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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. 2 snails appeared to possibly be pinned between the nylon and the box. They were successfully freed. Also I’m starting to see detail and no longer need the magnifying glass, for the most part. Here is a video of a lovely friendship that has blossomed.
  2. @Fish Folk I have a 10-year old black neon that has become a little swollen; some forum members believe she is egg bound, slightly. Anyway, since the swelling she makes the same movement as your shiners, chasing off others that swim into her personal space.
  3. Me too. I ended up borrowing it from the library.
  4. It’s a little of both. It also explains how to build a natural tank and all the benefits of plants. Such as : plants produce allelochemicals to control their population and to deter predators like snails. So when a plant leaf dies, it no longer produces the allelochemicals and that’s how the snail knows it’s allowed to eat that leaf. There’s a lot of interesting stuff in there, based on science and research. If you search for videos on Walstad tanks or Walstad-inspired tanks, they are made by people following the tips in her book on how to create the most natural and beneficial environment for fish by using plants.
  5. Ecology of the planted aquarium by Diana Walstad
  6. @xXInkedPhoenixXyeah I know. I just wanted to check on her.
  7. @xXInkedPhoenixX How is yours doing? Same?
  8. In the 7th pic you can see the orange (or red?) chin that yours have now. I just love the way they shoal.
  9. @Fish Folk their chins are orange now. Is the lil dude that was stressed still social distancing?
  10. Early this morning, my husband called to me from the other room. “How’s snail patrol going?” He threw me way off guard. He’s curious about the snails?! (But not enough to go look. Haha) Then a little later he made breakfast. Just off my kitchen is a sitting area. My kitchen table and aquariums are there. Everywhere else in the house is carpeted. As we were having breakfast, he stared for a good while at the aquarium! The two snails, York & Hampshire were cruisin on the front glass and the new gang from quarantine was frolicking about; they were added on the morning of “hatch day”. (The hatch occurred in the afternoon.) So there’s a good bit of activity in the tank now. I think secretly he likes the tank; he’s just afraid to admit it.
  11. They are active though beside that one little guy. My new fish were washed out too but regained color in 1-2 days. Try keeping the light off, as well as the lights in the room to help them rest. They’ve had quite the journey.
  12. @xXInkedPhoenixX @Odd DuckI think less bloating today? What do you guys think? I didn’t actually see her drop any eggs but doesn’t mean she didn’t. Yesterday we had a hearty meal of frozen brine shrimp and she found a male to mate with today, frolicking with him in the bubbles. 💞
  13. I took out the green bean I gave them yesterday. There didn’t seem to be any interest. I replaced it with a new one though along with some calcium chip, powdered. And just a touch of egg yolk, swirled around to coat the sides. York was on high alert and within minutes was trying to get into the breeder box to get the green bean. So I had to give her her very own special green bean. 🙄 This lady was floating? I put her in a dish and used my magnifying glass to watch her. She righted herself and put her little antennae out and started cruisin so she was returned to the box. See all the little dots on the sides of the box? That’s the gang. 🐌
  14. @Fish Folk I’m setting up a 10 gallon planted tank and I will use a seeded sponge filter, aquarium water from main tank, and pool filter sand (new sand, no bacteria). Would I be ok to use an eco substrate under the sand and immediately add fish?
  15. Yeah and here I am hatching multiple snail egg clutches to be moved to a 10gal grow out tank, then sold to LFS. Getting ready for daily water changes. 😝. I must be crazy.
  16. You can evacuate the gang to a plastic tote in the meantime
  17. Isn't that funny because in human environments (ie: kitchen countertops) it's the opposite. LOL. I had to keep a battleship in my tank for quite some time because my snail would sleep in there every day. I eventually removed it but I added a small log decoration that she can climb into, as well as 2 flowerpots. She has accepted the substitute accommodations well and everything now blends better.
  18. I heard driftwood can help? Also leaves.
  19. Oddly enough, we were just talking about this yesterday. Link @Odd Duck @xXInkedPhoenixX
  20. @lefty o or @StevesFishTanks - any idea?
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