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Going the distance with a USB Powered Air Pump.

Aldrich Aquarium

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Living in a city with no Aquarium Store and the nearest one is 36 miles (30 minutes) away and there is ones within a 3 hour drive of me.  Going the distance with a USB Powered Air Pump has been on my mind because of the distance I have to travel to go to an aquarium shop. When should you use a USB powered air pump and when should you not use a USB powered Air pump? is it smart to use a USB powered air pump in transportation of fish from aquarium stores to home quarantine tank? What would your max distance be to use a USB air pump?  These are all questions  that could help a Beginner in the hobby. 

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In my experience air isn't required for a 3 hour trip. I would bring a cooler or insulated box (you might be able to get one from the store too) to help keep them warm before I worried about air. At our local club when we have auctions a lot of the fish are bagged up for nearly 8 hours or potentially longer. It's pretty rare for there to be an issue and there are usually several hundred bags of fish.

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1 hour ago, Aldrich Aquarium said:

Living in a city with no Aquarium Store and the nearest one is 36 miles (30 minutes) away and there is ones within a 3 hour drive of me.  Going the distance with a USB Powered Air Pump has been on my mind because of the distance I have to travel to go to an aquarium shop. When should you use a USB powered air pump and when should you not use a USB powered Air pump? is it smart to use a USB powered air pump in transportation of fish from aquarium stores to home quarantine tank? What would your max distance be to use a USB air pump?  These are all questions  that could help a Beginner in the hobby. 

We only use a USB air pump for transporting sick fish to the vet. Then we have 5 gallon buckets and bring extra clean water for the return trip.

If the in bag time is less than 2 days for most fish, it’s not worth the hassle or risk of tipping the buckets etc

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10 minutes ago, Jack.of.all.aquariums said:

In my experience air isn't required for a 3 hour trip. I would bring a cooler or insulated box (you might be able to get one from the store too) to help keep them warm before I worried about air. At our local club when we have auctions a lot of the fish are bagged up for nearly 8 hours or potentially longer. It's pretty rare for there to be an issue and there are usually several hundred bags of fish.

I have this round insulated bag coming and a collapsable insulated box in my pantry that are going to be used for fish transportation. the local aquarium store uses plastic containers that should fit nicely in the transportation bag I am getting.  

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I have to laugh at the tote bags you folks are posting. A friend literally has a dedicated fish carryon bag that has wheels on it for taking fish home on airplanes. I’m not going to lie and say I haven’t looked for one myself.

Last time we did that the fish were in a bag for over a day with no issues (all goldfish too, so potentially high waste producers).

Bagged up one morning, in bag overnight, on plane the next day, and in tanks that evening.




Edited by AdamTill
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If you think about it, a lot of fish are imported from overseas, and live in bags for several days if packed correctly. Some stores if you tell them that you have several hours before you get home will have oxygen that they can use to pack the fish. I have a couple different sizes of the Styrofoam boxes that fish are shipped in that I carry in my car when I go out of town and planning to stop at a LFS or two. As long as the fish are bagged with plenty of air and you keep the bags in the correct temperature range, the fish will survive a couple days in a bag.

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I used a usb air pump when taking my own fish to a LFS 1.5 hours away. I’m not sure that it was really necessary, but I don’t have any oxygen to fill the bags with. I was just using gallon ziplocks from the grocery store. So I figured why not? I plugged it into the adapter we have for charging our phones and it worked great.

Those bags look awesome!

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