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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. @guppysnail that is crazy maybe i shouldnt put it in my main tank.
  2. Because its an aquatic plant, i recently got some elodea from a school that had finished with it as a lab. What do i need to know to grow it? and can i put in in my tank?
  3. it was suprising because cant corydoras breathe from the surface? The platies in that tank were fine, but platies can survive a darn nuclear explosion 💣. The one bright side is now my QT tank is open for more fish.
  4. if you are just looking for some plant recomedation i would reccomend something like Water Sprite or Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus, just be warned they grow very quickly. Both can float and can provide good hiding spots and spots to explore for your betta. Good looking fish too!
  5. @mountaintoppufferkeeper probably run multiple air pumps instead of just one. keep them less tangled. And it will be a while beforei harvest more eggs because i want the tank free for more fish
  6. I am very sad, because yesterday i must have bumped my air pump because it got disconnected, and air stopped running to my tanks. This was fine for my main 20, as i run a HOB as well as a sponge filter, put in my five gallon fry tank i run just sponge filters. So i came home, realized air wasnt running, as found all 40 of my cory fry dead. I am so annoyed right now. :(
  7. Its difficult to reccomend that based on plants and water change schedule. I do like this blog article though. as well as Aqadvisor.com https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/how-many-fish
  8. This doesnt look too natural but i had once a blue fake glofish coral. It has lots of branches and places where fry could hide and the adults couldnt get them. I do though think @Fish Folkhad a good idea.
  9. sick. I dont know with what, but i have kept many platies, and that doesn't at all look pregnant. Id say the wrong part of the body is swollen
  10. I was thinking Xtreme bottom wafers. Pea protein is first ingredient but good food.
  11. I dont recomend sand. Its just harder to grow plants in. I would recommend a standard inert gravel substrate. Its hard to run into issue with that.
  12. Im having some fun raising my Corydora Aeneus (Albino) fry. Ive been feeding them lots of BBS as recommended, and therefore the adult platies and cories also get BBS. My problem is that i think the adults are addicted, as they wont eat other foods the same way. Any tips to get them eating other foods again?
  13. 30 aeneus in a 20... fat chance. Id do pygmy or habrosus though in large amounts
  14. i try to do it around once every 3weeks-1month i think @Cory would have some good advice on this.
  15. welcome to our forum, we welcome your questions
  16. in the chart i cant see much difference between Power Blue and Electric Blue
  17. that is useful, thanks! I was particularly eyeing corydora adolphi and corydora trilineatetus. I would get both of them with my aeneus, but one of them would be fun!
  18. Where is the best place to get high-quality guppies? Is there a site? Or will the standard wholesaler stuff be fine at my LFS?
  19. This might sound like a dumb question, but i have a peaceful betta, and also want to try a dwarf cichlid. Could i keep them together, or would the cichlid bully the slow betta.
  20. didn't @Irene do like 12 in a five gallon tank? Maybe she could give some advice?
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