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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. On 11/1/2023 at 5:30 PM, GoofyGarra said:

    The window will lead to some algae, but ill use lots of bladder snails to keep everything clean. I also dont mind green water, it will help with breeding.

    You can also add a background as well or even one of those window privacy films, etc.  Like this perhaps, protects from UV light.

  2. On 11/1/2023 at 3:57 PM, JoeQ said:

    I'd tamp down expectations, it'll probably become another jungle tank with me ranting about the best way to avoid algae is with healthy plant growth.....

    Walmart special! 🤣🤣

    I saw, I already stalked the first few pages of the thread! 🤣 I'm following her directions from the book which is in the 4th revision. As for the book it's pretty good but wayyyyy too science-ie, I almost want to rewrite it then reread it, but change every scientific plant name and every single scientific element notation!!!! Ammonia, just say Ammonia......  Sentences like "nh4 + o2 provide anoxic conditions which turns it into no3" Just make my brains itch!!!! 

    Walstad did a video with kgt’s wife. They built a jar together.

  3. On 10/30/2023 at 6:55 PM, Pokey said:

    Was that Snoopy swimming around there too?

    Sure was! And a 20 gallon would work just fine.

    On 10/30/2023 at 7:25 PM, GoofyGarra said:

    those pristellas are super cool, swimming in circles.

    They are ready for breakfast!

    On 10/30/2023 at 7:25 PM, GoofyGarra said:

    Are those red eye/monk tetras in the back?

    The other tetras are black neons and head-and-taillight tetras. I got those by mistake. I was trying to buy more pristellas but LFS just got their shipment and everyone was pale. In QT they developed their color and I was like ummmm… these are not pristellas! But I kept them anyway and they fit in with the group just fine and school with them.

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  4. On 10/30/2023 at 11:44 AM, FyaNyan said:

    I have a simple question
    How do you safely do ich prevention with ich-x medication?

    I have a new batch of mollies that appear healthy now, but since I got them from PetSmart I am guessing they are carrying ich. I want to do prevention treatment rather than current infection treatment.

    The last batch of mollies I bought suddenly died, and I believe it was from over medication. My new batch is in a larger tank—a 10 gallon quarantine bin with a sponge filter and heater. I am doing a 25% water change every day. Water temp is about 76 degrees. 

    I read instructions on the bottle, but it doesn’t say how long to treat the fish for, and it assumes you are treating active infection. 

    • Should I use a lower dose of ich-x than recommended?
    • How many doses? And how long between doses?

    If anyone has any advice I would appreciate it!!! ❤️

    Anytime you medicate fish, it stresses them and could cause other complications or weakness. Meds also make it harder for the fish to breathe because it changes the viscosity of the water (makes it thicker).  Instead of using meds, I would advise you to use aquarium salt.  Consider it a "broad spectrum" treatment and preventative.  It will provide electrolytes and stimulate their slime coat as well. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/aquarium-salt-for-sick-fish.  If you do see ich develop at any point, it cannot survive in warm water.  You'd want to raise the temp to 86 (gradually, 1 degree per hour) and keep it there until all symptoms are gone + a few extra days.


  5. On 10/30/2023 at 12:52 PM, Confetto said:

    I have 32 surviving hatchling. I'm not keeping many, 2-3 MAX! I have a 20L that they will move into.  

    My LFS is taking most of them in a few weeks and a friend is taking 4-5.  

    They eat Crab Cuisine & Hikari mini algae wafers right now. I was thinking of tossing a green bean in there tonight. 

    That's an awesome plan!  In the meantime, isn't it fun to watch them?  Once they are released into the tote, it will be fun to see them all over the place. 

  6. On 10/30/2023 at 10:36 AM, Confetto said:

    My baby mystery snails are between 25-27 days old and some are the size of a pencil eraser. They have been living in a breeder box in a 6 gallon Sterilite storage tote and perhaps a foolish question, but are the ready to wander the full container? 

    I worry about them finding food in a larger area. The tote has a heater and a sponge filter of course, and three fake plants as well as a tiny bucephalandra plant. Can I just place their food in different locations around the tote for them to find?

    Clearly a first time snail mom 😉



    Yep!  You are good. This is the size of my kids when I moved them.


    6 gallon is going to be too small though, for their (eventual) waste level and food requirements.  You'll want to have a plan to adopt them out soon and test your water for ammonia daily.  Water change if you get a reading.  I was struggling to keep ammonia down in a 10 gallon, and when they were chickpea sized I had to change water twice a day, using Prime to detoxify any residual ammonia til the next water change.  I had about 45 snails at the time. @Guppysnail @Cinnebuns

    As far as finding food, a powdered food such as Repashy soilent green (unprepared) or Sera Micron could be an option; and a calcium supplement (such as crab cuisine). Those foods coat the walls of the tote and the snails will always have access. If you can add more live plants as well, that is going to help water quality.

    P.S. Your snail babies are very very cute @Confetto!  ♥️

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