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So I bought a 125 gallon aquarium. Decor ideas?

Mary Beth

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So I just bought my first "large" aquarium.  125 gallon.  I was hoping you all could show me how you have yours set up to give me ideas. It will be a planted community aquarium.  The fish already in my 60 gallon are getting an upgrade. Also any pro tips of don't do xyz because of ABC. Thanks in advance! 

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My largest tank is a 20L, so take this with a grain of salt, but I'd fill it with lots of fun plants!  I'm a huuuge fan of getting a massive piece of interesting driftwood as a focal point and the shoving plants (especially java fern) in the nooks and crannies of the driftwood! 

Edited by Betsy
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YAY!  Congrats on your 125, so exciting!

We are in the final stages of setting up a 120 (upgraded from a 55) for our community fish, so very similar upgrade!

For decor I am using some terracotta pots (and my fish and snails are LOVING these), 2 pieces of manzanita driftwood, some faux rock (we went faux so as to not add more weight, but splurged on the realistic looking ones) and a BUNCH of plants.  I attached a pic below - just ignore the old filter pads that are only in there temporarily, we used those to help jump start the cycle.  

Still fiddling with things, and trying to be patient as I know it will fill in and be more jungle-like.  I do think I am going to add vallesneria, and possibly another piece of driftwood that is more "tree stump" looking...  We'll see.  Trying not to over-do it. 





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Thanks for the ideas and pictures! I cannot find driftwood at any of the stores around here and I am too big of a chicken to collect some from outside.  I do have some fake wood in my tanks. I love the tripod idea. The danios would love playing in that. I also love the pots in the tanks. Would it hurt anything to break them if I put all the broken edges in the sand?

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Check out manzanita direct (online) if you are looking for driftwood.  I had a great experience with them, and they even sent me some extra pieces!  I am fairly certain it's OK to break up the terracotta as well!

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I can’t remember who said it (probably Cory in a live stream), but I heard someone say that you should try to use all the same kinds of rocks. Using different rocks in the same tank can make things look piece-meal. But of course that’s a generalization—do what you like!

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