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Let me first say that I don’t have a talent for aesthetics when it comes to aquascaping, but I want to improve hopefully.

Ever want to just blow up one of your setups?

This indoor pond/tub has been running for a little over 2 years. It has had a lot of up’s, but lately it’s been on a steady spiral downward; plants dying off, out of control algae, borrowing plants for other projects, etc.

I am determined to get it back on track and change things up drastically. Watch me triumph or fail miserably.

I’ve ordered some substrate. While I wait for the shipment, I will be taking down some other nano projects I had going. I really want to focus on making this something I really enjoy watching again.

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It took a few days, but I got the substrate in with no apparent casualties. I’m sure some snails got buried, but there are still a ton of them in there. I was worried most about the ghost shrimp since I couldn’t catch and move them all. I learned I needed a deeper net. A lot of them were able to jump out when the net came out of the water.

The Bacopa Caroliniana and Azolla Caroliniana were already in the tub. The Lobelia Cardinalis and water lettuce are new. The water lettuce came in looking ragged, but I was expecting that. I wasn’t  expecting their roots to fall off when I rinsed them in water. I think I saw a few sprouts of new roots, so I’m thinking positive.

I obviously need a lot more plants. I have an order coming in early next week, hopefully. I’m excited to try a new plant, Eleocharis Parvula. If you’ve kept it before feel free to drop some knowledge on me.


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18 minutes ago, Fishdude said:

Oh a magnificent change! I love the substrate color. This gives me hope for a few of my own lost causes.

Thank you! Hopefully, it will look better when I add more plants and they start growing in a bit. I also want to add some more rocks when I can get my hands on some.

I definitely needed to put in some work on this one, so I could actually start enjoying it again. I’m sure you can do the same!

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I got a plant order in today and went to work. I thought I’d need to make another order, but I think I’ll be ok just propagating what I have. Just need some growth now.

Water lettuce is definitely melting off, so that’s a little disappointing. I’ll probably give it another shot when the weather warms up a lot more. Maybe it will come in healthier.


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5 minutes ago, Streetwise said:

Your plant spacing should be an example for aquarists. Amazing!

Thank you! I actually didn’t notice how nicely it came out until I was done. I’m sure it will get a little crazy once I need to replant trimmings. Usually does, but that’s what I really like.

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2 minutes ago, Streetwise said:

How can we help with the Water Lettuce?

I’m open to suggestions. It’s my first time keeping them. I know they don’t ship well and the roots actually fell off during a light rinse. I was encouraged at what I thought was new root growth, but they’re really falling apart now.

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They have access to the surface for all aspects of photosynthesis.

They want you to add inhabitants of your choice to create plant nutrients for their roots to consume. 😉

They provide an excuse to go shopping.

Edited by Streetwise
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1 minute ago, Streetwise said:

The have access to the surface for all aspects of photosynthesis.

They want you to add inhabitants of your choice to create plant nutrients. 😉


That’s very true, I am pretty understocked. I just have some male guppies in there for now. I haven’t really decided what kind of fish I want to keep in there yet. I’m leaning towards a Bluespotted Sunfish, or maybe try for a pygmy sunfish colony.

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Since I can’t update the tub for a while until there is some substantial plant growth or I add another fish, I figured I’d post some pics of my 7 gallon cube. It’s been running for 2 1/2 years now.

It’s gone through a couple different renditions, but I think I’m going to keep it as it is for a long while hopefully. I kind of like it, but I’m working on getting the background plants taller and bushier.

I used to breed my guppies in here, but they moved out to separate tanks, because they were breeding out of control about 6 months ago. It only houses around 10 amanos and some snails right now. I keep going back and forth on what to stock it with. I need to sit down and make a decision.


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Hey, it looks Shire-comfy! In the second photo, are we mostly seeing cryptocoryne and anubias, or do you have some bucephalandra in there too? That is the plant type I want to explore more. If you really want a suggestion, perhaps add a piece of your favorite wood!


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@Streetwise It’s a few different kinds of bucephalandra mixed in the middle there. It’s all on top of a rock hardscape that is all covered up now. I definitely need to figure out how to get some driftwood in there.

@Jungle Fan Thank you! It’s a few different types of bucephalandra originally superglued onto some rocks. It’s been spreading out on its own very slowly. It’s all kind of mixed in together now.

I definitely agree with you guys that it’s missing a little something. Driftwood is a good idea and I’m also thinking about sprinkling a good amount of alder cones in open areas. Hopefully, getting the background plants taller will help as well. I appreciate the advice.

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