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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. could you add C02 to a tank by pouring in seltzer? Or attatching a seltzer machine to the side of the tank or a sump?
  2. Apart from Malaysian trumpet snails what are good algae eaters to keep with bettas?
  3. I will definitely consider white clouds. I mean, they are pretty cool anyway
  4. thats fine, i understand. i wasnt really trying to get this targeted at you.
  5. What are some good small low-biload fish that will do well in a high flow 20gal high. (I know Otos, Hillstream Loaches, and Corydoras) but im looking for some other fish like that. (also could Nerite Snails work in high flow?
  6. Do anyone know where i can get captive bred otocinculus cats.
  7. apistogrammas (from what ive heard) are much easier to keep and pretty hardy, but ask people that have kept them before you only go by my word
  8. you probably want to upgrade your tank size on that
  9. probably gonna make it my QT tank (My current QT tank is a 5gallon, i got it because someone in my neighborhood was giving it away) or just not use it. (I have a tank limit). 😞
  10. german blue rams are difficult to keep and not very hardy
  11. I have a betta i got from my LFS that is currently in my ten gallon, he is doing perfectly fine and i would probably use him in my betta territory tank
  12. I will be honest my current fave is #2 the betta territory
  13. I call myself Theplatymaster for a reason, i have a lot of experience with platies, so here are some tips about them that not everyone knows and can make a big difference: 1: I didn't see this anywhere so i made this mistake, keep 1platy male or 3+, i kept 2, they fought 2: Feed them veggies, I had a period when my platies were fed just on tetra colour flake than i introduced some Brazilian Pennywort and they demolished it 3: Make sure everyone else gets food. Not really to platies, but platies will swarm food, make sure your other fish can get food. 4:THEY BREED ALOT!!Be Prepared: I have way to many platies right now because of my platies breeding 5:This isnt really a tip, but observe your platies, they have diffirent personalaties its fun to recognize them by their behaviours
  14. This is a question for people that have kept 3in cories like Paleatus, Aenus, stuff like that. I was wondering on a scale of 1-10 how would you rate their bioload? (Wondering because i might get some, but if its to much bioload, ill just get pandas)
  15. Guppies, and cories will eat the eggs, you will want to seperate them from the adults of the other fish (Not sure if guppies grow fast enough that you cant keep baby guppies with baby cories?)
  16. Paleatus, cool! For even more babies you could breed those too pretty easily!
  17. i will be updating this as i go, this is just what i have gone through so far
  18. Everyone else is doing this so i may as well try. (Sorry if this doesn't sound fit the criteria, a Journal is rather vague) How i got into fish keeping: The first fish i kept was a betta, i hadnt done much research and i had my betta in a 2 gallon tank, with a heater, doing weekly water changes. That betta lasted 3 months because Torpedo squeazed in between the heater and the suction cup and died, :C Than i decided to do my HW and try to set up a new tank. So i have a 20gal high. I started with 4 glowlight tetras. THey either died from NTS or i bought sick fish (Or both). Basically, than i got some of that Bacteria in a Bottle stuff and that worked. SO i got platies. 3 days later tottally unexpected, one of my platies gave birth. so than i had 4 platies. Than i got more platies, and had a issue with platy male agression. Around this time i was also setting up a ten gallon betta tank. So because i had agression issues with my platy males, i moved one of them to the betta tank. But than i had issues with my other platy male. SO currently i have one platy male in a 2gal and one in a 10gal with a beta. (I ended up with a lot of batches of fry along this timeline). So yah, if i do anything else interesting with my tank ill say it here.
  19. So i posted about this before, but i might restart my 20gal high (Get rid of my platies), and was wondering which of these 20gal high ideas are your favourite: 1.Pygmy Corydora Colony Tank 2.Betta Territory Tank: Betta, Panda Cories, HQ Rasboras 3.Apistogramma breeding tank (1m, 2f) 4. Nocturnal tank: BN pleco, Kuhli Loaches 5.Algae Eater tank: Nerite snails, Otocinculus, Amano Shrimp,Hillstream Loach 6.Fairy tale tank: Bronze Cories, Hillstream Loach, Amano Shrimp
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