Can someone tell me how to fix my water parameters? The picture I have included has my test strip on the left of the bottle to compare colors. Just in case you can’t read the conditions they are as follows; nitrate, nitrite, chlorine, hardness, alkalinity, and carbonate.
the nitrates are a little high, nitrite is 0, carbonate is a little high, and ph is high I think. I’m not totally sure I’m reading this right. Advice would be much appreciated.
My tank is 55gallons. I have 2 angels, 2 blue acara’s, 9 barbs, 2 khouli loaches ( I’m sure I spelled that wrong lol), 3 pleco’s, 2 German rams, 2 chocolate gourami’s, 2 killifish, and 3 powder blue gourami’s.
the tank is heavily planted.
one of my rams and killifish seem to be missing, but I am hoping they are hiding somewhere in the plants. I just set up a small tank for the chocolate gourami’s, killifish and rams. As soon as it cycles out, I am moving them to it.