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Aquarium Bucketlist


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Everyone talks about their dream fish but what about bucketlist stuff? It doesn't necessarily have to be species you want to keep although it can include this but this list could include DOING anything in the hobby. What's your aquarium bucket list?

Here's some of mine off the top of my head:

-  breed hillstream loaches

-  have a breeding colony of CPO crayfish

-  create my own guppy strain

-  get better with plants

-  create an amazing aquascape 

-  breed white clouds

-  breed multiple species of cories

-  learn more about genetics in general and specific to some species 

-  keep a puffer of some sort


Edited by Cinnebuns
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Get my L397's breeding - i think i've had them for almost 2 years, and I fear the 4 I have are all one sex (anyone have good sexing tips?)

Renovate fish room to make better use of limited space.

Get some eggs of the crazy awesome and beautiful medaka strains from Japan, and between them and the youkihis and daisy's I already have, start a ricefish empire. 

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Well,  it probably will never happen, but today I saw a few Youtube videos where people build swimming pools in their backyard that use no chlorine and such… Natural swimming pools with sand substrate, lots of rocks, waterfalls, filtration chambers, plantings, aquatic plants and keeping fish in there as well…

Some of them were quite breathtaking with dumptrucks full of big rocks being delivered, sand beaches, docks…

I doubt I would ever spend that amount of money….

But if I ever came in to a megabucks windfall, I might indulge in that instead of going on a cruiseship, or exorbitant extravagant vacation or some such friviolities…


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On 2/23/2024 at 7:37 PM, Pepere said:

Well,  it probably will never happen, but today I saw a few Youtube videos where people build swimming pools in their backyard that use no chlorine and such…

Same! I'd love to have a swimming pool with fishies, and actually swim with them. Even a pond big enough to wade in would be great! 

(At the moment, I'd just love some kuhli loaches though.)

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On 2/23/2024 at 7:37 PM, Pepere said:

Well,  it probably will never happen, but today I saw a few Youtube videos where people build swimming pools in their backyard that use no chlorine and such… Natural swimming pools with sand substrate, lots of rocks, waterfalls, filtration chambers, plantings, aquatic plants and keeping fish in there as well…

Some of them were quite breathtaking with dumptrucks full of big rocks being delivered, sand beaches, docks…

I doubt I would ever spend that amount of money….

But if I ever came in to a megabucks windfall, I might indulge in that instead of going on a cruiseship, or exorbitant extravagant vacation or some such friviolities…


This reminds me of something. I have an ultimate dream that I will never accomplish. I want to have a hobby farm with all kinds of animals, mostly pet-type animals but some farm animals as well. I'd like to hire all kinds of doctors and therapist and such to work with kids and adults with disabilities along with the animals. It can be useful with both mental and physical issues. I myself have many physical and mental health issues so there are too many barriers to ever make this possible. 

I have made the decision however to get a TINY piece of it and be happy with that. My plan is to eventually train an animal to be a therapy animal and take it to nursing homes and schools and such to help. I know dogs are most common for this but it can be any species. I had planned to train the cat I got 3 years ago for this but she ended up not having the right personality. I don't think any aquatic animals are right for this because transporting issues. I also don't want to get a small tank just for the visit and perpetuate the idea that small tanks are good ideas. I'm hoping someday though to find an animal to fit this. 

I bring this up because maybe you can find a way to get a small piece of your goal!  It might be tougher here because it seems like maybe the size is what's desirable and the issue both. It's still something to think about. 

Edited by Cinnebuns
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On 2/24/2024 at 1:32 AM, Cinnebuns said:

animal to be a therapy animal and take it to nursing homes

I hope you do this!  My BFF has dementia and is confined to a nursing home.  I have her tiny dog Zack, and take him along to see her most weeks.  Reaction to him by the patients is sweet.  He loves it as he gets many pets and coos.  So many " My dog" stories.  Zack loves brightening days for folks. One other thought...locally there is a Special Olympic equestrian team that has volunteers.  Maybe check in your area?

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On 2/23/2024 at 8:37 PM, Pepere said:

people build swimming pools in their backyard that use no chlorine and such

My friend has a summer home in Florida. She actually did this.  She has turned it into a beautiful breeding pool for both plants and fish.  It is amazing!

An auto water change system is my big bucket list item.  As I get older the work gets harder.   I do use pumps it is still requiring more physical effort on my part than I’m eventually going to be able to handle.  Both of my fish rooms are converted second floor bedrooms so I’m not certain it will ever be possible. I also have ZERO plumbing skills.  


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On 2/24/2024 at 6:11 AM, Guppysnail said:

I also have ZERO plumbing skills.  

Between PVC pipe and Pex plumbing, plumbing has become downright civilized…. Quick, easy, and forgiving compared to plumbing of my youth… no torches needed, no pounding in oakum and pouring molten lead using Asbestos sleeves, no having to thread pipe and allow for offsets and insertion losses…

A few hundred dollars in tools will serve you well…


And the internet can easily bring you up to speed….

