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Do you have any "I assume they're still there..." fish?

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What's your "I never see them" fish? 

My basement fish room includes a 40 breeder that doesn't really breed much except assassin snails and lemon bn plecos. There is a herd of habrosus cories (like 25 or more), half a dozen adolfo cories, a dozen rummy noses, 5 dwarf neon rainbows, plus the aforementioned medium sized bn's (4).

Around 3 years ago, my 33 gallon display tank in the dining room sprang a slow leak, and rather than replace it I took it down and "rehomed" all the fish into the various other tanks. This included 20 kuhli loaches that I've had for around 6 years now. They went into a 20 high with a colony of rabbit snails for over a year, and when I took that tank down I moved them all to the 40. I don't think I've seen more than 3 at a time since then, like almost 12 months ago I think. But I'd bet they're all still there. 🙂

So, my answer is kuhlis. 

Edited by TOtrees
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On 7/29/2024 at 1:56 PM, Mississippi fish guy said:

Mine would be my clown pleco. It almost never leaves its hiding spot in my 55 community tank. 

yup, back when i had clown pleco's i have gone periods of 9 months without seeing it.

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I have had neo shrimp in all my tanks and eventually decided to catch as many as I can out of the bigger ones so I can dabble in cichlids. Many weeks/months went by, many cichlids and rainbow fish later. I figured all the shrimp I missed would have been completely wiped out. Wasn't until I had an unrelated reason to turn the lights on in the room the tanks were in and I was super impressed at the amount of shrimp hanging out on top of my lotus leaves and all amongst the many stem plants. Apparently the shrimp I couldn't find have been secretly thriving at night despite some rather aggressive shrimp eaters! I had never seen a single one during the day in all the weeks since I thought I had gotten enough out that no colony would rebuild but they are very easy to find out and about at night. Nature found a way!

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I have pygmy cory for which I never get a full count, always sighting only 4 to 6 at a time.

My amano shrimp are similar, I only see 2 at a time. I think there should be 6 of them.

I don't see bladder snails in my 65 gallon anymore, the tank had a ton of them before stocking. I expect they are there, maybe hiding under the ugf plate.


Edited by HelplessNewbie
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Two Otos that survived an extended period of benign neglect.  Now, all of a sudden, one has taken to being out & about during the daytime. 

I know they prefer groups & would like more but don't have a good source locally...

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Clown pleco in my 100 gallon nanofish and bottom feeder tank is the clear winner for me.  I haven’t seen him in so long that I don’t even know where he hangs out anymore.  I can’t even remember for sure the last time I saw him because I wasn’t fast enough to get a pic of him.  Most recent pic was back in September, so coming up on 11 months.  I have seen him since then, but it’s been months ago.  I use a flashlight and look for him periodically but may or may not find him.  I haven’t for at least 4 months or more but that isn’t too unusual to not see him for months on end.  🤷🏻‍♀️ 

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Indostomus Paradoxus was my fish, I still have one, though for few months I have assumed I didnt, and I started with 8 and never ever have I seen 8.

I also had several pygmy corydoras, lost a bunch but still, didnt see the rest. After tearing down the tank, I have 2 left, moved to another tank. One I see all the time, the other I do not ever see but occasionally glimpse it so I know there are still two. I want to buy 10 more and see if it changes their mind about liking me.

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I had "six" kuhli loaches for awhile.  I did not really enjoy them much, so I rehomed them all.  Or... I thought I did, apparently I'd had 7.  There was one loose one that I missed.  It went into the new tank I'd set up and I didn't see it again for over 1.5 years.  I assumed it was dead, but after netting out all of the fish, he showed up when I was netting out all of the shrimp to give away.  Thankfully the guy taking the shrimp also took the kuhli loach.  

