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quarantine tank spec's

Jason A.

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The med trio (ich x, maracyn, paraclense) are all great meds to have on hand. All though I wouldnt necesarilly treat the whole tank with these meds until I know that they have a disease, and then treat with the appropiate medicine. Therefore I would quarintine for 4-6 weeks not medicating unless fish show signs of an ilness. This method in my opinion is more acurate then the 1-3 week med trio quarintine. 

Irenes video is a great video to watch showing you the way she built here budget freindly qt tank.

Happy Fish Keeping!

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I agree with what’s been said.  If you haven’t gotten your tub or aquarium for your QT tank yet—see if you can get away with a 10 gallon size.  It’s the best way to not burn through your meds as fast.  The packets are for ten gallons so then you only need one for a whole dose.  Also, I have thought it helpful to have them in a glass tank because then you can observe the fish easier.

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I'm in the middle of assembling my stand so not in a hurry to setup a QT atm, I appreciate all the information as it helps me plan out what my goals are. I was planning on using a 20g as the QT and putting it under the main tank along with the rest of the tank equipment, that is not my only spot for it but thought it was space I could use for it. has anyone had issues having a QT located under the main tank?

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@Jason A. i have mine under my 60 in the cabinet. I went a bit against grain and set up a permanent one with sponge filter, heater, decor (old stuff froM when my mom was a kid) and some moss balls and Java fern with a cheap light.  I could only fit a 5 gallon under there which was super annoying and disappointing but I work with it. You can eyeball splitting the med packets in half pretty decently. I keep it cycled with some bladder, mts, and mystery snails. Has worked out pretty well so far no problems. 

I hope to try and breed mystery snails in there at some point. 

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