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I have a fish bucket list:

- Shell dwellers (Multies)

- Mouth brooding bettas

- Aphyosemion striatum

- Aphyosemion Australe

- Blue Gularis Killifish

- Pea puffers

- Pygmy Sunfish

- Nothobranchius Rachovii

- Nothobranchius Ruudwildkampi

- Pelvicachromis taeniatus Nigerian red

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Fun thread @Cinnebuns

If I have a one bucket list is to keep spawn raise and document it all for my current species. I have written for amazonas the one time I would like to continue that and get into other hobby magazines eventually. Earning my master breeder award is secondary to that......but when I think of it I view each project as its own and im always learning something or discovering a new bucket list item to add 🙂 :


******** Bucket 1 ********

Spawned not yet viable eggs for raising

Target puffer [Pao leiurus]

"Not Abe's puffer":) [Pao ?] Unk Sp. ID

Bucket goals: raise 2+ generations and write about them. Compare their processes to my mekong river puffers [P. cf palustris]


 ******** Bucket 2 ********

Spawned raised but improving my skills

Spotted congo puffers [T.schoutedeni]

Bucket goals: raise 100 fry to 1/2" // improve my paramecium and copepod ranching skills up here


******** Bucket 3 ********

Conditioning and learning their behaviors

Bucket goals: spawn and raise raise 2 generations and write about them as compared to the other puffers here. 

Abe's puffer [Pao abei]

Cross River Puffer [Tetraodon pustulatus]


******** Bucket 4 ********

Conditioning and learning their behaviors

Bucket Goals:spawn and report on the differences and similarities between my C.regani fry a few years ago

Dwarf Pike [Crenicichla notophthalmus]


******** Bucket 5 ********

Conditioning and learning their behaviors

Bucket Goals: Spawn and raise them. Document the process and report on the process

African Dwarf Freshwater Pipefish [Enneacampus ansorgii]


******** Bucket 6 *******

Everything else

Find and work with Duboisi puffers

Figure out good reliable puffer foods for me that allows each species to  wear down their teeth as needed and keep up general health

Determine for myself which puffer species do well as a  colony and which do well as a divided tank. 

Find new challenging species to enjoy

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I have a bucket list and unfortunately a vary tight budget.

A newer open floorplan home where the fish and family rooms were in the same room.  I have the space for a large basement fishroom, but I don't live in the basement.

matching aquarium sizes and stands.

An intentionally aquascaped tank or three

A reliable sand fall

Fish Cam on all of the tanks.


large schools of_____________________ and ____________________

different varieties of larger non plant eating fish 

True Comprehension of:

  • How to balance an aquarium.
  • Why the various wonder weeds won't grow in my planted community aquarium, but will grow in the no tech/almost no maintenance tank
  • Why the 5 yr. old Anubia is still the size of a quarter, and the 3rd generation plant is 6" tall in the same tank
  • why any of my easy plants neither grow nor die


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Well… I’ll give it a go! (some of these are only in my dreams  I know!)

1) Fish room, so I can…

2) create a Florida Biotope tank

3) Breed something… ANYTHING. Fill my own tank with fish that bred.

4) try saltwater tank

5) keep a Boesemani Rainbow tank

6) keep a massive school of Cardinal Tetra


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I recently made some small upgrades to my tanks, and I’m super stoked with where they’re at. Literally just a couple stainless steel check valves and I’ll have everything where I want it. I’ve spent the last 4 years getting to this point, and it feels good. 

When I think about the future and things I want to do, it would require buying a home. When that happens I want:

-Fish room in the basement for breeding. Breeding is super fun and I like the challenge, but I just don’t have the space to breed more than I already do. An unfinished basement could solve all of that, though!

-Auto water change on that fish room would be incredible. In a perfect world, I would be able to collect some of that discard water for house plants and other plants.

-I also want several larger display tanks around the house. I imagine a couple 75’s, and a couple 125’s. All with CO2 and more scaped than what I currently have. I enjoy my tanks, but I envision some more elaborate setups. Right now I have 14 tanks all on manual everything, so toning 14 tanks down to 4 or 5 would allow me to spend more time with each one. Auto water change on the fish room would help provide more time with these true display tanks, too. 

One day it’ll happen! Don’t forget to enjoy the things and tanks you have now while you pursue the tanks of your dreams!

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1. Keep and breed Chili Rasboras!😍

2. Balance my dang 10g with a Betta and have a jungle of plants in there🐠🌱

3. Set up a 20 long with a sort of “corner” scape where the plants are most heavy in one corner and fade off toward the next corner

4. Set up an outdoor mini pond and breed medaka rice fish, WCMM or something else in it!

5. Figure out how to grow PSO. I love it so much but I struggle terribly to keep it alive 😞

6. Have a 5g desk tank with high light plants, a cool scape and maybe some shrimps.

7. Maybe someday keep some sort of puffer. I feel like they’re aquatic dogs lol


this thread is great! It’s so fun to see what others in the hobby are dreaming of!😂

Edited by EricksonAquatics
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