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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. could you get a side picture? also how big is the fish?
  2. after i had pretty much just a swarm of platies i began calling myself Theplatymaster in my head, and it stuck. So how did i choose my username. I came up with it and liked it, based on my fish
  3. i messaged @Dean’s Fishroom he recommends cooler water changes for breeding otocinclus. (I didn't message him just to answer this question, i was wondering myself)
  4. i was wondering about Clown,Rubberlip,& Bristlenose Plecos, Twig Catfish, and Panda Garra
  5. the platies might be just as big as the adult shrimp, when i got rid of platies, i kept ones that were 1in big
  6. I was wondering if i could keep Adult cherry shrimp with platies that are 1inch big, and adult albino corydoras? i do have some cover, and feed pretty well
  7. Its a 22inch Glofish clip on rim light. I run it on white. Thats my current light, but i will change it when the AquariumCoop Light comes out
  8. ive had it for around 2months, its a 20high, 13 hours of light.got it small,white glofish light,normal gravel with root tabs
  9. i currently have 4in vallisneria that i want to get big and spreading. I does easy green, root tabs, and have medium light, and yet no growth, any tips?
  10. ive used them for a while and they work great.
  11. does anyone have any recommendations for an alage eater in a 20high. Im thinking hillstream loach and amano shrimp?
  12. just wondering what peoples experiences are with harlquinn rasboras. ihave a 20high
  13. im currently thinking about harlquinn rasboras
  14. In my research it apears red eye tetras nip fins, which is not good for my crowntail betta More cories: Nothing against cories, but i want something i haven't tried before, and more midwater Goby: Breeding gobies can be territorial...
  15. im a big concerned with black skirt tetras which are semi agressive nipping the guppies fins. as long as its a big enough tank, with sight breaks it should be okay though
  16. i wish i had a fish like that. Although my platies are kinda like that.
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