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What can go with cardinal and ember tetras


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I have a 75 gallon heavier planted tank with a school of cardinal tetras and a school of ember tetras. Is there any type of “bigger” fish I can put with them that won’t eat them like angels, rainbows etc.. I also have a few shrimp in the tank and this will be harder I’m imagining but maybe something that won’t eat shrimp as well . 

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As Cory says, "big fish eat little fish."

That said, angels and tetras are a totally classic combination. If you get them while they're young, they'll be less likely to view the tetras as food. If you're still worried, you can keep just one angelfish and it won't get as territorial since it won't be spawning.

Other options are some larger tetras like emperors, peaceful gouramis like honey gouramis, or bosemani rainbowfish.

Or you could go for a bigger bottom feeder like a bristlenose pleco.

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Two thumbs up for @Colu's recommendation I'd put a like on it but once again I ran out today. Bolivian Rams work great with my Cardinals, and Rummynoses, plus they get along great with my Amano, and Blue Velvet shrimp. I've got six in my 75 gallon tank.IMG_7966a-Edit.jpg.f36240e44374a012b3abfc3d1ce50039.jpg

Edited by Jungle Fan
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1 hour ago, Grizzly said:

I have a 75 gallon heavier planted tank with a school of cardinal tetras and a school of ember tetras. Is there any type of “bigger” fish I can put with them that won’t eat them like angels, rainbows etc.. I also have a few shrimp in the tank and this will be harder I’m imagining but maybe something that won’t eat shrimp as well . 

I would recommend a school of larger Corydoras catfish. They are great bottom dwellers, and won't harm a soul (they might eat baby shrimp though). Good candidates would be the Sterbai Cory, Peppered/Paleatus Cory, Albino/Bronze Cory, and Emerald Green Brochis. They are social fish, so get a group of maybe 6 or so. For a completely shrimp-safe option (although not a large fish), try the Pygmy Cory. It only grows to about an inch long or so, and won't eat any shrimp. A good group of around 12 of these little guys would look great with the tetras.

If you don't want Corydoras, I would go for one of the other options listed above by @Kirsten, @Colu, and @Jungle Fan. Other suggestions I have would be the Congo tetra, pearl gourami, Apistogramma species, and some species of rainbowfish like the Boesmani rainbow.

Hope this helps, and good luck!

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