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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I wondered if I should feed him peas after he completes the 5 days in the epsom bath.
  2. Things seem to be moving along for my buddy. Here is what I siphoned up this morning. And he has been fasting. Flint:
  3. He still needs to pass more through his digestive tract, and he is still fat. Day 2 of Epsom.
  4. My parents’ pooch. They rescued her from a shelter.
  5. After the water change and the generous dose of Easy Green, the aquarium co op Val is pearling. It is showing its appreciation for the Easy Green! Within an hour after getting the Easy Green, this happened. I have it floating: a tip from Prime Time for val, just to get it going in its new environment. I wanted to try a different approach this time since some of my LFS Val did indeed die. I siphoned out the old roots yesterday. Plus floating it helps shade out the hair algae that started. Also look at how perky this little parva is! She was just planted yesterday! She got 2 roots tabs yesterday. I gave 2 tabs to each parva. I love how the leaves look like little spears.
  6. I am sorry , that was a typo . It is only 1 tbsp salt per 5 gal. I fixed the typo. 2 tbsp total for the 10 gal qt tote.
  7. Ok, I set up a quarantine tote for Flint. Never thought I’d have to use the big net that @nabokovfan87 sent me once, but with Flint’s growth, it was necessary and easy. I thought he didn’t survive the transfer because he sat there motionless, omg.. I went to grab a flashlight so I could watch his gills but by the time I got the flashlight I saw he had moved to the little chunk of driftwood that is in there. What a relief. Poor guy had been in the same spot in the tank for days. I think he has very little energy due to the discomfort. With plecos you never know if they’re sleeping or what, and then they become active at night. They are so shy. But a few times I got up during the night to put food in for him, he was still in the same spot on the glass. Previously I’d check in the dark and he’d been all of the tank, busy doing pleco stuff. Hanging on the glass during the day was new for him too. He was almost always on the wood before. And no poops found during maintenance. The Qt tank was 2 degrees difference, so I think he was just taking a few moments to adjust. I put the log tunnel in there also because he’s very shy and will stress and camouflage if he’s exposed. 2 Tbsp of epsom salt per 5 gal is in there (****EDIT: this was typo -it is 1 tbsp per 5 gal); I dissolved it in a jar of the tank water. Extra air going too.
  8. Update: seeing more shrimplets now. 3 things were changed: air, first bites food, and water changes increased to 50% (recommended by Mark’s Shrimp Tanks), aging water overnight with dechlorinator and an airstone. I drip it back in; it take about an hour and a half full speed through airline. I didn’t age the water overnight for today’s water change because I got tired the day before, but I did age it for like 3 or 4 hours this time. I also got a plant order yesterday which had some Java moss. Here are some of the adults enjoying it, and I saw some juveniles in there a bit after.
  9. So for a previous bloating issue with the black neons I did 1 table spoon for 1 gallon but that was a dip, I think 15 minutes. This 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons is ok for him to be in for the 5 days straight (not a dip?) What % algae should I look for in a food if I can’t find those brands? Do you think this one looks good? Algae is the first ingredient.
  10. Hi guys. My dude has been hanging on the glass in the same spot daily and he doesn’t seem to rush to food. Also veggies I leave in there seem untouched by morning. His diet has been mainly the Morning Wood Repashy and he was eating veggies before. Haven’t found hardly any poops in the tank whereas before there were lots. parameters 0/0/20, temp 77 He may have an obstruction or hard time eliminating. found blog post on a pleco forum where the user did epsom salt baths and claimed it cured the pleco, but the pleco died a few days after. Not sure I trust the epsom salt route. Flint is a bristlenose pleco.
  11. Plants plants plants! 🌱 Today a nice unboxing! I splurged a bit. When I say splurged, it just means I bought plants. 🙂 Ya know, the fun stuff. Not just like, filter media etc Look at this nice haul! & only 2 day transit due to the new warehouse! This val has a runner! Crypt parva for the foreground. First time trying these out. Nicer and fuller than the one pictured in the shop! Tiger lotus bulb, for Geppetto. They may have sent me the one called red dwarf aquarium lily? Not sure but I’m good with either. There were actually 2 in there! Nice root systems. I weighted the val so it will stay down for reverse respiration. Also some of the pots had multiple val plants and I wanted them to stay together. Got a Java moss for the shrimps as well. They haven’t had moss in awhile. They have a fuzz algae in there that is similar to moss though; it grows on the driftwood. My friend actually complimented me on it and asked what kind of moss that was. I said it’s algae! And she gave me this big eye roll. 🤣 Anyway, I think the shrimps will be excited, and the babies can chill in the moss.
  12. Wow, saw this on Reddit. Photocred: u/SpiritualBike7180 they said they are West African biscuit starfish 😍
  13. Wow, never heard of these. Thank you contagious?
  14. Yes. They are in another tank; the tank he came from. They have no symptoms. If it were wounds I would think they would have healed over the course of the several months and with the Kanaplex, salt, or Maracyn.
  15. Update on the val. Some didn’t make it, and some have formed nice bundles of leaves. However, the slow growth is causing the hair algae to take advantage of the light and nutrients. Therefore, I have to be careful about how much light the tank gets. I will order more val but not the LFS inferior Val. It needs to come from co op since those plants are partially adapted to submerged conditions. Microsword is spreading Embers are still doing well.
  16. Finneus has been in a quarantine tank for some time now. Was living in a tank with 18 other healthy fish. Over the course of several months I’ve tried (one by one) ich-x, jungle fungus tabs, Kanaplex, salt. Now I’m about to start day 4 of Maracyn. There have been long rest periods between treatments; usually 2 weeks. Whatever this is, it’s resistant to these meds. Initially it looked like a larger patch; now it looks like a few dots. Always on the nose; never the eyes or body. The fish acts normally and eats well. What’s the matter with Finneus?
  17. Hey @knee! Good to see you! So nice that you rescued the female ram from the LFS. The same thing happened to my hygrophila. The bottom became brown and it looked bad. They were shedding leaves daily. Oddly, the roots stayed latched in the substrate. But I ended up retiring them because they were making a mess in there. The 40B looks amazing! Are you using Christmas moss?
  18. Wow, that’s a ton of work! The water lettuce looks awesome. Your tank looks great! Welcome! Hahaha! That happened to me! I thought the Dollar Tree bucket was such a bargain, then I found out I got what I paid for. 🤣I think mine was a 2 gallon bucket though. Also had the bottom fall out of a 29g tank before. Saw the leak on day 3, all the substrate and decor was in. Fortunately got it siphoned out and all the stuff removed. The bottom gave out on the lawn as we hurriedly carried to the curb.
  19. Aren’t scuds way bigger than seed shrimp? My seed shrimp are smaller than a grain of sand. Scuds are apparently big enough to net.
  20. I broke a personal rule and moved ONE of the quarantine kids to the 20g early because my ember in the 20g is the only one of its species in the tank that did not have a friend(s). So far this fish was qt 2 weeks. I am going another 2 with the rest of the group, and I don’t see any issues other than the lack of color on the smartest and most energetic fish. I’m kinda chalking that up to genetics at this point. Anyway, this makes my heart happy:
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