 9/24/2023 at 3:21 PM, Seanwoodey said:

    So I really need help with my neocardina shrimp. I’ve been trying to keep them for about 9 months and it always ends in disaster. In my latest attempt I bought 12 mixed cherry shrimp. I’ve added a sponge filter, Java moss, I feed quality foods and have aquarium plants. There’s also mystery snails and danio in the tank as well as 2 glass shrimp. 4 weeks in, I’m starting to see dead shrimp again, also I very rarely see any shrimp. After testing water all is fine but my ph is quite high! I’m about to give up


    This happened to me when I first started keeping neocaridina. I switched to drip water changes (full speed through an airline hose), and the issue stopped.

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  5. On 9/25/2023 at 10:43 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Hopefully no long term damage. 🙂

    With as large of a water change as I did, I’m sure the snails will be fine. The replacement water was tank water and did have 10 nitrates, so the plants have that to enjoy. I’m not enthused that I lost a bit of water volume with the addition of more sand. It is what it is.

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  6. He’s building a nest today. I was watching him early this morning and he was building it really fast, as compared to his usual one bubble every minute method. I guess he felt motivated. He did get a water change yesterday and some objects had been moved around a little bit to the left or right. He got a new (fine) sponge filter as well that had been seasoning in the 29 for a month, and some stronger airflow, since detritus was settling on things and looking unsightly.




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  7. @nabokovfan87 the addition of your sword plants adds such a charm to your tank. I love them.





    It may seem like a small change, but it looks good! It has improved! (And look how cool that red tail looks in front of the green plant)

    I remember when I was watching a bunch of Father Fish videos. He made one about preventing algae. And the secret is to have A LOT OF plants. The plants will suck up the nutrients that the algae wants. Now, you may have also forgotten.. you can cheat. You can add fake plants. Get some good ones, realistic, and it will fill in the tank and no one will know. They won’t melt. Then fill in around those with live plants that you can afford. Maybe some Aponogeton or Vallisneria? They seem to do well in deep tanks.

    Recently my Java fern turned to mush. It was doing great for a year and a half, then one day, blehhh.. that was after a bacterial bloom where I did water changes on 3 consecutive days and ran carbon (for just 2 days) to try to clarify things. It didn’t like that situation at all. Melted and made a huge mess all over the tank. 😐

    Java fern:


    When that died and had to be removed, the fish felt exposed. I could tell they were confused and very nervous. There are plants on the side, but they prefer the middle. So I added this:


    They love it and went into it right away. Their whole demeanor changed. The Small Scape YouTuber adds fake plants into her tanks as well. There is one at big box sold as a mat that looks like Anubias nana petite. She cuts it up and attaches it to driftwood. 

    As far as the filter, hey, you tried stuff. You like to brainstorm and experiment, and we like to follow along. So it didn’t work long term. So what? You gave it a shot.

    “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” -Thomas H. Palmer

    ”Do, or do not. There is no try.” -Yoda


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  8. I may have messed up my Walstad Jar. I removed the rosette sword. It was getting shaded out and I also wanted to place it into a tank, but




    doing so caused the dirt to mix into the water column. I did an 85-95% water change for the sake of the bladder snails and





    added more sand. I only see one lone snail in there, so I hope I didn’t bury any by accident. Over time, the snail population has been dwindling, despite supplemental feeding once a week with a small pinch of Repashy powder.



    • Sad 1
  9. On 9/22/2023 at 10:16 PM, Odd Duck said:

    Looks like a caddis fly larva.  I think there’s a couple species that have terrestrial larvae, but most have aquatic larvae.

    And they collect the sticks or whatever debris is handy to where they live and stick them to a sort of cocoon they build around themselves.

    Very interesting. A neighbor said it could be a bagworm too; not sure?  

  10. On 9/21/2023 at 8:01 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    I found the seachem one (no idea why it's SO HARD to find some products in big box stores....) and they have softer plastic inserts.  They also do the same thing and take blades.  I also have just a generic, "holder" from the hardware store I can utilize if need be. 

    I am right there with you.... I want to find something where in a tall tank my hands can stay a little dry and avoid the risk of contamination with the shrimp.  I've seen it as almost a very different mindset in the US vs EU where they all use the above style "blade holders" for scraping glass.  Here in the US we use single use products or have the "fancy" mag scrapers and so on.

    For the sake of showing what I *was looking at* here's the seachem one.


     Here's the "fancy" ones


    I like the idea of using cards / softer materials than a sharp metal edge.  One thing I do like about the magfloat blades is that it's not sharp, it's just robust enough to handle any algae scraping needs.  If I get clumsy and poke some silicone, it'll be alright... generally speaking.


    I assume plastic handle.  Is it pretty robust? I have this idea in the back of my head to actually get a shelf, drip tray, metal bar, and hang up my tools so I don't have to use the cup and keep knocking it over as much.  The net I got for the shrimp... directly the exact wrong way for the little "loop" on the end to be to hang it.  What a waste. 😞

    Plastic handle. It is thin, but I don’t see a need for a thick one honestly. You’re going to be gentle anyway so you don’t hurt your fish or scratch your glass. I added a twisty tie to the end of mine so I can hang it (also would work on a shrimp net. 😉) Also has a guard that snaps on over the razor to safely store it.

    I was using a AAA card to scrape for awhile but a) wet arm, b) doesn’t work on green spot algae, c) turns a 2-minute job into a 7- or 8-minute job. I didn’t realize until I got the proper tool for the job.

    I put clear command hooks on the side of my tank stands to hang stuff.

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  11. On 9/20/2023 at 6:53 PM, venzi said:

    So when bubbles pop, they spray bits of water.  Anyone have tricks/hacks/DIY mods to contain the bubbles or the splash that bubbles from air stones create so that it doesn't get all over the lid or even outside the tank?  I'm thinking there has to be a way to do something w/ like PVC pipes or something.

    The bubble pop spray is one of the reasons I use a pump to create choppy waters instead of air stones in my main tank, but I do want try to use air stones if I can get around this problem.

    2:09 in this video!


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  12. I got this one and I’ll tell you why. It’s because it takes regular razor blades; the kind you can find anywhere - Walmart, the hardware store, etc. Cheap refills. It works very well too. Minimal effort. Also easy to make the handle half length to do the smaller tanks.

    Faveetie Aquarium Algae Scraper... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BGNJJXM6?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

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  13. On 9/20/2023 at 1:30 PM, TheSwissAquarist said:

    We ended up going down a steep slope interspersed with trees

    Heh. Yeah, that happened to me too. The trails weren’t marked well and I thought I was going down a square, but it was a double diamond, complete with trees and bumps all over the slope. I didn’t fall but all my flailing - the ski patrol “pulled me over” and gave me a talking to, lol

    • Haha 2
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