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Is there a Fish Education Week?


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Has anyone created a fish education week? I would love to have an excuse to post things like “goldfish DO grow past the size of their tank” and “bettas need at least 5 gallons and a heater” on my social media. I could just post it on my own, but if I can say, “It’s fish education week!” I would seem less snobby. XD

If there isn’t one, maybe @Cory and @Chrissy and the other fishtubers can choose one?

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Through a quick skimming of the forum, I did not find one. However, every time there is a livestream, Cory answers all sorts of fish-related questions, does a bit of fishy mythbusting, and brings up fantastic new topics.

Perhaps you could comb through the forum and respond to old posts about topics that match the bit of information you wish to share. In one search function, "sort by recently updated," it would drive that post to the top of the list. I think it would be good to have a lengthy discussion attached to an older post.

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This is a great idea! I would imagine it may take a while to actually implement it.

Also, there are fishkeepers on this forum with 20x more experience than myself, I would love for them to teach and I think we would all benefit more from that! 🤣 I'm still quite the novice myself with a lot to learn.

Have you guys checked out https://www.youtube.com/user/CorvusOscen

He's a wealth of knowledge and his fish tanks are way out of my league!

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I’m glad you like the idea! It could start out very small. Honestly you all do so much teaching all the time, my thought was that it would be a week where you tell *us* to go out and educate people, rather than doing any different/special teaching yourselves. 😄

That looks like a great channel. I’ll definitely check it out!

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22 hours ago, GardenStateGoldfish said:

There is shark week which I love, but in my opinion every week should be fish education week, the internet does not have enough content I need more rabbit hole to fall into.

Me too. My hubby says I have a problem. I stay up late (even on work nights) watching videos and reading up on aquariums, plants, fish. 

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57 minutes ago, Cole said:

Would be a cool thing to even start in the forum here pick a time span and do like a species spot light per week kind of thing. 

Reminds me a bit of Rachel O'Leary's species spotlights! I need to go watch those again.

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11 minutes ago, ange said:

Reminds me a bit of Rachel O'Leary's species spotlights! I need to go watch those again.

Exactly like that! Would be easy to do could do polls to see what one is next kind of thing. Would be very interactive and a good learning opportunity 

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15 minutes ago, StaceyTNBCkicker said:

Me too. My hubby says I have a problem. I stay up late (even on work nights) watching videos and reading up on aquariums, plants, fish. 

Haha yeah at first my wife used to tell me to stop watching videos before bed but every night I put on a fish related video, rarely a plant one just trying to find out whst plants can grow in just water aka for my fishtank (like a pothos) cory needs to start a network for 24/7 videos because he isn't busy enough (just kidding! He's a busy guy)

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