Edited by jwcarlson
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On 7/30/2024 at 2:00 PM, jwcarlson said:

I had "six" kuhli loaches for awhile.  I did not really enjoy them much, so I rehomed them all.  Or... I thought I did, apparently I'd had 7.  There was one loose one that I missed.  It went into the new tank I'd set up and I didn't see it again for over 1.5 years.  I assumed it was dead, but after netting out all of the fish, he showed up when I was netting out all of the shrimp to give away.  Thankfully the guy taking the shrimp also took the kuhli loach.  

What other fish did you have with the kuhlies? I keep hearing this experience, and I only have 5 in a 360liter, since half of them didnt make it through the quarantine (ich), and I keep seeing them all the time, they climb up the plants, they hunt mosquito larvae, they slither around everywhere so I have vastly different experience than everyone else but not sure why 🙂 

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On 7/30/2024 at 7:27 AM, beastie said:

What other fish did you have with the kuhlies? I keep hearing this experience, and I only have 5 in a 360liter, since half of them didnt make it through the quarantine (ich), and I keep seeing them all the time, they climb up the plants, they hunt mosquito larvae, they slither around everywhere so I have vastly different experience than everyone else but not sure why 🙂 

Initially, a bunch of swordtails, and they were out and about quite a bit with them.  But I still just didn't like them.  When in the next tank, a mix of tetras, some corys, a couple plecos... but it was much more densely planted.  I just didn't hit it off with them, I guess.  They're pretty neat fish.

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On 7/30/2024 at 7:27 AM, beastie said:

I keep seeing them all the time, they climb up the plants, they hunt mosquito larvae, they slither around everywhere so I have vastly different experience than everyone else but not sure why 🙂 

My kuhlies act similarly. My tank has almost no plants put it has a large piece of driftwood in the center that they hang around. The lights are dim because of all the tannins in the water. I often see them looking for food near the drift wood. I try to be sure they get plenty to eat since the corys will eat everything if too little food reaches the bottom.

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On 7/30/2024 at 1:52 AM, beastie said:

Indostomus Paradoxus was my fish, I still have one, though for few months I have assumed I didnt, and I started with 8 and never ever have I seen 8.

I also had several pygmy corydoras, lost a bunch but still, didnt see the rest. After tearing down the tank, I have 2 left, moved to another tank. One I see all the time, the other I do not ever see but occasionally glimpse it so I know there are still two. I want to buy 10 more and see if it changes their mind about liking me.

I had bought more pygmy cories a while back to add to my smallish group and they got left in a QT for a bit because I thought some had passed (found one that died) and I wanted to wait a full month after the last passed.  I had only seen one for well over a month.  They were in a foam substrate over UGF tank - this only matters because I knew I would have to pull all plants / pots out which triggered the procrastination.  Through crazy work schedule and laziness, they and the ember tetras they were with stayed in there for a while.  I only ever saw one pygmy at a time and figured I lost most of the group.  😞  I caught everybody out of the tank early last week.  I still had 9/10 pygmies and 18/20 embers.  🤷🏻‍♀️  Now the cories are in with the rest of my pygmies and the group is much bolder with higher numbers.

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Posted (edited)
On 7/30/2024 at 2:52 AM, beastie said:

Indostomus Paradoxus was my fish

I had them for a bit. Super cool, not very rewarding. When you think they’re gone, you have to keep the tank running for weeks or more in case they’re just good hiders. Lol

On 7/30/2024 at 11:24 AM, Lennie said:

Do 1 million malaysian trumpet snails count?


Another one from my tanks are my L397. I have 4; 2 each in 2 different tanks. In each tank I can see the tip of the tail of one of them where they rest during the day, but almost never see sign of the second. I have to sneak in hours after lights out to catch sight of them. I’m constantly amazed at how chonky they are. 🙂

Edited by TOtrees
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I have 2 kuhli loaches I added a few weeks ago, haven’t seen but one every once in a blue moon. Don’t know if I’m seeing the same one over and over again or what.  🤣🤣🤣

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